STRENGTH OF A WOMAN(the strong woman)

in life •  7 years ago 

IMG_20180119_234616_194.jpgHi steemains, I will be talking about the strong woman. Every woman out there are beautifully made and don't you underestimate the strength of a woman, Every strong woman out there think like a man and act like a woman. These are what it means to be a strong woman IMG_20180119_234716_482.jpg
SHE IS CONFIDENT AND HUMBLE she is confident But I think the best way to describe a woman’s strength is a sense of ‘confident humility,’ paired with faith and passion
SHE IS GOAL SETTER IMG_20180119_234629_700.jpg
A strong woman is always hardworking and believe in what is doing, she never feels intimidated by others instead she work hard and other ladies get jealous of her
A strong woman loves and she never stop loving because that's how they made, she's always cares for others IMG_20180119_234643_468.jpg
She doesn’t let the cattiness of other women bring her down. She has the utmost respect for herself and what she believes in
A strong woman is fighter, she fights against expectations,she knows who she is, she is independent,God fearing, she follow her own path and she doesn't let others defines her, strong woman are always hard to come by ..... Thanks for reading

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Absolutely stunning, much love 🦄

Thank you

The most common opinion that a strong woman is one that needs no help from men. She is confident, independent, and often more financial independent. This lady does not panic in stressful situations and is easy to find a way out of this circumstances.

Well said thank you