Take your Power Back – 8 Craving Crusaders + Recipes

in life •  6 years ago 


What is a Craving?

A craving by definition is to have a powerful desire for something. Our body is so wise and it sends signals throughout every cell to tell us what we need. We have all experienced this and can maybe even recognize the symptoms of a craving for what it is - a message of what we may be lacking and how our metabolism may be working. There is no single explanation for food cravings, and explanations very depending on who you talk to. What we do know is that low serotonin levels affect the brain centers and this is most commonly a result of consuming trans fats and simple carbohydrates. Foods with high levels of sugar glucose, such as chocolate, are more frequently craved than foods with lower sugar glucose, kale, because they are addicting.

Some scientists of the food industry build their careers on finding a “bliss point”, the magical equation of fat, sugar and salt that make it impossible to have just one. It can take up to 2 weeks to really crusade a craving, to rebuild your taste buds and replace a habit. If you are a “bliss point” consumer this may be a detoxing process, especially the first week but don't stop because consuming glucose in any refined form (most boxed and canned food) will fuel the urge to consume more glucose, much like an alcoholic, because the brain has become conditioned to release "happy hormones" every time glucose is present.


There is evidence that addiction and food craving activate some of the same brain areas. Specifically, when smokers look at pictures of people smoking it activates the same areas of the brain as when obese people look at pictures of food. To spot your patterns and discover what you’re really craving, try keeping a “cravings journal.” maybe that evening chocolate craving is really your body telling you that you need a break from your desk. Once we turn off autopilot. We might notice that our pasta craving really means a friendly ear and a hug.


Instead of being a slave to your cravings, listen to them and be curious. They may be giving you valuable information, sometimes they are rooted in emotional and mental places but other times were getting mixed signals about which foods we need. Mixed signals develop when we eat unconsciously, buying precooked and take out meals over and over, trying to understand labels when they are meant to confuse us, and grabbing the first thing that comes to mind instead of listening to our intuition. The next page is all about realigning your pathways so that you can nurture your intuition and crusade those toxic cravings for good!



You Crave:

You may need energy, so do something that makes you feel energetic - play your favorite dance song or head outside for a walk with a friend. When your blood sugar is unstable our bodies scream for us to balance it. A quick shot of sweets does bring the blood sugar up, fast… but what goes up must come down and when your blood sugar crashes yet again, we want another sweet. Instead crowd out using foods naturally high in chromium like carrots, sweet potatoes and whole grains.

Recipe: https://www.loveandlemons.com/vegan-carrot-cake-macadamia-frosting/

Stress is most often the cause and a lack of magnesium tends to magnify the stress reaction, worsening the problem. In studies, adrenaline and cortisol, byproducts of the “fight or flight” reaction associated with stress and anxiety, were associated with decreased magnesium. 80% of us are deficient in magnesium, so its an awesome idea to crowd this craving out naturally using foods high in magnesium like dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, avocados, bananas, dried fruit and dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa).

Recipe: https://wellnessmama.com/5804/magnesium-oil/

This can be a sign that your feeling depressed, physical exercise is great way to lift your mood and kick this craving. Maybe your notice that you crave pasta more when we have cooler weather, which can often lead you to comfort foods.. Regardless of the reasons why your body is craving carbs make sure if you choose to indulge in it you pair it with something healthy like vegetables or good fats like avocados. When you crave carbohydrates this is a sign you are lacking the amino acid tryptophan. The body to synthesis the chemical serotonin uses tryptophan. Serotonin is that feel good happy chemical that regulates our moods,

Recipe: https://nutriciously.com/high-carb-low-fat-vegan-recipes/

Are you feeling tired? Take that nap you want, or indulge in some self-care practice you have been neglecting. Craving meat could also be a sign the body is in need of more iron. Iron and zinc play a vital role in supporting the immune system, as it helps to transport oxygen throughout the body. Iron and zinc are naturally found in pumpkin seeds, blackstrap molasses and dark leafy greens.

Recipe: http://dish.allrecipes.com/meatless-iron-rich-diet/

You may be stressed, before grabbing for your fix try taking some mindful breaths and recenter yourself. When stress levels rise, many people crave their favorite foods for comfort. Foods that people commonly craved are often high in fat, sugar, or salt. The "comfort food" habit can cause adrenal fatigue and decrease overall health. You may also need calcium and b6 which you can find in fermented foods, almonds and broccoli.

Recipe: https://www.culturesforhealth.com/learn/recipe/milk-kefir/coconut-milk-kefir-recipe/

Caffeine cravings are a little different, it may be out of habit (it's morning time!) or a physiological need—like you are tired and your body is used to the caffeine “buzz”. It's important to remember that caffeine is a stimulant, it does not provide energy, that comes from carbs (preferably complex carbs which are nutrient-dense and easiest to digest). You may also be craving coffee because you are addicted to caffeine. If you find yourself unable to get through the day without coffee or experience caffeine headaches when you don’t have coffee you are probably addicted. Consider crowding out with herbal tonics and water so your body doesn’t rely on caffeine to fuel your energy.

Recipe: https://feedmephoebe.com/caffeine-free-coffee-alternatives/

Our brain recognizes that cheese contains natural milk sugars and we know now that sugar releases dopamine, this is why cheese is a crazily delicious and addictive food. There is a reason why people say “I could never give up cheese” and why so many people transitioning to a plant-based diet struggle with this food, it’s because it has natural addictive traits. This is from the casomorphin protein fragments found in dairy which has an opioid effect on our brains, similar to that of human breast milk but on a larger and concentrated. Bovine are much larger animals than humans who produce milk to feed much larger babies, this milk is refined and concentrated to make cheese. Craving cheese could also mean your body isn’t getting enough calcium or vitamin D. Although cheese may contain both of these nutrients it isn’t enough to satisfy the body. Consider a healthier choice such as leafy greens rich in calcium next time you have a cheese craving.

Recipe: https://minimalistbaker.com/30-minute-cheesy-kale-chips/

Ice Cream!
Ice cream is such a delicious treat because it comes in so many amazing flavors that you can have some for every occasion. You can even have ice cream if you don't consume dairy, there are so many great alternatives out there such as coconut ice cream, but, craving ice cream could be a sign that your body is exhausted. Ice cream, as well as many other dairy or dairy alternatives contain sugars and our bodies recognize it as a quick boost of energy. You could also be craving ice cream after supper of habit or because it helps control your stomach acidity. Next time you have an ice cream craving consider a quick power nap instead and make sure you’re eating a nutrient-dense meal to help prevent this.



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Disclosure, there is a lot of science behind what im talking about it's not all theory and opinion however I am not a scientist, a doctor or perfect - what I am sharing with you is what I am doing, what is working for me now and my recommendations are based on my current experience and knowledge.

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