Can you be happy in pain?

in life •  5 years ago 

"When you can be happy in the midst of hardship, then you see the true potential of the mind."- Huanchu Daoren.

The true heroes of life are not those who are happiest when they are successful but those who can squeeze a smile right in the midst of their difficult times.

Difficult times are the worst period of any man's life, strong, weak, smart, dull or a no-gooder, difficult times has no measure for class, race, orientation or culture, it is difficult times and it comes bearing the pangs of pain anytime and for anyone it visits.


The mind can be docile and laid back especially when everything seems to be fine without an itch.
Then mind knows one or two tricks about being relaxed and comfortable when everything is just okay and that is when the potential to be amazing dies a natural death before it is even born.

You must learn to be strong even when the sun turns cold and the moon scorches.

"Easy is not what life is about and for whatever the case may be, it will never be easy like Sunday morning when it comes to being successful. You need to learn to make your Mondays feel like Sundays."

When you are able to find your happiness in the days of tears, pains, struggles and difficulties, you will be able to create a win out of it all because, potentials thrive better if they are able to withstand the tests of time.

If someone tells you there is impossibilities along the way to your success, tell them that you just will take the 'IM' and make them the pathway to locate the possibilities that forms just after the storms.

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To be happy only takes your courage not to be hurt even when the world is beaten you down. It is a true saying "we are the architect of whatever happens to us".