
in life •  8 years ago 

Recently I read a post about change and it really struck home for me and made me think. After thinking about this for a few days I realised a couple of things that I desperately needed to change.

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I change a few months ago, my whole attitude towards steemit had changed. Before I was super involved and optimistic about steemit and loved curating and reading posts. Looking and who I am now I don't see the real me, I had changed and I stopped curating and doing the things I liked, I stopped reading posts and had a bot upvote them for me.

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Looking back at it all and why this changed happened, well it was linked to my daily gems which had a lot of criticism on some good and some really bad. The bad criticism made me really unhappy and eventually I stopped doing my daily pick of hidden gems. I moved over to curating in Curie, by submitting posts. It wasn't the same and things just got worse and worse as time went by. I sunk deeper and deeper into despair, and even got to the stage where I stopped posting.

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This week is when I just decided to got to the new section of steemit and my eye was drawn to a post about change, I hesitated at first but opened it and started to read. My heart started to melt as each work pierced it. I knew right then that I will change and that I needed to change.

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I have learnt it is easy to slip into a cycle of bad change as it doesn't take much effort, but to change for the better is where we really see who we are and how badly we really want something. To make change even harder is we learn who we are and for some the true them scares them.

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Felt something similar the last month or so, had stop posting and with that had stopped reading much. One thing that got on top of me was the pressure I put on myself to post every couple of days. When I missed one it was easy to miss the next and so on, as the schedule was broke anyway.

Now I am back I my plan is just to post whenever with no plan for regular posts.

I want to at least post once a day again and do some curation and read through as many interesting posts as I can like I did before. I really miss it, mostly the part or interacting with people and sharing experiences and having fun

Here is to the change!

By the way - nothing is personal. Bad comments are not to be taken personally. They reflect the commenter and not you.

I miss your posts!

Your post was upvoted, resteemed and featured on Steemit Appreciation Friday No. 10 - thank you for contributing to the community.

Yes I had to learn that the long and hard way, but now I know how to deal with bad comments and salty sad people. Thank you for your kind words and guidance

You are welcome. My guidance is lately (last years, that is) guided by the teachings of William Glasser:

It all applies to us and it is true. When you are aware of these ten axioms and what they represent your life actually gets easier. You don't care less - you care more but worry less :)

Recently i have stopped worrying about almost everything, if I cannot control or change the problem I just don't worry about is, why should I stress about something I can't change? That's how I see it anyway.

Exactly. Remember - everything that you can really change is you and the situation that you control. You can't change others. You can only politely provide information. It is the choice of others what to do with this information. Again, nothing is personal.

Another important thing in life is that all frustrations / disappointments come from the gap between your expectations and the reality. Learn to temper your expectations towards others :) It's an art.

Have a great weekend.

Thank you for all your wise words, Hope you also have a great weekend!

i like your words ervin-lemark, im following you! 👍

Thank you. Following you back.

I went through a similar change! I think it's important for all of us to come back and post again.

Well I am really glad to see you are still here. Nice to see that not all the older steemians have left :)

There are so many ways to interact with the Steemchain already and so many complex benefits and costs that it's so easy to get lost in all the competing noise as we all get used to it and figure some of it out. I wouldn't be very surprised if every single Steemian had not felt down or angry or frustrated at on point or another....I know I have. The magic is that deep down, we can all feel the integrity in this new network and it keeps drawing us back in! :) We all need to keep changing and keep positive.

I am definitely sure that many have felt some sort of negative feelings at some stage towards steemit, especially at the start of it all right after 4th July. I agree with you that there is something that brings us back, it could be a person a post or even a friendly I miss you from someone in . We might not know anyone personally but the relationship built between everyone is real and hard to break.


Lol at that meme ))
Very sincere post!

It is my favourite meme

Funny one more tierd from bots ? Yestarday was one of the hapiest day for me sins long time here on steemit. For the very first time i got more views than upvotes ( some bot issue ) . Even a bad critik is welcome if you ask me the ignorance is wors . Hope more people start to realy engage in here we need real people not bots ...

I do believe once we get enough people on here or the system changes we will have a lot more people being actively involved in commenting and viewing posts. This will make the posts more valuable when the post can be an influence in someone else's life .

Just like that baby, we all have the power to change our dirty, messy ways...!