{18+} Once again kristian's new nude pics. {18+}

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)


hello, after long day post some nude pics.

I just need money, im not happy with steemit.

dont know what i have to do now.

before some day @craig-grant (sweet babe) donate me some STEEM.

if you Rich and want to donate me STEEM or SBD, just do it without any thinking....lol

UPvote and follow me for more......


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the tittle is ''once'' not ''ones'' pls do the the correction

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

upvoted and follow, look you are a beautiful woman great body. But i don't think steemit is a place for nudity, i mean it is a place of freedom, you can post whatever you want and it doesn't sensor anything, i also felt the same as you not getting anything for my blog posts but when i started typing a few stories with picture then it made money, you can check my page and see which one made decent money and which didn't, the basic thing is you have to have good content and post frequently. I hope that helps. I mean you obviously in the adult/erotic industry so I'm sure you have a lot of stories to tell, type in a few words for the day and add your nude picture to it, change it up a bit. I'm just trying to give some advise and seeing the positive side of things. Donated 10 steem

The Internet is the best place for nudity, and steemit is on the Internet, better than being on the street

agreed with what you've said but i don't think these post are making money as i see the suicide girls post and they are great nudity but also no money, so maybe if they wrote a few lines and make it the story of the day and add the nude picture then i think it would help.

I'm not thinking about the money, I am just enjoying the pics, and I can send her some money when I get some later from my power down

lol, yea pics are great, enjoy.

Hey Kristian, have you shared a photo of yourself with a piece of paper with "Steemit" and the date on it? Verification can boost voter's confidence that you're for real.

oh man, dont bust my bubble, I'm ok if she not real, I am willing to let he/she slide, amateur sexy pics are the best, but yes, she would do allot better with rewards if she provided verification


YOU need put ( nsfw ) meaning " not safe for work " in your headline ! You will get hit by cheetah or steem cleaners with a warning 😊just wzrning you to edit that in thanks !👍