⏺ I come in peace. Here to help, and here to serve!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.

Alright guys. I have recovered myself 100% from my previous situation, and I am feeling stronger and better than ever!! Time for round 2 starts now. I took a couple of days off from here, just to rest, clear my mind, and really think about things.

It's funny, I started to think about my previous blog posts I had written my content about. All the lessons in those. Reminding myself, 'no one will feel sorry for you'. That was exactly it.

Time to pick yourself up, reflect, learn, grow, and finally, to do your best.

You know, if there is one thing you can do to automatically be optimistic, it is to find the lesson in every situation. There is always a lesson. I think having faith can go a long way!

For anyone who has ever taken there anger out on me, no worries, I forgive you!

Learning to forgive can really take a lot of weight off of one's back. I like the idea of having a 'fresh start'. Many times, we tend to get over-attached to things in life. Being able to just let go.. It can do wonders.

So.. For those of you that don't already know, I come in peace! I want to help you all as much as I can with my efforts. I have said it before, the most valuable asset to me is time. I would like to give my time to those who need it in their lives!

Some might think that what I am doing does not bring value, but aside from what anyone else's opinion says, I still believe in my heart that it does. Nothing will change that.

The last week I have been very inactive. I apologize for that. My last PPT (Post Promotion Thread) has been the most active one yet, and considering I limited the links to 2 per person this time, instead of 3, it really did far more than the previous times.

I unfortunately could not get to them all (Barely 20% actually). Since the post is about to expire, it will be pointless right now. We will start fresh with PPT #7. So stay tuned!

I would also just like to say something.

In my previous post, I had not felt so depressed in a VERY long time (If not, ever). I was not expecting the kind of vibes, however, from the comments I received! They were incredible!

I would just like to thank each and every one of you. You guys are by far the coolest people here, and I mean that. A part of my criticism I received lately was that 'people don't actually read content', and that 'your readers only say things to sound cool, but don't mean it'. You guys have certainly proven this silly misconception wrong! As 90% of the comments on that thread were paragraphs. I read every single one of them. There were a few!

I want you guys to know that I appreciate each and every one of you :) Thanks for being awesome!

in peace end.png

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
I'm back. A message to my haters.

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @jokossita! Let's send her our love and support!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #6: Comment your links! My contribution!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone: 2000+ followers, Rep 64, and 6500 total posts in 86 days!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

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You are doing awesome @enazwahsdarb.

Thank you for your kind words my friend :)

Good work my man.
I gotta ask though, as someone who's not super techie, what do you use to format your posts? They always look fantastic.

Ah thank you my man :)

I gotta ask though, as someone who's not super techie, what do you use to format your posts? They always look fantastic.

Haha no need to be techie :) Just creative! I create them as custom images and upload!

Cool! Might just steal that method...

hi I'm new at steemit. please vote me..please, please

my Steemit Id ???


Hi man. Just saying.. I tried that method in my first 24 hours on this platform.. It doesn't work too well hahaha!

Don't just ask. Rather help people :)

Sounds like good advice, thank you. It almost feels like a battle or challenge to get started...especially when you see others that are crushing it!

Couple of thoughts, here:

Sometimes we have to go down the "wrong" path in order to fully understand and be grateful for the "right" path. Without moments of self-doubt, worry, sadness or whatever... people just become arrogant F&%)(s and now-it-alls.

Part two, people always take shots at those who are doing well through sheer determination, force of will and hard work. If you're not accused of "cheating," you're at the very least accused of AB-using the system you're actually using. It's easier for many to complain than realize that they actually have to get up off the couch and DO something, rather than just sit there and hope the "Magic Fedex truck" will bring them their perfect results.

Maybe your approach isn't conventional, but if it's working keep on keepin' on!

WOW man thank you for that message :) You are so right!

If you're not accused of "cheating," you're at the very least accused of AB-using the system you're actually using.

So true hey :D It's funny actually! Thanks for your opinion and input. Simple as like you said it!

Maybe your approach isn't conventional

Well hey.. Where's the fun in being conventional ;)

I come in peace. Here to help, and here to serve! That word of yours paused me...make me stopped and entered to read more. The more I read the more I am thinking we are rowing the same boat. How all these haters disturbed our peace. For myself I couldn't even understand the reason when I am myself a loner and had chosen to keep myself as invicible as I could. But the haters just could not leave me in peace. But all good as I am talking about my real challenging life and not about this steemit comunity. This community is amazing.

I just marked my 15 days here and so I am still exploring. Couldn't believe that I could meet so many outstanding individuals here that are giving me words of encouragement...oh wow that is just creating that superb feeling in me. You @enazwahsdarb are included in my outstanding individuals list. Have resteemed, upvoted and followed you.

I actually feel I am moving like snail here. No one to blame but only me. Sometimes my idea just freeze so cannot post anything lol. See you again soon.

The best feeling in the whole world is watching things finally fall into place - Life is beautiful @ainie.kashif

Thank you for your awesome message my friend. That was awesome to read!

I can sense the sincerity in your words. It's so nice.

When things seem slow, the only thing you need to do is move faster :)

A very uplifting article you wrote here. You are right, living a life of grieve will not bring as anywhere. It's not always easy to spread the message of love but that is no reason not to try. Support yourself, support your community and everybody who is in need. This will be my agenda for today!!
Love and respect!!

Followed you!!

Thank you so much :) I am loving that agenda of yours haha!

Love and respect!!

And right back to you, Maxine :)

Thank you!!
You will hear from me again.

If you have time you can check my introduction post which I wrote just yesterday. I'm still pretty new here


Awesome stuff :) Welcome by the way!

I will go check it out for you :)

I find what you said about being optimistic very true. There's a lesson to learn in each and every situation that gets put in front of you. And to find the lesson is valuable. I really liked your post @enazwahsdarb. It was original and I also really like the layout for the whole post, where you put custom texts instead of the normal ones. For this reason and the reason you mentioned in your post, I will resteem this post! Have a wonderful day. :)

I find what you said about being optimistic very true.

Thank you so much my friend! I am gad you agree with my thoughts and opinion :)

I really appreciate your kind words toward my content. I appreciate that!

Have a wonderful day. :)

Have a wonderful day as well!

Hi I like how your post came out... (Still new new to how to blog and create captivating post). How did you get your font to be big and non traditional? Do you use a html or blogger platform to create your post and then paste? Thanks

Thank you for your kind words :) I appreciate that.

For your questions.. I make them in the editor on Steemit :)

That is not true. I actually feel for You because You didn't deserve to be attacked that way. But I know what You mean and where You go with this. But I am glad You were able to get over it and are stronger than before.

That is not true.

Why was I just expecting this haha... I like knew your would contradict my words :D Love it bro. You are special that way lol!

How are you doing? :)

But I am glad You were able to get over it and are stronger than before.

Hell yes! We gotta do it hey!

Always. You know it is a tradition already! :D Now even if I agree 100% I will have to disagree all the time cause otherwise it is not funny anymore! :D

Hahaha it's legit like your swagger :D Not that everyone will understand it lol

But at least I understand it so you are safe on my blog haha!

Ehehe thanks 😉 and Yeah the majority of People don't get it! But I am fine with it

Hahaha if you don't care, then doing it makes you unique :D

I am indeed. Just not the type of unique that people like... eheheh need to work on my likability level

Just let go It's hard to learn but easy once you pick up the thread. So, this is just the begining of you becoming even more awesome, your followers truly are great people, and they love you :)

Hey Jessy! How are you doing? :)

I totally agree with what you said there about letting go!

your followers truly are great people

Oh man I can agree with that! :) Thanks for being one of those amazing people ;)

Man, I was worried a bit. You just dropped out.

Good to have you back @enazwahsdarb.

Haters Gonna Hate it's their Job we just have to keep Positive Vibes going on.

Looking forward to your future posts.

What's up my man! Yeah no, all good :)

Looking forward to your future posts.

Coming in for round 2, and we going to do this.

It's Good to hear from You.

Hello @enazwahsdarb

You are welcome. Indeed you come in peace and may peace never depart from you in all you do. You are filled with great motivation and your motivation motivates those who come in contact with you. Salutes


Hey my man! How are you doing? :)

Thank you for that. You are awesome. I will always remember my original, loyal followers. Legend!

Hey there, I haven't come across your blog until now, but it's amazing how much you've achieved in such little time. I don't know what struggles you've been through before, but great to hear that you are overcoming them and pushing on in your Steemit journey. I wish you the best.

Hey yo! :)

I haven't come across your blog until now

Haha well rather late than never :D

Thank you for your kindness my friend. I appreciate that! Good to see you here. Looking forward to responding to more of your comments.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@enazwahsdarb Just Loving You! Haters Gonna Hate :) Actually Who Those Blame You On PPT If You Not Response, They Actually Have No Rights To Say It What They Have Given You ? 1 Followers And A Upvote Which Doesn't Even Worth 0.0001 ? Actually I Was Also One Of Them, I Just Thought A Little Bad About You That Everybody After Success Become More Greedy And Think About Only Himself This Was My Bad Thinking, Yes Some Peoples Are Really Like This But Not You Bro!.. I'm Really Sorry ! You Are A Good Person I Have No Rights To Say Your Anything.
----- Your Loyal Follower :)

Thank you for that :D That's so awesome of you to say!

LOL! Well, thanks for at least admitting it :) That's a pretty ballsy thing to do! Yeah, I don't want to be like that. We all need to help each other out!!

Thanks for being so loyal. What a boss :)

@enazwahsdarb I Was Like That But Now, I'll Be Good. Thanks! We all need to help each other out!! Alright!! I Can't Help You Much, Except i can Give You My Heart Comments, A Little, Actually Too Little Upvotes And Huge Loyalty n' Support :)

Ahh well you know what? Most people feel like they cannot bring value because their upvote ain't worth much.. But the truth is, I care 20x more about your interaction and responses :)

Money is just money. It's like 'meh' :P

Heart-to-heart talk provides a lifetime's worth of monetary value!

@enazwahsdarb Your Kind Words, I Got Power Bro Thanks!! Right, Money Is Only Money :)

Sometimes its good to take a few days off to clear your mind and refocus. I love steemit and I'll be here for the long haul, but every now and then its good to get away from the platform and get some much needed fresh air. Keep rocking bud

You are right :) A break is sometimes needed. I am usually just afraid of getting completely thrown-off when taking a break.. Maybe getting too 'out of it', you know :P

But all good! Let's rock :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Again, so inspired by your hearty post.
I really cn feel the sincerity of your gesture...Indeed, if youre really a peace loving person,then it wl just come out naturally, finds a way on how to have peace on your own by being at peace with people,even those bitter at you.
Thanks for.being an epitome of being positive and forgiving one. Youre worth emulating..

Upvoted n resteemed..

Thanks so much for that man! That's such an awesome thing to hear. I feel the same way about writing. I want to have the emotion transferred, as I feel that is important. Always looking to improve on that!

Thank you for the confirmation with that!

Thanks for.being an epitome of being positive and forgiving one. Youre worth emulating..

Such kindness! Thank you. Let's do this together :)

Yes sure..we can...

My latest post is a giveaway :) See you there!

Great friend, words - words are really beautiful, peaceful hearted. May you help me @enazwahsdarb. Sorry if there is any wrong word.

Thank you so much for that :) Really nice for you to say haha

Sorry if there is any wrong word.

Nah no worries :) You English is great. Stay awesome!

Hehe .. thank you very much for the compliment. To be honest, I only use Google translate 😁

Hahaha all good. I have quite a few people who message me using a translator so no worries. I am used to it :D

Thanks for your efforts!

Thank you for your understanding. I will do my best. May we be good friends. I want to grow here. I am happy because many friends and many experiences that I find. Please scold me if I am wrong. 😊

Hahaha awesome! Well, see you around then :)

Indeed a great post buddy. You have truly commented thst one should always forgive abd forget and learn lessons in each situation u r put to. Being on the steemit platform for just under 3 months, i have had some great learnings and each time i strive to perform better and better learning from my past situations. Upvoted and following u as always.
Regards Nainaz

Thank you my friend! I appreciate that.

What you said there is so uplifting and true :) You are awesome!

Thank you Nainaz!

I found you today and just want to say that you are an inspiration in beeing yourself, that is what count at the end and nothing else. SteemOn!

Man those were some awesome words to read. Thank you for that :)

Let's do this!

You may join me in one of the flights I offer for free :) Anywhere on earth!

WOW what kind of flights? :)

We simulate it, make a video and post about it. It is great fun!


Good to know you're okay my friend. Hope to read more awesome posts from you. 😊

Hey friend :) I hope you are well!

I thank you for that. Let's do this :D

With God's help, I'm well. :) Aja!

I am always here if you need support :)

hiii @enazwahsdarb, you always shared important articles, now once again you shared important post thanks .

Welcome back! New day. New start.

It's good to see you've basically decided that you cant' change what happened yesterday, so no point dwelling on it anymore (at least that's my interpretation of this post).

New day. New start.

Yes!! :D You know, tough times will come, but it's important to know that your situation can go from 0 to100% improvement very fast!

You interpreted that correctly then :) Good to see you!

Peace and love brother peace and love always. Upvoted and already following. Love your work mate, Cheer$;)


Hahaha! Yeah bro, peace and love all the way :D

heheehe oh yes its the only way is'nt it.. hehe Cheer$ matey!


And nice blue fonts! Lol.

Haha thanks my friend! So what you think? Blue or red? :P

Blueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the way bro

Upvoted and also resteemed :]

Ahh thank you so much!

Nice words. You're doing a good job, I hope you get rewarded. I just upvoted.

Thank you for that :) I appreciate your kindness.

Great blog again, You are awesome too

Hey Lizzy :) Thank you for that!

Welcome back, man. Hold it tight. You're doing just fine. Let them say whatever they want to :)

Thanks Naveed! It's been a while :) How are you doing?

I'm doing awesome, Zane. Look at my profile, looks way better than before, haha. Other than Steemit, things are a little tight but I'm hoping they will get better with time.

How about you?

Forgive forget and keep moving forward my friend

Hell yeah! Thank you my friend :)

Your welcome

Have a great day

Cheer up buddy! I've been away for some time too, and I feel Reloaded with tons of energy and good vibes! Cheers!

Having that 'reload' can really work wonders hey! Thanks for that.

Good to see you back :)

Its human to fall down. This is not a sign a weakness. On the other hand, a sign of strength is picking our self up after laying face down in the dirt. You have demonstrated great strength

Thank you for that message. That was awesome to read!

You are right. Failing is inevitable at times I guess.. It's about what we do about our situation that counts :)

"I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind" ,no other place better that Steemit.

Amen to that :) Thanks for agreeing!

Your creativity and integration of images in your post is awesome, well done!

Thank you so much for the compliment! That is great to hear :)

Good to see you around here. I trust I will see you in future posts too!

You sure will.

Congrats man. Love the motivational posts. Glad youre back and have to admit I missed reading your stuff.

WOW man thank you for that.

have to admit I missed reading your stuff.

I will take that as a huge compliment :) Thank you!

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Thanks for letting me know :)

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Thank you for that!

Muy buen post, ahora te sigo, excelente

Muchas gracias! Realmente aprecio eso. ¿Sabes cómo hablar inglés? ¿O sólo español? :)

Good post ^^

Thanks a bunch :)

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Thanks guys :)

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Thanks for letting me know haha! I didn't even use Bellyrub :D

Great to see you back in action! Look forward to joining your PPT soon.
Take care @enazwahsdarb!

Thanks for that my friend :)

Let's do this!!


Good to have you back and refreshed, motivated to share the next steps. Nothing worse than feeling down in the dumps, so dust off, learn, move on and keep the positive going.

YES!! :) Thanks for that Joan.

No one will carry you :D Just need to stand up, and try harder! Haha loving it.

How are you doing?

So true, forgiveness is a big part in healing process and to be able to go forward reaching for the goal you want to reach 😆

Hey Sara :) How are you doing my friend? How's that leg of yours doing?

You are very correct by the way :) Thanks for that message!

So we both lost our Mojo pretty much at the same time. Good the we also both got it back! :D

Hey bro! I actually noticed that hey. I thought I was so bad for missing a few days, and when I checked your blog out, I noticed you did EXACTLY the same thing LOL. Quite crazy actually how similar the timing was hey..

Anyways, let's do this. PS. Your new profile picture looks cool!

You have a very high commitment of 2 posts per day, this will eventually push you to publish for the sake of publishing. You should take your time to really generate a quality article regardless of the frequency.

Thanks for that :) I can definitely agree. If posting feels like a chore, then it shouldn't really be done. Content should come out naturally through emotions :)

When I lack energy, two posts feels like work.. But when I am on my grind, and full of energy, then I would say it's definitely doable :)

Thanks for your insight!

Very my friends

Very my friends

Uhm... What does that even mean hahaha?

very good meaning