There are so many people focused on lies and liars and dangers untold or envisioned for generations. I was born in the year the Jehovah's Witnesses said the Earth would die (the first time). How many religions believe in the end times? Or promote it to keep them on their path, living in fear of their souls?
My parents were preppers... they both lived through the depression. I knew they were crazy... disposing of the cans of gas in the back shed was one of our last acts when they passed. The deep freezer full of food, the walk in pantry with canned goods. The garden full of vegetables, some my dad would pickle. All good practices for when the infrastructure collapses. But during my youth, it was all good. You could depend on local suppliers, and the weather never really got out of hand so much that we lacked for anything. Maybe one or two nights without power in my entire life when we had to burn wood in the fireplace to keep warm, and use candles to see by. How long will it take to get food when the supply line from Chile breaks down? Did you know they rioted in Britain last year when the supply of Nutella failed?
Now, what would you say if I told you that government sanctioned science is conflicted. There are those in the global warming camp, and others in the coming ice age camp. One says coastal flooding, the other says global destruction.
Prior to global warming, ice age was the prediction. Leonard Nimoy narrated a documentary talking about the telltale glaciers that were growing, as they signalled the coming age. This was in the 70's. Then in the '90's ice core data confirmed we were nearing the end of a warm period between two very long ice age periods, something that has been recorded for almost 800,000 years.
Today we have lake mud confirmation with pollen counts, ocean floor cores going back millions of years, land cores also millions and the ice cores of Antarctica and Greenland. They all point to history. But a few years ago the link to the Sun was made and the grand solar minimum we are now in is exactly like the ones that destroyed civilizations throughout history, around the globe. And the changes have been linked to solar system cycles. By actually looking at the system dynamics from an electrical perspective, causation is becoming clear, not just correlation. It's clear man is not responsible. It's how the planet responds to changes in the solar system. We live in an electric universe and are electric citizens. This is important because the resolution in the dating of change periods is not very precise. The most precise metrics, the pollen layers say 20 years. But electric effects can be faster. Flash frozen mastodons indicate freezing by plasma strike.
Dad was just a generation early. We need to prep. Our infrastructure will not survive; it's science, not fear talking. In fact, our infrastructure might just kill us all.
Thirty years ago global warming took over. In retrospect it was presented in a very emotional way, claiming scientific proof and making predictions of devastating heat. None of those predictions have happened. They actually turned off the AC and presented on the hottest day of the year so congress would feel the effect. Today, on multiple occasions GW promoters have been caught using faulty data, corrupting data, presenting meaningless information, and politicizing the reports by choosing brackets that change cooling trends to appear to be warming trends. The oceans actually stopped rising three years ago and will be declining with the continued slide into an ice age. It turns out the brief warming period we just had is the Earth's way of giving us a chance to prep for the long cold that is coming. It was by no means the hottest on record. Why? Money. The world agreed to tax everyone, and the money is flowing. Everyone wants a piece. Most people think its OK because it addresses pollution too. But, if we're going into an ice age, watching the global warming stage show means death by ice while you sit in the mezzanine.
You need to know the truth, and judge for yourself. Its your life. Take control. We need you.
This video will point you to some sources that I respect. Individual preppers will not survive if we just do the prepping my Dad did. The science tells us the threats are more extreme, and modern science has no fix.
Yep, for 118 years science has served the economy, not truth. There is no solution, no fix, no way of protecting you from what's coming according to accredited science. They know the problems that are coming, but they just shrug. Their comment when they point to the critical issue: "It will be interesting to see what happens." Mass death and dying in your neighborhood is not an interesting experience I'd like to witness.
It's a long shot, the fix I have, but it has integrity. It is based on proven performance. We still need to develop the specific application. And time is short.
But let's not jump to the end. Get into the current science. See the video, watch and learn from the YT channels referenced. Dig into the scientific reports that are referenced. Convince yourself, I did.
Good luck. LLAP, Peace, DrB