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Happy Easter to you too @drakos !
As for the April Fools prank ...

Happy Easter! You are a kind person and do good deeds.
Today I sent a gift to all my friends on steemit - my author's drawing with candles. I do not know if I can post links here

I wish you a happy Easter dear
You are like me here and really thank you for submitting the best information
The code is wonderful you will try
Each year and you are fine
تنزيل (2).jpg

Lol, I was pranked lots of times yesterday.
But, this is even more hilarious.

Happy Easter @Drakos .... and I very much appreciate all your upvotes on my Artwork. It is a big help.

Keep it up, I appreciate your art because I'm an (amateur) artist myself.

Thanks... I consider myself an amateur also. Just a part time hobby. I could never make much money from my artwork unti Steemit.

Happy Easter for you my dear friend @drakos 🎊🎉🎁

Christ is risen! Happy easter!

Happy Easter to you too :D.

Sweety Bunny.png

Wishing you the very best @drakosimages(1).jpg

yes, yesterday I saw two articles that talked about the joke of the floating fish .. good joke for the users ..

I have written alot up here ...what do you see up here...
I see i m fooling you
Happy april fool

If i witness you what will i i being

I allow you on my ship so we can roam the oceans and plunder the islands. Yarghhhh!

realy great post.good job.


I support your witness project.. More strength to you..

Sweet :)

Happy easter @drakos! Hope you had a nice weekend ☺️

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Happy Easter! :)

Happy Easter @drakos, Hope you had a wonderful time spent on Easter :-)

It's not happy anymore, now that grumpycunt decided to flag this holiday wish post. I'm angry.


You are bullied by @grumpycat on your post, but protected by all members of The Resistance.
Thank you for being in The Resistance.

@GrumpyCat, to your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance

i want to bring witness to my d 0 w/(h) e (a)d

Thanks for being such a useful witness, I've included you in this post and I hope that you will do much more for steemit. ☺