The Most Famous International & Australian Household Names Trafficking Kids For Sex - We Can Only Stop It With Exposure . TRUTH FEARS NO ENQUIRY By Elissa Hawke

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

This is the tragic story of the Australian child sex trafficking rings, and incredible FEARLESS journalism by Fiona Barnett and Steve McMurray. A GREAT and fascinating, most revealing interview with a mother of children who were pedophile victims.
"Debra" testified before the Wood Royal Commission in Australia into institutionalised pedophilia.

The show humorously begins with Rolf Harris, famous knighted pedophile and childrens entertainer singing with a group of kids...
"My body is nobodys body but mine,
You run your own body, let me run mine,
When I am touched, then you know how I feel,
my feelings are mine and my feelings are real,
Sometimes its hard to say no and be strong
(?) Nice line Rolf, You fucking pervert
When the No feeling comes then I know somethings wrong
My bodys´mine from my head to my toes
Please leave me alone when you hear me say no
My bodys mine to be used as I choose
Not to be threatened, or crossed or abused
Thie theer theeethaorteffes waponga panue
Ive got to take care of this body of mine

Sad to think he may have molested some of the kids employed to sing on that.

Debra and Fiona reveal so much here that help join dots. These determined, clear, intuitive, women are incredibly revealing stuff that WE CAN STOP ONLY IF WE KNOW IT GOES ON. If we had had journalism like this in my lifetime these pedophile circles would not reign.

I have voted Fiona for Australian of The Year

If its too much for you, I understand, theres plenty of sweet fun things to focus on.
Thats how these child rapists have gone unhindered for so long.

I just know strong women and men have to band together and support each other until the dark corners these people hide in are washed with light.
The sick ones depend upon our fears of sticking our heads up
The more we listen and talk to each other the more light we cast.
Hearing all the interconnected names over and over from different witnesses is the way we make these people retreat.
I am feeling sad about a child discussed who was being teased because he always stank like pooh.

There was a boy I knew who smelt like pooh for years. Everyone teased him because of it, well into teenage years. "Everyone" picked on him, I teased him - because we thought he was dirty/too stupid to wipe his bum.

What a tragedy to think maybe these kids are being used for sex in early childhood by adults, causing their incontinence.

The names exposed here are all well known, household names, the richest and most powerful political and media figures, Hillsong Church, many churches... EXPOSE THEM ALL
Truth fears no enquiry

When this post makes money, it will be donated to Fiona Barnett and Steve McMurray so they may continue this pedophile ring shattering work. I have asked them to post here but until they do, I will.

By exposing the Australian situation, it helps other rings be exposed too. These are our bravest warriors.
This is the highest and hardest work we must all do so these organised rings disband for fear of further exposure.

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After reading this I had to look it up and see for myself.

As an Aussie I am beyond disturbed with how our government handles child paedophilia, I have two non verbal autistic children and this is a constant fear my children will be taken advantage of.

My partner @ausbitbank and I have been following Fiona's story for a while now, I hope this encourages her to come one steemit and help spread the information she has gathered.

Here is a link to the company that organised the filming of this song and this is a current campaign they have organised and it just doesn't feel right to me.
"swipe the pants" WTF?

Not to mention here is a link to the Wiki page about this song Ralph Harris had already committed nine of the twelve assaults by the time this was released.!

Something needs to be done about this issue not to mention all the double speak and misdirection - He had us fooled and rubbed our faces in it.

Amaaazing comment Thanks @krystle, its great when people not only listen, but further the research! Absolutely horrific to think of the way these people are so two faced. I agree with you the whole "pant-a-sore-arse" dinosaur thing is weird. I am sorry for the suffering your kids, you and your partner may have had to bear living with Autism - I am so happy to hear you are aware, vigilant, careful with your kids. Most of us think hardly anyone is capable of harming kids deliberately. My experience and research shows, not just sexual predators, but a lot of unhappy people out there, men and women who let their own steam off by hurting /controlling anyone smaller than themselves without a witness or defender

@elissahawke without your post I would have never known to look :)

My kids are so amazing and challenging, but ever since we realised they were likely to be non verbal at least for the foreseeable future it has been a constant concern.

Unfortunately abuse of children with autism is rife in Australian schools public and special alike, it was only a couple of days ago I heard of another case of abuse at an Autism school - with people who are supposed to be trained to safely interact with children with autism - they had left a boy to sit outside for pretty much an entire year on a bean bag, even through winter and it was in Melbourne.

Then the article casually mentions, the coffin they used for children they couldn't control. I am so worried something might happen or could have already happened and they have no way to let us know - that is the terrifying part.

We live in such a sick world and it's all just a vicious cycle often the abused grow up to be abusers and around and around we go, all we can do is try and make people realise not talking about it won't fix anything - no one wants to think about it or talk about it but until we face the issue and get willing to deal with it, sadly I see no end in sight.

Thats it. we have to listen to anyone who can get the word out, Fiona is currently getting a lot of death threats, she reports on fb, we all know its because she is effective and strong, but the more that can speak up, we must listen to, so many cant tell, cant talk, wont talk, so many dont live, so many are silenced by their own these people who are able and brave and selfless enough to talk, at least deserve a safe space to be heard

Dam straight Hun I couldn't agree more!

Thanks so much everyone for upvoting! Theres some big whales here to help ! This is the way we dooooo it!

I just joined. Really just learning about it. But I love the concept. Keep up the good work - this is exactly how me dooooo it.

just feel your way, thats all im doing fumbling around in the dark but im having fun

Awesome glad to see this being recognised here :)
Sorry I didnt notice the post in the initial payout window, hopefully this post response gets fiona on here

So sad. Nothing sanitizes like showing a light on the problem.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is an extremely difficult topic for mothers like myself to digest. I want to thank you for having the willpower to tackle this subject. I am following you and will support you in your quest.

This people are disgusting , there is no prison for them , i hope that they will die in pain .

just want to thank all who stand up and care enough to want to try and expose this abuse cycle, to try and get these cruel people to retreat... Fiona Barnett and Steve McMurray who make this show have told me they do not want any money for their show, and I don´t want to profit off the spreading of this sad information either. So when I work out how to turn the steem from this post into dollars I will give it to a charity of <Fionas´ choice or a local charity here in Mexico, either way, for every upvote thanks, someones life will be somehow improved, I will make a post to let you know where it goes.
Episode three is now up on youtube, and i will put it up here on STEEMIT soon if they do not

Elissa did you hear about Zen Gardner and his self confession of 27 years child trafficking for the Children of God on his blog, the article is
I don't know him personally but I am surprised that many of my mutual friends follow him and don't seem to care about this. Then there was Sterling Allen last year who also confessed to be a pedophile and childtrafficker and not doing it anymore but that was not true and he was arrested some months ago, Sterling Allen ran the big free energy site called Peswiki. I believe that these people are strategically placed in various alternative movements to try discredit and fragment the rest of us.

yes I was just listening to an interview where hes avoiding the unspoken like a distracted writing this comment about 8 hours ago and got stuck into looking into Children of God All day..."Zen Gardner" doesnt yet seem to have answered the question, "were you fucking kids or not?", (EDIT 3/9/2016 . No he says he was not a pedophile)or I just cant find anyone whos asked him...maybe hes just a weak bastard, maybe he wasnt "child trafficking", he had his own kids in there until they were grown up and they got out before he did, which is interesting. (wtf?) Maybe he was just stuck in that cult like we all are in a cult of some form or another, and some people in there were quietly fucking kids, thats no different from most groups, pedos on every street in every neighborhood, in every family... hey it was the 70´s nobody talked about this stuff back then or ever thought people would still be talking 50 years later. I noticed he really dodged the subject of fucking kids himself, only watched half the interview so far, its 2 hours long, its a lot rambley with Angela Power Disney but its interesting to me. I never took Zen as a guru but a lot of poeple did and he no doubt has lots of practice man-ipulating people. . I guess we have to wait and see if any personal allegations come out about him. I also guess the next question -was he in there as an operative?

agree, @elissahawke another topic, I am being blocked from posting any further stories after my last story on legal bribery and the alternative energy Renaissance, seems like someone didnt like that article as I cannot post anymore, who can you recommend I contact regarding this. Thanks

UPDATE: OK embarrassing but satisfying .. Today Friday 21/6/19 I finally donated the money raised from this post. I told Fiona Barnett I would send her the money if the post made any money, but she didn't want to accept any donations. I have been meaning to find a suitable charity, and I just kept procrastinating. So yesterday I heard about the Rosa family around the corner whose house just burnt down, and their two dogs died. They have a young daughter and they lost all their possessions. $200usd is not a lot but here in Mexico it goes a long way so thanks STEEMIT, and Muchas Gracias Fiona, from the Rosa Family