Sunset Cactus Nectar Fest

in life •  8 years ago 

This cactus started blooming the other night.

It only blooms at night. During the day the flowers close right back up.

One evening just before sunset I heard a buzzing from around the cactus.

Turns out bees were getting in an evening snack from the nectar and pollen in these cactus flowers.

Bees only leave the hive during the day - so they won't be around when these flowers are fully open. But as the sun sets, the flowers start to open and the bees smell the nectar inside.  So they climb through the opening and eat up before heading off to bed!

As the steward of three beehives, seeing this was incredibly exciting!


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Beautiful flowers. Do they smell good? Where where these pictures taken?

they have a light aroma. this cactus is at my home in northern CA!