11 Times Donald Trump Made Twitter The Worst Place On Earth In 2017

in life •  7 years ago 
  1. When our president reached never-before-seen levels of pettiness:
  1. When our president called CNN a Loser:
  1. When our president covfefe:

  2. When our president covfefe’d round two:

  1. When our president insulted Arnold Schwarzenegger over reality TV show ratings:

  1. When our president compared Obama to Nixon while misspelling the word ‘tap’:

  1. When our president ragged on Snoop Dogg’s career:

  2. When our president promised Mexico would pay for a border wall they will never pay for:

  1. When our president compared himself to the young girls accused of being witches during the Salem with trials:
  1. When our president tried to ban transgender individuals from the military:

  2. When our president called Kim Jong-un ‘Rocket Man’ like it was some sort of insult:

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