Yesterday, I have a mixed experience on being over-concerned and sacrificing for what seems never to be my business. This is not the first time, but it happened to me with surprise because I never expected it.
This is a business partner that I have being dealing with for over 5 years now. I have always given my frank point and advises in whichever way I think will pass the messages across but this time around, I did with annoyance because he is trying to embarrass me with a particular statement which he made mention of again. This is happening as a result of the way his business is going, but unfortunately he failed to focus and find solution to where the problem is coming from with a lot of reasons to back it up rather castigating those who are part of the solution which I am part of.
In reply to the statement he made on phone which he has being mentioning in the mist of people before. I went straight to my facebook messenger and made my points there. Where I made mistake is that I went too elaborate and go far as mentioning names and generalize a group of people. While I do that sincerely to point out where his problem is, rather than embarrassing me and some other people that is not part of the problem. He decided to humiliate me the more by showing the messages to concerned members which they read lots of ugly meaning to. What a crucify?
There are quite some meaning in this simple occurrence that is useful for me which I think you will find useful too.
- Its always interesting expressing feeling like this through any writing form but it is dangerous because if not deleted it will last for long time if not forever and can be seen and share.
- Even if you want to put it in writing, use coding and if you feel concerned that such person might not understand or deny understanding your messages, then elaborate but don't mention names.
- There is nothing wrong with been concerned about people, their personal and or business life but don't be over concerned but they don't care how concerned you are most especially when things further go wrong, they will eventually point at you to be one of the major courses or let you know you never contribute to the solution but rather contribute to it.
Yesterday, I said to myself. Come to think about it, I have issues crying for solution too, why wasting my resources on others matter rather than focus on my.
Notwithstanding, if you have this nature like my friend and partner, don't forget the Yoruba adage that says "he who put a barricade on 1200 will loose the opportunity to get to (or receive) 1400.