What local refinery did to our community

in life •  7 years ago 

This is Niger delta of Nigeria. Rich in oil and liquefied gas. As a photographer I stumbled into this piece while sharing with world what oil sabotagelitehuz multimedia oil spillage exhibition contest6.jpg and local refinery looks like. At a point I was praying let no spark of fire come from my gadgets.
I saw one of the guys that has spent 12years on this businesslitehuz multimedia oil spillage exhibition contest7.jpg
I had to come closer to take this shot. How refined is this substance? And they said purely separated from gasoline to kerosenelitehuz multimedia oil spillage exhibition contest5.jpg litehuz multimedia oil spillage exhibition contest 3.jpglitehuz multimedia oil spillage exhibition contest 1.jpg

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The pictures are clean and clear. Oil is power... 12 years is big. The man should had got better devices by now. Poverty is a disaster

Aptly said!