What Love Is

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Love? What is Love? Why does everyone talking about it? Why does every people are head over heels of it? Why do everyone are chasing after it? Why does they cry because of it? Why do they chose to sacrifice even if it hurts? Why do they really chose to get hurt over and over again just to be with the person they love? Is it really true that love makes us alive? Is it true that love is everything? I am Lea, let me tell you how the existence of love invade my life.
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I have a broken family, my Mom and Dad is already divorce for almost 10 years. My Mom was beaten by my Dad, she was physically and emotionally hurt by that time. I can't forget the night where I heard the loud banging noise and my Mother's shriek. But she just let those things pass by, until she found out that my Dad is having an affair eith another woman. She was absolutely broken by that time, she was devastated. Until they decided to have an annulment.
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And me? Of curse, I was also hurt. I never thought that my Dad can do those things. He was after all my hero. I never thought that he will leave us and choose that woman over us. I was mad. I really am. And still. Only I can feel is wrath. I cursed all the men that moment. I freally promised to myself that I will never and ever fall in love.

Until I met Andrew, he make me believe that not all of them were cheaters. I believed in him. At that moment my principles were all became vivid. I forgot all of them because of I believed in what Andrew primised me. He was a football player in the university that I've graduated. He was also part of the Student Supreme Council. Everyone in our school treated him as a Monarch. Every girls was fantasising him because of his gorgeousness. I've considered myself lucky at the moment he became my boyfriend. He was nice. He's caring and loving. But that's what we thought. Because the real Andrew was part of a gang. A famous gang taht was being ordered by rich people to kill innocents. A famous gang that will do anything just to gain money and popularity.
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I broke up with him the moment I've noticed taht thing. I was so scared that he might kill me. But he didn't. Because I'm just one of his collections. He has a lot of girls, another thing that I never expected. After our break up, I continued life without him. It hurts, big time. But I must move on and continue life. I focused on my studies more and pursued my dreams. I want my mother proud for her to be happy. She's been depressed thid past few years, I need to lighten her up.

Eight months passed, I broke my principles again. I met Mike, he again make me feel special. He is a geek. Oh well, a loquacious geek to be exact. He's friendly and he's smart, he's one of the Campus' Top Students. This time I told myself taht HE is the one. But, he broke me again. He cheated on me the way Andrew did. He's just wearing a mask to posses his prey. I was broken again. Not even thinking what will happen next. All I know is that I am torn. And for the third time, I fell in love again. And guess what? He again cheated on me.
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I don't know what to do and where to go that time. Until I saw a not so big house. I don't know what if that is a house because I can hear the loud banging noise caused by the drums and the unfamiliar sound caused by the electrical guitar. What palce is this? Is this some sort of a bar? But it's still early. I entered into that place and found out what's really there. I saw a group of young people playing different instruments. The place was huge, thing that I never expected. It was diveided into teo, both sides has long chairs that I think was fifteen all in all. And those chairs were facing on a stage taht has a long rectangular thing that is also used by the president's presscon.
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The girl wearing a long skirt and a fitted white Tee-shirt faced me and flashed a welcoming smile. She then told me what is this place is. There I noticed that that was a church. And guess what? I am already part of that church. In that church I find out what real love is. Geez. They were right. love is everything. And into that church I found my true love. Jesus. He was the meaning of love after all. After many sacrifices and problems I've already found my haven. He was the one and only person where everyone can lean on. He is everything. Because he is love. Jesus is love.

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