Hello dear friends of the steemit community, I want to present a very well-known plant in my country called putica, which blooms many. The flowers can be white, pink, red, mauve, peach and other colors or nuanced.
In the gardens of the houses of my town these beautiful plants are very common, they are easy to sow, since it quickly hits the ground and blooms, it is adapted to hot climates.
It is also known as vica or vicar, it should be noted that La vinca or vicaria has many uses in traditional medicine: the firing of its petals is used for eye diseases such as clouds, conjunctivitis, fleshyness and to strengthen the eyesight (some must be boiled how many flowers in a liter of water for at least five minutes and apply the cooking in drops).
Antibiotic properties are attributed to both internal infections and skin, to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and cure malaria. It is also useful in cases of laryngitis, pharyngitis and toothache. This plant contains alkaloids such as vincristine and vinblastine that have potent properties against benign and malignant tumors, the use of which is fully recognized by medical practice and used to make medications, especially against leukemia, breast cancer, testicular cancer, neuroblastoma, Hodgkin's disease and other lymphomas.
Friends, I hope you enjoy this publication, since this is not only decorative gardens but also provides medicinal benefits.