University life

in life •  8 years ago 

Moving into is very different to how I imagined it. I'm not going out every night and getting drunk, which I think is a massive relief to my parents. Instead I am having trouble sleeping, something I was quite good at doing in my bed in my home village in the countryside. I never thought moving to a city would have had this much of an impact on my sleeping cycle. Having the room that overlooks the main road doesn't help either. I have lost a lot of motivation recently due to me having to sleep during the day to be able to function. I haven't gone a single day where I haven't had a nap to try and recover my energy. It is really taking a toll on my health, I am on the senior rowing team at my university and I have missed an entire week of training because I'm not getting better. Now I know a lot of you would just shrug that off but being a part of a rowing team is like having a 2nd family. Everyone is there for each other no matter what is going on and I love it.
University is great so far, and I think that everyone should try it at least once. I'm starting to think that maybe uni isn't for me. It is completely different to school and as I am only scheduled in for 2 days a week I don't have the main structure that school does. I'm finding it quite hard to adapt to this as I am one for routines and making up my own is a difficult thing for me to stick to because there isn't anyone there who says I HAVE to attend like there is in school.

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Yeah, you're in a new environment and it takes a little time to adjust. I've had a lot of sleeping issues myself, and something that has worked for me was getting a sleeping mask.

Getting to bed, and getting out of it the same time every day will help. Even if you're just laying there trying to sleep - eventually the routine will set in.

Stay away from caffeine and eating a healthy diet will also help.

Drinking chamomile tea can help.

Getting something like ZzzQuil might be helpful until you get back onto a good sleeping routine.

Meditation help too - as it helps relieve stress.

Good luck.

Thank you for your comment. A lot more helpful then others! I'm a massive fan of green tea so thats usually my bed time drink, I'm on the rowing team as well and we train 7 days a week but even with this I can never sleep. A healthy diet is all I have apart from the odd sugary snack here and there, I shall have a look at the Zzzzquil, thank you very much

Redbull honey. It's how I passed college.

College is different to university