The Inevitability of Death

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Death is debt everyone owes. So many times we live as if we will live forever, never to die and leave everything and everyone we love behind.

Why did I decide to unmake our day with this topic? A truth we hate to remember or accept. Today, we resume fully our academic work. I stayed all the day doing the needful and adjusting to acclimatize the system after a long break. This evening, I returned home to have some rest. A gospel melody suddenly erupted at a very close distance, but the height of the fence could not allow me to see what was going on. This was happening around 6: 30pm. My wife and I were excited hearing such Christian melody and were contemplating what it could be because it was unusual. I quickly concluded that it must be a Christian crusade programme, reminding my wife of such that happened last year.
We went out to the corridor to get more of the effect of the sound. In course of doing that I kept myself busy by polishing my shoes against tomorrow work, while my wife stood akimbo watching me. At a time we joined in singing the songs we know. It was a moment of relaxation hearing awesome Christian songs at cool of evening.

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Suddenly the music stopped and a voice took over the air by saying,

" You are welcome to this service of songs".

I paused, for about 5 seconds, it was like cool water was poured on me. I lost my joy. The moment of excitement turned sour. I yell out,

" Song of service, someone has died".

My mood changed at the moment. What has happened to me? How can human emotions be altered in few seconds? Who has died? Do I know the person? Why so affected?

I have realised that human beings are one. What affected one has in one way or the other affected humanity. Man's origin is one, no matter how much we separate ourselves. We all source life from one God. We have so much similarities than dissimilarity.
I felt the pains the family of this deceased are into. I have been a victim. I know how it pains to lose loved ones. At the moment people are gathered, your attention is divided. Sooner or later, the crowd will disappear, and every man to his tent. At this time, the reality of life will come on you. It is a time of defeat.

My evening time is messed up. The moment of Joy has become moment of reflection.

  • What is life and why do we care so much about life?
  • What can we take out of this life?
  • How long can we live?
  • Why all these struggles?
  • Why do we live as if we can't die?

I remember my loved ones who had gone the world beyond. Then I saw the futility of life, of our struggles and of our quests. Life loses its taste the moment you know that it can come to an end at any time.

Solomon, the wisest king, said, "vanity upon vanity, all are vanity..."
That is exactly what life is.

What is the whole duty of man?

  • Ours is to recognise the Being that made man and all that were made.
  • To work hard but be contented with what we have.
  • To be moderate in all our dispositions.
  • To love and care for others.

Life is pretty short more than we can imagine. No one loves to think of that. It is not palatable thought or imagination. Every man wishes he lives forever, but God has made it so.
The consciousness of this inevitable end is brings us to our knees. We remember we are nothing unless we have God. We remember the futility of acquiring and accumulating wealth without touching life.

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Death is inevitable. The death of this unknown fellow whose service of song was ongoing at the writing of this article has reminded me again. And I wish to remind you too. Our own day shall come. It is just that we don't know when.
Ready at all time is key to a successful christian living.



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What is life and why do we care so much about life?
What can we take out of this life?
How long can we live?
Why all these struggles?
Why do we live as if we can't die?

Good questions to reflect upon @ebohio2008.

Service of songs for me is a time of sober reflections and adjustments.

Beautifully written. Although I am not a Christian, the sentiment expressed transcends religion

Noted dear. Thanks for commenting your take.

Well, to be honest, most don't. You don't really think about death until you get old, and even then you can't do anything about it. You just gotta accept that it will happen and do the best you can to enjoy the life/moment/whatever you have.

Everyone (including myself) have moments where it really hits you in the chest what it will mean when you die, but it passes and we just keep doing things like normal because we have no control over it.

You are right. Sometimes one wishes it is not true

People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer. Death is one of such. Nice article

Yesoooo. It is an issue that can't be fixed by man