14 Day Facebook Detox - Part 3: Whistleblowers - Are The People in Paralysis? Did we stop asking Questions?

in life •  8 years ago 


Whistleblowers. I love whistleblowers. Not that there are many of them. I remember when Edward Snowden stepped forward and spoke a few truths about things.. I’m not sure what surprised me more; the fact that people were actually surprised by these revelations, or that almost no one cared. If they did care they thought this man was doing the wrong thing. I mean we need our governments to spy on everyone so we can be safe right! Poor guy.. he must surely be totally bemused as to why, despite heroic bravery, the general public don’t really give a damn. The answer to me is somewhat clear. The very few people who have any space left in their minds for more stories are in a state of paralysis. This frozen state of being is understandable bearing in mind the ubiquitous fear driven messages given to us all. I mean don’t get me wrong, I KNOW there are plenty of crazy people hell bent on causing destruction and mass murder; but it seems to me that most of these people are the ones in power and not some mental patient or religious fanatic. And let’s be clear, nearly all the people who are mental patients or fanatics are a product of an insane and dark world that has made them that way. So what I’m saying is that the very people we actually need protecting from are the very people protecting us. 

That is why I love Google, because ultimately and in the long run that is what they are doing and indeed what they will do to greater lengths as this show goes on. I think a lot of people are under some kind of illusion that governments are there to protect the people. The first thing I ever learned in Politics A’Level is that Government is actually there to protect the State. The second thing I learned was that politics is about Power, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.  It’s so obvious to me, the awakened soul that I am, who travelled light years back in time to be here to witness this time, that government is utterly uninterested in looking after the people. How clear can it be? We don’t even come a close second; we’re not even on the list! Our only use is to buy things and pay taxes, that is our only value. If anyone doubted this, you really don’t have to look very far. Let’s look at the UK National Health Service shall we. In the UK we do have one, so that is great! The thing is, if you really look at the numbers you can quickly tell that our health is a feeble priority when compared to protecting state. It costs something in the region of 167 Billion pounds to manifest the new nuclear submarine called trident and keep it going. That doesn’t include the other billions to deal with nuclear waste for the next 10,000 years. The total defense budget that is declared stretches many times over the amount given to the NHS. That doesn’t include the many hidden projects that eat up several times more this amount. A few years ago it was disclosed that the USA secret government squandered 6 Trillion dollars on unaccountable projects that are so secret no one, not even the President, knows about them. This is the very tip of the iceberg. The point being, our Governors spend inconceivable amounts of money to protect the State and its boundaries, but virtually nothing in comparison to look after its citizens. Now, what puzzles me more is that people seem to think this is ok and don’t question it. These figures are not in dispute. SO what is going on. Why don’t people care about this? Why doesn’t something happen to change this? Why aren’t there more whistleblowers? Why don’t the people rise up already and do something? And there again , the answer is so sweetly obvious. 

I was in university in 1992 – 1996. One thing that sticks in my mind about that experience was a hypnotist show I saw. You’d think I'd remember more strongly something to do with studying, but no. This was one of the biggest lessons I think I could have taken with me from that experience. Now let’s be clear, there is no debate that hypnotists are able to do what they do, because it works. They are not playing tricks on us, using stooges, or prearranging anything. What this guy did on stage in front of our very eyes was quite revealing and disturbing. If you haven’t seen this on stage, then you may have seen it on TV where it is equally or even more disturbing. The ability of someone to utterly ruin someone’s perception of truth or reality is something not to miss! In the time it takes to make a cup of tea, we have someone seeing black as white, quite literally. We have an intelligent and sane person declaring that 2+2 =5 right there in front of our eyes. And what did it take to achieve that? Just a few suggestions and a prod. Now, take this knowledge, and think about a 24/7 barrage of ‘hypnotic’ suggestions coming in from all directions, from every angle. Think about the quality and quantity of messages we receive just from our media alone. How do we stand a chance? How can we expect anyone to overcome this total hypnotic reality? Well some do, and they go insane. Others do and they go religious, and some others do and go to sleep. Interestingly, that is the first and easiest thing for a hypnotist to do, to put you to sleep. 

That whole area is just one of many reasons I think people aren’t freaking out and doing something to make this world a better place.  The truth is we don’t even need hypnotists to delude us into their way of thinking. We do it ourselves, and we call it denial. Denial is one of the most powerful and little talked about things that we all do to some extent and in many ways. The ability of human kind to live in a state of perpetual denial is simply breathtaking. It covers an immense array of things well beyond the scope of noticing you’ve been turned into a slave of State. Simply denying the existence of God, to me, is the ultimate denial. 

The idea that you are happy with your life when in fact you’d long given up the hope or dream of being truly happy; somewhere around primary school age. Denial is the most destructive force that we do unto ourselves that I have come across. It may be some kind of survival instinct, to allow the mind to cope with conflicting realities and information. It may seem to serve people so that they can continue the life they have grown accustomed to. To be in denial that a spouse is cheating on you would be one great example that many can relate to. The list is endless and the effects are potent. We hypnotize ourselves 80% of the time, and the other 20% we leave it to others to do. 

So then there are the very tiny number of people who somehow broke free from their denial. They turned off their hypnotic inputs and they woke up. They actually took to the streets and did something. They stayed for days and weeks even, in some places. How wonderful. How unlikely. And what happened? Nothing happened. The majority looked and laughed. What silly conspiracy theorists, what deluded fools, don’t they know we need the  government to look after us, don’t they know they are protecting us. Meanwhile the people ‘protecting’ us took to the streets and took these awakened souls away. They shut them up with violence and oppression and locked them away and took away their voice. The rest of the people watched on oblivious to the actual message. It was just another news story on another day of the same life. It was just a tiny blip in the newsfeed of never-ending horror. 

So, who can we blame for all this? Who can we look to and say.. this is your fault!  Denial would say that it is our fault, and only ours. We love government because we can blame them for everything and ignore the rest of the stuff they do because otherwise we might have to take responsibility for our lives and beyond. Maybe that is the golden nugget here. People are downright miserable, and who wants to blame themselves for that!? Taking responsibility for giving up on your own inner dreams and desires happen SO early on in life that we have to spend the rest of our lives denying it. The easiest way to do that is to just blame someone else. And better than that is to say we are trusting someone else and stay in denial about there being any blame at all. I am happy, and my government will look after the rest. Ill just keep doing what I’ve being doing since I stopped dreaming, and somehow ill be happy. I think that is the hidden conversation many people have with themselves. These choices happened so early on in life that we don’t even realize we made them. They were fed to us by our teachers, parents and friends and we chose them because that is what a creature of comfort would do. You would have to be crazy to go against what everything around you says is sensible wouldn’t you? And yet that is what the protestors did, that is what I did, that is what some of my friends did. None of us changed much but our own lives. What if we want to everything to change? How can that ever happen? How can we bring truth and real justice to the people of this world?

Whistleblowers! I come a full circle to whistleblowers. I am convinced they are the best chance of change and way forward and out. Every company and every government department has within it the seeds of change. Every company and every government has secrets so big that if they got out it would change reality as we know and accept it. That amounts to millions of people, collectively whom have the power to bring on change. It is only when the truth escapes the darkness that the denial can be shattered. And it takes more than one. It takes more than 10. It takes more than 100. It is only when, en masse, almost everyone together comes out and speaks the truth that finally the illusion of the world can be broken. It is only when truth pushes forward so hard and courageously, simultaneously, that even denial can be broken. When denial is finally shattered it gives rise to massive and instant change. When denial is finally exposed there is no going back. So it is within us that the change will come. When the day finally dawns and enough people are courageous and strong, only then can things change. It is only when the truth of how things really are, get out on mass and in such large numbers that denial is no longer an option. It is my theory that we can only deny a certain number of things at the same time. Once we pass a threshold, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. We are very far away from that today, but maybe one day, maybe, someday soon, maybe!

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Great post!
Following you :)

Thanks Judy! There's a bit more to come.. Next part we take a peek at the future ;-)

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.