“There are thousands of people like me. I saw them every time I went to the racetrack. Miserable motherfuckers, all of them. Always looking for the next big score that never comes. Always nervous and depressed. It’s a very bad addiction. I never drank. I never did any drugs. But I couldn’t stop gambling. I bet on thousands of horses in my life. The more you win, the more you bet, until you lose it all again. It was the same routine everyday. I spent every morning looking for enough money to get on the subway and get to the racetrack. I did menial jobs. I sold things on the streets: shirts, belts, t-shirts, sweaters. For fifty years I did this. A lot of times I didn’t have a place to live. At least I never committed any crimes. I know a lot of guys who did. It’s a real fucking curse.”
moans good racer
9 years ago by ellok (25)