The Wrong Way To Help The Needy.

in life •  4 years ago 


Growing up as a child, I was made to understand that the act of "giving" is a way of showing love and kindness to others and especially to those in need.

There are so many organizations as well as individuals around the world who have set up a committee or body in order to cater and feed the poor, less privileged, orphans, disaster survivors and so on, and these organizations, are doing a very great job in helping those in dire need for this assistance.

So many people as well as myself has personally taken it upon themselves to give a helping hand to others in need, because it is the right thing to do, but it's quite alarming nowadays, that most people purposely just do good to others for the sake of publicity, some purposely give a beggar a very small gift and yet ask another person to take a photo of him/her and the beggar then afterwards upload on social media platforms to either brag about it or just to show off.


If ones aim for giving the needy is just for the purpose of show-off, then it's worthless giving in the first place, giving as I earlier stated, is an act of showing love, being generous or meeting others needs, and it doesn't have to be publicised or broadcasted, because at that it becomes "giving for the wrong reasons".

Give generously and wholeheartedly, without any form of a biased mind or without the intent to publicise because this attract more blessings, in much ways than anyone can imagine.

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