I might Just As Well Live In The Twilight Zone

in life •  6 years ago 

Fantasy, science fiction, suspense, unexpected twists, the macabre, psychological thrillers; they make my days interesting, to say the least. It’s the real Twilight Zone.

Two years after the election of President Trump there are still those who support a 2020 run of their cheated-darling Hillary Clinton. Not only she’s is no physical state to even consider running, but her delusional mind has all those crying liberals cheering. If that is not fantasy, I don’t know what fantasy is. It is the epitome of fantasy!

The pundits would have you believe in global warming or climate change – call it as you wish. Science has already retracted their statements and climate change is a hoax, folks!
If evidence of polar ice growth and the coldest Thanksgiving ever still has you not convinced it is a hoax, then you are living in a world of science fiction.

It all started with Obama’s “ magic wand” statement referring to presidential candidate Donald Trump’s ability to revitalize the economy. We all held our breath on election night, didn’t we? Talk about suspense! Then the “magic wand” began its magic. So far, the rest is history.

Then came the historical meeting in Singapore between President Trump and North Korea Chairman Kim Jong Un who said “ I think the entire world is watching this moment. Many people in the world will think of this as a scene from a fantasy…science fiction movie.” As of this writing both North and South have reunited, the demilitarized zone cleaned up of mines with officers shaking hands and talking – something the MSM won’t show you - nuclear testing halted, US soldiers remains returned and hostages freed, and South Korean have finally been able to return to the North to visit family they have not seen in decades. We all applauded both sides and exhaled a big sigh of relief.

We couldn’t believe it. We just could not believe an electorate would be so dumb as to elect a very disingenuous socialist democrat like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Not only she cannot hold her own in an interview under the cameras – she even refused cameras at some - she makes statements that have us all cringe. Is this where the country is headed? Into a socialist government?

A Gallup report shows that fifty-seven percent of Democrats and 51 percent of young people have a positive view of socialism. The problem is, for the most part, they don’t even know what socialism is all about; they only know it’s free stuff! And who doesn’t like free stuff? Free education, free health insurance. Ocasio-Cortez said, “Under capitalism, man oppresses man. Under socialism, it’s the other way around.”

The other unexpected twist, bordering on the macabre, was the election of Minnesota’s pro Sharia, pro female genital mutilation, and anti Jewish Ilhan Omar and newly elected Michigan’s Palestinian-American Rashida Tlaib who, not only married her brother – talk about macabre - but didn’t even fly an American flag during her August 7th victory speech but wrapped herself in the Palestinian flag. These are the people we are sending to Congress: The Enemies Within. Americans be damned!

And, talking about Michigan’s macabre, on November 20th a judge in Detroit, U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman, declared female genital mutilation unconstitutional handing down a victory for the defendant, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala who performed many FGM on girls from Michigan and Minnesota. Victims broke their silence by calling this ruling “demonic.”

And if there is not enough of the demonic in FGM, then there is all the pedophilia and child trafficking worldwide involving celebrities and political leaders; the “pizzagate;” the burning and destroying of evidence here and abroad with complete disregard of innocent victims in their path.

If by now – almost two years into Donald J. Trump’s presidency – you have not made aware, let me illuminate you: Donald Trump is destroying the New World Order!

There is no greater psychological thriller than this. Business and political leaders worldwide have either resigned unexpectedly or “suicided;” the most recent being the Death of HHS Official Daniel Best – former CVSHealth & Pfizer Pharmaceuticals executive – whose death was ruled a suicide by “multiple blunt force injuries,” who had been chosen by President Trump to negotiate for lower drug prices.

And then there is “Q” dominating the daily thrillers with its exposé on the battle against the cabal worldwide. For your info, as of the end of October, there are already 61,000+ sealed indictments ready to be unsealed. Every single indictment can include up to 90 individuals. You do the math. Military tribunals are to begin on January 1, 2019 and Guantanamo Bay detention facility (GITMO) has seen a $500 million dollar renovation and additions. We’re ready, patriots!

Clinton, Comey, Loretta Lynch et al have all been subpoenaed to testify in December. Get your popcorn out; it’s going to be a thriller.

WE, THE PEOPLE have spoken! The hammer is falling and we are taking our Republic back! Thank you, God.

And…That’s The Way I See It.

© Gino Federici 2018

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