RE: My Brother, the Marine

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My Brother, the Marine

in life •  7 years ago 

It's a risk I'm glad you took. Most of my emotional trauma comes to the surface in the face of genuinely well-intentioned people saying the sort of things said both in, and in response to, this post. (And I truly know you all mean well). I was actually surprised to find myself trembling and a bit queasy in my stomach to read so many people being so thoroughly mislead toward purely evil endeavors, and feeling overwhelmed/hopeless to convince anyone otherwise.

If I could imagine an appropriately similar scenario, it might be likened to a formerly battered woman sitting in a room full of actively battered women who are all talking about how great their husbands are... meanwhile I'm having panic attacks in the corner stressing about the fact that I can't stop any of them from going home that night...

So again, I really mean it man. People willing to say what you said are the ones doing right by the troops and veterans. We need your courage more than you know. A pack animal standing up for truth in the face of probable rejection by the rest of the pack is the bravest creature I know. So how about this for a change:

Thank you for your service.

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I see your point , the silence on here is at least awkward .

I wouldn't characterize a man who trains a guy with down's syndrome as greedy and selfish.

Is an answer from someone that did not read properly ?
Or a good try to demonize me ?

Well i hope that at least i made him think , find some answers to my questions .
I really do not need his answers , i think i already have them .
So him not reacting is to me his own loss .
I try to seed some other world view , if i don't it will never have a chance to grow. I am aware that it has no use for this and upcoming generations , i just keep that precious seed alive ( luckily with many others ) for a far away future , and yes it was called dreamland by Bob Marley , but i have the right to have that dream ;-) .

Howe i now i must be right ? i don't , i was born this way .
All the changes that came where not understood by me due to a medical condition at birth . By the time they fixed it i already stood in the Sun . From then on only (13) i started to understand the shadows and lights on the wall that they showed me . Asking questions about it no one could answer ;-) Plato .

I serve humanity and peace , we all matter . Thank you , your welcome
Stay strong , today is a gift , that's why we call it the present .
Think big but enjoy the little things ;-) .