Goodbye is the hardest thing to say

in life •  6 years ago 

Some believe that childbirth is the most painful thing a person can encounter, some believe that getting stabbed or shot beats that pain while others may arguably say it's getting your zipper caught in a fly.

The truth is what is pain? How do we express pain? How do we feel pain? Do we extend our pain to the ones we love or do we reserve it solely for ourselves. Pain is a normal part of human life and we must experience it at one point in time or the other.

Some experience pain through failure, others to physical experiences but I ask again, what is pain? Only when we can answer that personally can we start to truly understand and know what the greatest pain is.

Truly, the greatest pain is not any of the above listed points, although that is not to say they are not painful in the sense. Its something seemingly small but yet so powerful. The grestest pain comes from our inability to say goodbye to those who really matter before they leave.

A pain so great because that kind of goodbye never comes with another hello.
Memories gone, dreams cut short, expectations which were terminated and worse part of all is the fact that there is no other chance to be given.
All the moments we ever said "I love you" won't matter anymore, all the kisses shared won't count as anything. All the smiles, photos taken together, memories made and passion shared accounts for nothing. The dream we had simply ends as a dream.

We end our goodbye with no expectation for a hello. These are not just words, these writing are not about the present moment, the part where "I am sorry" means nothing anymore and the what ifs set in.

Four out of five moments make us a hero. We must decide whether or not we want those moments to count for something.
Goodbyes make us realize the very essence of hellos. When we fade into obscurity, when lovers become strangers and your present becomes your past.

That is true pain, no reset, just a pile of what could have been "if" we had applied separate variables.
We might never get a second chance to make those memories, if we try harder, we might. But rememebr this, while we might never get the second chance to make those memories, we should focus on the ones before us.

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True! We do need to live in the moment more, to utilize the time we have now loving those we hold dear. Once they are gone, it is finished...

Thanks Mo

This life is full of vanity and uncertainties...hiw i wish i could do something to bring onos back...
Am really pained but we owe you our prayers.


This is really deep and so heart touching
Goodbyes are so difficult to say
Every moments counts
I remember a particular prayer in a Catholic book by a priest can't recall his name that says:

Lord teach me the value of an hour, the power of a minute and the opportunity of a second

Anen, thanks.

Its the pain felt by those of us left behind. There's the instanteneuos guilt felt by the living, always harboring the feeling that perhaps you could have done something somewere along the line that could have had a knock on effect on the present and maybe the person woukd still be alive. Its human natire

Thank you

Goodbyes really are challenging, when it comes to every part of them really. It’s hard to say goodbye forever or even for a few months. True pain indeed.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Beautiful write up like you rightly said pain differs for individuals.. To lose someone or something in which there is an attachment can steer up a feeling in us called grief. Grief puts your spirit and body at a glacial state which can cause pain and put you in a maladjusted state.

So true @ehiboss most especially your wife.