RE: The Breaking Point

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The Breaking Point

in life •  8 years ago 

If there's one thing we need more of, it's stories of struggle rather than seemingly undeserved success. When my parents split, my father ended up moving from a mansion which he owned outright to a caravan, unable to see his kids due to false allegations. One of his friends came around, casually looked around the caravan and said "you've got a television. Check. You've got a fridge full of beer. Check. A roof over your head? Check. What more could you bloody well ask for mate!".

You've got a loving wife... and a roof over your head. Your ability to appreciate and acknowledge that will tide you over. I was reading through you article and waiting for the news of poor health, but it seems you've evaded that for now so you're laughing!

You've still got access to electricity, clean water, computer, porn (;P), food.. you beauty!

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My point exactly! Why focus on all the negatives, that will destroy anyone. Yep! That's all anyone needs! I have been fortunate to avoid any major set backs with my health, just the general aches and pains that comes with age, but that just lets us know we're still living. :) Thanks for the comment!