Dear diary 3: Do we apologize for being who we are?

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)


I will start this the way I will end it, which is on an amazing note.
I always say when I was growing up in all my diary sessions, but the truth is we never stop growing and learning till the day we die.


Life is not always fair, in a 100 meters race, someone will definitely get there before others, that does not mean everyone won't eventually get there. One important thing we need to note is we can only cross the finish line at the pace we set.
I was once in charge of the editorial crew in the youth wing of my church, I always had that flare for writing, even when I handed down the torch to the next person, I was always called upon to help out.

The true test of a man's character is known when he encounters either of three things:
- Women
- Money
- Power
If a man survives all three, then truly he is a man.

Don't be deceived, the day success comes in through the door, friendship leaps out the window, after all best friends make the worst enemies.
Truthfully, I don't believe in the "best friend" theory because sometimes the people you love might simply exploit you and leave you out in the cold.

From personal experience, people expect you to accept them for who they are without objections, why then do they expect you to apologize for who you are?
An apology is not just a way of making restitution, it is also a way of saying your reasoning and act was flawed, when it is not flawed, why then must you apologize?

The minute you become successful or you are on your way to success, your whole life comes under a microscope, people question everything you do, flaw everything you do, but they never bother to ask you to teach them how you do it.
Pride is like a cancer, it makes you question the success of those around you, makes you feel like you should also be like them almost instantaneously, but what it hides from you is that you might have missed your path while chasing and snooping the path of others.

I am a person who was designed to only tell people 20% of my plan, because in this world, I have come to realize that this is a Dog eat Dog world, someone might steal your plans and mess it up, turning a thing of beauty into a disaster.
So many people have tried to teach me how to be like them, but the truth is I always aspire to be better than how I was the previous day, which makes me better. People don't know an un-examined life is not worth living.


I don't have time for jealousy because I believe it affects my aura, instead when I see someone succeeding, I thank God for the person and say to myself, I have to put in more effort to get there.
Nothing good comes easy in life and we must accept that.

The road to success is a tough one, we will lose friends for so many reasons, we will come under scrutiny, we will face frustrating moments, some will dedicate their lives to faulting you at every turn, jealousy will surely become a thing but remember to set your eyes on the prize and let all distractions slide into the emptiness of space.

I love people, I am someone who weighs the quality of his decision, but I am also someone who aspires and is content with what he has.
I have been blessed and honored by meeting so many great people here and this platform has been helping me express myself.

Success comes at a prize and I told myself I will pay the price, are you ready to pay that price? I am a workaholic even at a young age and I dream of a retire young and retire rich and change the world future. I don't really have a social life anymore as I either curate, write, or discuss with the ever increasing people who seek my attention and help on steemit chat, or I will be on the whatsapp group chat, on the project by me and @ogoowinner, also mentoring people with the assistance of @ogoowinner.

Sometimes people get mad at me for not answering them on time, the truth is I am only human and one with a ton of responsibilities, sometimes my body has to compensate for the three hours or sometimes an extra half an hour added time, like today when I could barely get up from my bed.

The thing about me is I never start something I cannot see through till the end and if it means me doing 25 hours instead of 24 in a day, I will do it.
Some people expect me to apologize all the time for being the way I am, sorry to disappoint, I think they will have to wait a little bit longer.
I have only grown here through continuous support from amazing people.

I am a curator, mentor, pace setter, philanthropist, knowledge hunter and gatherer, administrator, lover, all round swell guy...

I am @ehiboss

Note: Feel free to check out the "genesisproject" tag and see tons of amazing content from amazing authors

Images were from pixabay

Thanks to @elyaque for the badge and @son-of-satire for the generic footer

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Great pieces of advice! My favorite was the one about pride. Worrying about the success of others truly is a distraction that can take you off of your path to success. You can also celebrate someone else success without it diminishing your own. Very wise words that you shared. Thank you!

The time taken to monitor others could serve useful purposes but instead it gets wasted and time can never be recovered

Sometimes, who we are, have to make a little change to become who we want to become. Either positively or negatively.


well its a globe of 7billion people...we can't all please each other. But, we can respect each other. The gesture to put out a post subtly addressing people who might be picking a bone with you for not being as responsive as they desire, is respect to them in itself. Good job..See you at greater heights.

lol, thank you.

The road to success is a tough one and you will lose many friends. Got this
An inspirational post
Thanks sir

Thanks for that

We are just who we were created to be and you are not different. Life is for the living so therefore live it making each day count. Cheers to making each day count!

To making each day count

Experience of life have taught me to run my race on my own lane, not looking at anyone, because like you stated, we will all get there. Our people say ''aimioshio'' and that is so true to life. There are no friends! If only people know how many hours we put into steemit and everything connected to it, then they'll appreciate us better. Anyway, before I start another gospel here. Keep moving and focus on attaining your goals.
Regarding the steemit in Nigeria conference, I was wondering if you guys were
going to visit some tourist centers in Ife. I'm trying to draw up a budget for at least one person. Cheers.


True in many ways

Regarding the steemit in Nigeria conference, I was wondering if you guys were going to visit some tourist centers in Ife. I'm trying to draw up a budget for at least one person.

I will message you on that

Very well said and thought out @ehiboss look forward to seeing your future content.


Sir| this line (I always say when I was growing up in all my diary sessions, but the truth is we never stop growing and learning till the day we die.) of your's just took my hear <3

Thank you

Sir, its me who should be thanking to you for this line :)

May God bless You #ehiboss

you too

Beautiful story life, a series of touching words, perhaps for some people this personal experience, the strands of the words you write so touched, you are so clever to compose the letters into words and from words to sentences, do not feel the writing of sentences into a series of story of life Which is very meaningful, I really like the language of your poetry when the heart's buried contents for those who read with all your body soul, may you always succeed. regards.

Amen, thank you



Nice one

Thank you

If I didn't say "thank you baba" for this wonderful piece you've written, I'd be an ingrate. Yes I write motivationals but your contents always have me blown away. Keep it up bro., look forward to becoming like you on here. #teamnaija

Great article, your way to live life is pretty much similar to mine. I feel so much the same way as you do. I wonder if you know that this article of yours carry so many topics that people can get ideas about and write upon. What you can also do is pick a topic from every paragraph and elaborate it in another article. This article is a treasure of ideas to write about. I am gonna bookmark it :p .

Your article becomes quite motivating in the end. This is some brilliant stuff I must say. And oh, I have written this poem titled as WHO ARE YOU. You spoke about that we should not be apologetic for who we are, well absolutely but we don't even know who we really are, do we? That is what my poetry tries to elaborate. You should read this one, a person like you would like it for sure.

Also, I was wondering what is this #genesisproject about ?

And I like that picture with so many doors. Shows the number of choices every person have to take in life. Seems like you have put a lot of effort in this aricle. Keep it up.