Over-writing my casual sexism - for my daughter

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


I have tried really hard over the years - even before the birth of my daughter - to confront the prejudices I grew up with as a child. White. Middle-class. Man. Yep the world owes us big time (sarcasm). I hate that so many of us literally think rich is better than poor. Men are better than women. And white is best of all.

Such. Utter. Crap.

My honours thesis in the mid 90s testifies to my ongoing work to unlearn it all.

But nothing sharpens the mind, and the drive for change, like having a child. A daughter.

I have been sharing my love of music with Ms 8 since, well, forever for her. And the other day, we were having a great time listening to some of my favourite songs, when she told me to put Blondie on. When I asked why she said told me there hadn't been enough women in the bands we'd been listening to.

Blondie it is - and yes I have pretty much the entire collection and we listen to it all the time.

But it got me thinking about balancing out my collection a bit. So more women for my collection - and there are so many cool women in the music world.

So here's a few I'm adding to my list:

  • Blondie
  • Debbie Harry
  • Divinyls
  • B52s
  • Clouds
  • Pretenders
  • Sinead O'Connor
  • Cranberries
  • Joan Jett
  • En Vogue

So I understand that while seriously cool, my taste in music could be a little more up to date. So please, please tell me who are today's really awesome women in rock.

✨ 👽 ✨

Picture courtesy of pixabay.com



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


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Check out

Alex Leahy
Valis Alps
Tash Sultana
Ruby Fields

All of the above are Australian plus also worth a look are

Gang of youths

The list is endless! Not all rock but all worth a listen in my opinion!! Hopefully there is something in there you like.

This is a personal fave:

Mate - awesome, thanks!

Yep. She rocks. That's really great. Thanks.

And wow. Tash Sultana.

As a fellow white, middle class man I can fully empathise.
Living in the 21st century has pointed out the racism and sexism that I absorbed unwittingly in my earlier years.
I often wonder what other prejudices I am still burdened with that the culture of, say, the 2020's will point out to me.

The point is, I suppose, to be constantly reassessing our attitudes and realigning them in a better, more modern direction.

Exactly :-)
Love your thinking!

Hey Chris
I see you're new. Welcome aboard!

Thanks. I must knock up an 'introduceyourself' when I can come up with something that others might want to read :-)

I suggest you ARCH ENEMY from death metal world :)

Wow. Cool.

Great Post and I fully agree about getting your daughter interested in female singers. Unfortunately I do not listen to rock but I can direct you to a few Pop / Hip Hop women that are really powerful. I would recommend to you Beyoncé Ariana Grande and of course the Queen Bee Beyoncé. Also try Sia she is fantastic. All the best to you.

I'll give them a listen - Thanks!!!

Wow !!
Nice writing skill..@drwom..
Keep it up...
We are always with you..
I am originally interested this type of writing...

Hey stunning write up..Bit sensitive talk..So I only read it .. no comments from my side ;)

I am introducing myself in my first post in a bit..You wanted to see my posts ;) Do give me your feedback :)

You know it. 👍

It's up...Do check :)

Great post! Congrats!

Thank you means a lot .. i was actually waiting fr it

I really agree with your post, there is no difference between fellow human skin color should not distinguish our status in this life, the rich and the poor still get the same rights in everything. the difference of one's thinking is very frequent but a little more realistic in facing this world is needed so that the differences of caste do not occur in society.

Hmmm...I see the sense in your logic.
Balance is very important, especially in teaching the next generation. The last thing we'd want is for them to make the same mistakes we did outta ignorance.

I'd personally decided to just open up my kids to all information, never pushing them to take any decisions. So, in religion, art, science, commerce, sports, life, everything; they'll be so exposed that UV radiation will have nothing on them 😂😂😆

Thanks for sharing this sire.

i like you and your post always keep sharing keep caring keep loving.

Thanks for the feedback 🌞

As we are belong to middle class if we want that our child move to high class we will primt him to think and struggle indepent we should not bound him.Then we can hope.

Or her :-)

The world needs more of your kind of introspection leading to genuine proactive change. It always starts with one… the one looking back from the mirror.

Actually, I was just looking at an NPR report on songs addressing the #MeToo movement. I’m not sure many of them are appropriate for a child. But, they are certainly something deniers need to be hearing – and those deniers need to take note of how long content we’ve been talking about this issue without being heard. The list pulls pieces back to 1979. The truth is, these kinds of songs and writings have been part of human artistic expression for millennia. Just for example, who hasn’t studied the “Rape of the Sabine Women” in art history?

Here’s the link to that article: https://www.npr.org/sections/allsongs/2017/10/17/558098166/songs-that-say-me-too

Brilliant, thanks
And she's young, but she's a feminist 😁

I like your post. Promoting the talent of women👍

Nice post❤️

Well it show that even how little she might be ,she still understand that things needs to be balanced . Even between the male and female musicians. Well based on your question I think the number of female in rock music. Most are
Tash Sultana

Thanks obest!

Ms 8 loves Tash Sultana - I introduced her to that thatnks to the above post by @aghunter. But I'll check out Montaigne 👍

Yea, all nice and modern, so that your daughter feels good about you - but then, one day she will need dad (the old-fashioned dad) and I wonder, will you have kept enough of him, for her?