I Don't Trust Someone Who Wants To Rule Over Others

in life •  8 years ago 

I don't trust an individual who craves a position of authority and power over other human beings. I think that decent people don't crave such positions, I think that they would rather serve their fellow human beings than boss them around and tell them how to live their lives.

I don't believe that the current political system just needs to have a few chairs shuffled around in order to fix the problem. I believe the entire system is rotten to its very core, and that is why I don't think that changing faces every few years is going to make any drastic improvements. In the way of debt and war, things seem to always continue to be getting worse.

Most importantly, the current system isn't founded upon consent, it is founded upon force.

We are continually let down and fed empty political promises and nothing of significance really changes in the way of decreasing the human suffering that goes on. People still continue to be harassed and arrested over a plant, they are sent to engage in unjust wars, they are sent to prison just for withdrawing their own money from their own bank account (structuring), or growing too much food on their front lawn, and so on. Within our "justice system" we have seen that a man will get decades behind bars for a nonviolent crime, meanwhile we see rapists will go free. And yet we are supposed to carry on as if our society is somehow civilized, and people are given weird looks if they ever dare to question the need for the continually corrupt ruling class.

Would a decent person want to force their way of life onto others or would they try to get the other person to voluntary subscribe to their ideals? I know that there is the common statist argument that these all wise-and-knowing leaders are supposed to be there to guide us in the right direction because “they know best” apparently for the rest of us, but do they really? I have noticed that these crooks can't even balance a budget effectively, nor do they seem to be aware of (or eager to do anything about) the blatant counterfeiting and fraud that exists within the underlying system around them.

Are they fools or are they just corrupt liars who are too self-involved to know or do any better?

What do you think -- do we just need to "get the right people in charge" and then everything will be fixed? Or could we possibly be evolved enough to go about doing things in a voluntary manner?

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It is the guns that are the problem. Throw away the guns... Then we can talk !

Haha. As soon as the government gets rid of innocent people's guns their plan will be complete. We'll be completely enslaved, bossed around by the UN thugs infiltrating our country.

I did not mean the right to bear arms for selfdefence. I meant having a state with monopoly on force to extract ressources from the population

Yea cause innocent people who throw there guns away will be the ones bring shot at, at the ones that didnt. Cause theres no "illigal" drugs out there either goverment said throw that away and society found a way.

Me too!