in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

A wise man once said,

A man's mistakes do not define him, rather , his decisions and actions do.

I write this with the full intention of trying to reach anybody who is currently or has experienced failure in any facet of life

Forgive me, I'm not a superb story teller, but I really feel the need to share my story to encourage and help the lives of others.

In my own words, failure is the sum total of mistakes made by an individual -intentional or unintentional- that leads to a departure from desired or expected outcome.

My Story:

I grew up in a family of 5 sibling with doting and educated parents. During our formative years, we never lacked motherly supervision and support because mom resigned from her job -just to give us the best. As a result of this, I started reading before I turned four(4) and everyone tagged me a baby genius. For sure, I excelled in Grade school.....

As we the yonger generation would say, my growing up was, "Lit"!

High school was an even smoother sail for me. I was an Honors student, a teacher's favorite and a school leader...It was so good that I was offered admission by 3 Universities, on a scholarship basis. By all means, I was that kids parents used a role model or 'standard' for comparison when trying to encourage their kids to do

College life

College life was not quite what I expected it to be. I guess I had the wrong orientation(I blame no one for that). I was a "Hot brain" fresh from high school and I expected to replicate my academic sucesses in University..On the contrary, I flunked tests and made a mess of my first(1st) year in school..With the threat of my scholarships being withdrawn, I decided to do better but that didn't help.

2nd year in the University was a wreck. I was totally distracted, depressed and unmotivated..Hence, I just couldn't put myself together to study. Most times, I would look at my CGPA scorecard and tear to shreds in disgust of the person I had become.

Having sone so teriibly academially, I still wonder how I managed to graduate from school with a fairly 'ok' degree.

To say the least, I disappointed myself, family, friends and everyone that looked up tome. Shame and guilt wouldn't even let me face them. At some point(although very minimal) suicidal thoughts kept filtering into my head.

In Nigeria, the quality of individual's certificate is valued way more than one's aptitude and skill. While having an exceptional result does not guarantee you a job or job's that bad.

After wallowing in depression for a very long time, I decided to summon courage, look for a job and apply for a Masters degree program.

Within three months of making this decisions, I found a wonderful job(thankGod I didn't have to search for so long). As I write this, I'm rounding up my Masters degree program in Forensic Accounting as the best graduating student of my class!

After all I've been through, I have turned out very Successful
It has really made me humble.


You should never plan to fail(hardly does anyone), but peradventure you encounter failure or setbacks on your ladder to success, just see them as Providence trying to get you so acquainted with the steps and procedures of life so that you won't have to make the same mistake twice..In addition to that, the wisdom you gained by experience can and should be used as a source of encouragement and direction to someone..

In Conclusion:
Never let life happen to you; HAPPEN TO LIFE...take charge of your life and win at it!


Please follow and Upvote @greatestman

In my own words, failure is the sum total of mistakes made by an individual -intentional or unintentional- that leads to a departure from desired or expected outcome

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I agree that mistake doesn't define a person, a mistake made us actually a better person. Great introduction welcome to steemit. =)

@purepinay .... thanks a lot! glad to know that it's affecting lives..for the better

There is no one born a failure. If you think success you can become it

yeah..I reckon!

Welcome ekeomachimdi. Enjoy the platform and just be yourself! :)

thanks a lot! @lopezdacruz

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice post, i believe failure is the only mean to success, just think Thomas Edison. So let's try new thing & learn from our mistakes. Check my blog post as well :)

I sure would check u out..