Our Trip To The Statue of Liberty!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I finally got to see one of the worlds most famous statues!

So, actually...This is just a mini Statue of Liberty that has found it's home on the shore of Lake Pend Oreille in Sandpoint, Idaho. But good click bait, right? It looks/feels like spring may have finally sprung here, since today was 60s and clear blue skies. The first place we went was for a walk around City Beach. The lake is down quite a bit because they lower it for winter, but it should be coming back up soon.


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On the way to where our destination was, we came upon a place called Garfield Bay which is on the shore of the same lake. It was so pretty, they had all kinds of picnic tables and a whole lot of shore line to chill out on after you go for a swim. We will definitely be coming back here.


After that we headed over to an area known as "Mineral Point". This is a series of hiking trails through the mountains that has some beautiful overlooks. One of my favorite parts besides the overlooks was the beaten path we drove on heading to the trail head, haha. We didn't walk long, just long enough to come to the first overlook since we were not planning on taking a long hike today. What we saw was beautiful though, and we're planning on going for a hike next week! We're excited we have now found 2 more fun places to camp this summer!



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this statue of liberty looking so nice

Good luck baby

lol u got me, I thought its the real statue ob liberty for a sec.


Very beautiful place. Your journey will be fun. And I see the lake is very nice. We also have the same thing here in Aceh that is Lut Tawar lake, maybe if you have chance you can visit it 😊

Thanks! That would be fun!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is amazingly beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

P. S: hope you post stuff like this often... Following your blog. Maybe we see the real deal, next? Lol


Hey, never know! That'd be awesome, haha.

Haha. Cheers

looks original statue of liberty
