⏺ Message to most people: Throw your phone away! Part 2

in life •  7 years ago 


Your phone can be your best friend, or your worst nightmare. Which is it for you?
~Zane Bradshaw~

Yeah.. Sorry, I just had to reuse my quote. I still think it resonates with this topic the best!

This post is basically just going to be an extension from the previous one. If you haven't yet, I encourage you to read Part 1 of this 'Throw your phone away' post series. If you have, then let's proceed.

So, how can your phone be your worst enemy? It tricks you!

The average smartphone in the year 2017 has so many diverse features, that it cannot be possible to be able to keep up with everything. Now, we already know this. But the question is, was that an accident?

I am confident that there is more to these devices than we may think. They are in my opinion designed to distract you! Just think about it. Why would the rest of the world, the minority, want the majority to succeed? After all, it is the 1% of the world who design our phones, is it not?

Start thinking about this.. Forget the couple of apps on your phone. It's bigger than that. Do you really need all the things in your life? The materialistic things. Do you even need a phone at all??

Look, I agree a phone can be very handy. In this day and age, it is pretty much required, but let's be real.. You are going to survive without one. What about all the other things in your life. Your PC? All your pares of shoes? Your jewelry? Your kitchen appliances? Your TV? Your car? The list could go on forever!

When you have these things, you think it's normal. But sometimes we begin to live in a kind of second-reality. We need that reality-check sometimes. That this is all this in our heads.

Just take this as a small test. Do you think you need your phone? Like you cannot do anything without it? Here's what you need to do. Take your phone, and put it under your bed. Leave it there for an hour or two. You will notice that you didn't die!! Yay!

After this little moment of confidence you experience, you will be able to get through an entire day without even thinking about your phone. That's what you need to do with the distractions in your life. Put them aside, and then give yourself space to focus.


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Message to most people: Throw your phone away! Part 1

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✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

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Amen to that...do not forget to throw your phone away too hahaha...The part 1 and 2 are great, well written article hence why you always get my upvote.
Do not forget to see my last two post on how to use strategic management tools in eliminating your weaknesses and at the same time using your strengths in a more advantageous way...I wish you more success.

My biggest concern with losing ones mobile phone in this advanced day and age is losing all the crypto wallets and currency? Any ideas on the best back up solutions?

hahaha correct ..you forgot to include google authenticator

Good point!

Hahaha yeah, don't forget to throw it away :D

I appreciate your kindness bro! Thank you for that.

Holy S*** what is that? (In a good way)

I wanted to comment on​ your first Post of it, but I​ thought: No, wait until the next part comes out. I have a question I​ would like to ask you.

But first of all about your Post.

What you wrote is something that goes beyond what we can see with our eyes.
It's profound and pure reality! It needs deep thoughts to understand, to imagine the big picture about that.

This is wisdom, my friend.

But I​ am asking myself if something​ in the near past changed your life. From what I​ see there is a change in the way how you write. Is there a specific cause​ for that? Or am I​ wrong?

Second question​:

I went to​ your Instagram​ profile and saw that your last pictures don't​ even have a description. Is that for a certain reason?

All in all a really valuable​ post.

Thanks for sharing my friend.

I appreciate that brother. Hahaha you don't have to wait until Part 2 to have to comment :D You good leave a small, quick comment on both :P

I am not sure about the change in the way I write.. Could you describe that please? Maybe is was something subconscious.

My Instagram was wasting my time :) I used to spend a lot of time on my Instagram, but now that I use Steemit, I do not give the effort to my photo feed over there haha.

I left out the descriptions and even disabled comments. My time investment was pretty much useless on that platform :)

I resisted owning a smartphone up until a few months ago. A “dumb” phone was great — there’s not really anything you can do with it, so you don’t waste your time reaching for it all day. The only times I ever used it were to place calls (because texting on a flip phone is horribly annoying).

I didn’t feel like I was missing out by not owning a smartphone. I could get directions on my computer before leaving, jot down notes on pen and paper, and message friends and family in bulk from a laptop, rather than let my phone distract me throughout the day.

I have to say I miss that a lot. I was given a phone by my workplace, and it’s really distracting. I reach for it all the time wondering what news it’ll show on the push notifications, and I’m suddenly tempted to check my email so much more often than I used to. And it’s not like anyone is messaging me more than before.

So yeah. Maybe someday I’ll gather the guts to go back to a flip phone.

Yeah, I can definitely agree sometimes having a 'dumb' phone can save you from distractions haha! :D

Nice move though. Nothing wrong with a geniusphone (See what I did there) if you can control yourself I suppose.

Nice one!

I think I am one of the few people who has never owned a cell phone and I agree that you won't die without one. I always get a strange look from people when I tell them I don't have one. I don't think people need to people able to reach you at any second of the day.

Whaaaaat??! :D You have never had a phone? If so, I am impressed.

I totally agree. Look, I do think owning very high-tech has many beneficial features, but not the useless things most people use haha!

Thanks for your point of view.

I switch my smartphone for a flip-phone for 2 month and it was quite refreshing xD
Now I'm back on the smartphone with much better "way" of using it, all notifications of everything turned off (only sms and phone work) -> improves battery life and I can still check whatever I want and catch uber :)

Hahaha all these 'flip-phone' stories :D It's funny to hear.

Nice one though! This is awesome. Yeah for me, my phone is now on 'supersaver' mode. It's got every application hidden, and even a greyscale screen color, LOL!

@enazwahsdarb okay Zane. I will try to put my phone under my bed for an hour every day. I will use my laptop or maybe just a pen and paper to write my blog post and let us see what happens.

I will try doing it for a week or so.

Let's do this my friend! Let me know how you feel without that phone attached to you :)

It's not that I need my phone to live but I kinda need it for my business. I don't have the need to look at it every second, but the moment it beeps I cannot stop myself from taking it even if I'm on a day off. I would really fail this challenge. I will fail it with my sister @iamrosallie. :)

Zane, this is my tiger sister😂😂😂. I mean my older sister. Told her about you and your blog posts.

Hahaha awesome! You guys are cute :D

Hahaha all good. I suppose if your tasks on your phone are making you money, then great! Just don't waste that precious time on those dumb apps doing nothing!

Heyyy you are @iamrosallie's sister? :D Awesome! I gave her a shout-out the other day.

Yeah, I saw your post. I am not shout-out worthy but I would love for you to comment on my posts. Some tips on improving my style would be really nice. My sister said you are one of her mentors. 😀

Since I joined Steemit I rarely look at my phone at all.

But we are approaching an age where everybody is constantly connected to the internet with various devices. Time will tell what that will do to our psyche and well-being.

Sweet bro. Makes two of us!! :D Awesome to know I am not the only one.

I totally agree with you. It can easily get out of control for many people, that's why taking the action to throw that phone away could do a lot.

Stay awesome! How have you been?

Took a day off to gather my mind and now back in hustle 10x mode. ;)

I am somebody who use my Mobile phone very rarely. Many in India are addicted to the Mobile phones especially the teenagers. There are many who are addicted to talking to their friends for long hours and many are also addicted to playing games on their phones, trying to achieve new targets. This addiction has been a cause of lot of accidents. Many have died due to this. I will advice the Teenagers to take into consideration the fact that you might die or be severely injured if you are addicted to your Mobile phones. Don't play games on your phones while walking on busy streets or while driving or while in traffic, take care your parents are worried about you. Your Article is good and the sentence "Leave it there for an hour or two.You will notice you that you didn't die!!Yay!" tell it all. Great work, just keep on writing.

That's fantastic! I agree. I, myself am a teenager, and I can definitely relate that situation to my school friends.

Many of them do have discipline themselves. If I were to log into Instagram right now, I could easily identify in my feed who out of those friends are wasting time.

Thanks for your nice comment! I appreciate your kind words :)

Thanks for your reply. And thanks for all that your are doing for me.

Well smart phones are important but we surely can live without them. I spent a whole month without one and I'm still alive lol
It's not important but it's good if you have one, to stay in touch with your family and friends. I sometimes forget my phone at home when I come to office and that's totally normal for me, I never act like my phone is my life and like some people to react when they cant find their phone

Amen to that!! I love the way you described that.

You are very correct. We can live without them, but they are still important to have.

Again, for some it can be an asset, to other's it can be a liability :)

Hehe thanks and liability it is for most of them. But technologies come and go, I hope this cell phone fever will be over soon too :p

Until last year I had a motorola phone. With buttons and a small screen where there is no internet. Now I have a cool phone. This is more convenient, of course. In any situation I can go online and learn important information. Or make a photo of something beautiful. I do not play toys on the phone and I do not carry it in my hands, as this in itself is not necessary for me.
Good post!
If you have the time, visit my blog, post "look at these guys two". I think you will like: D Because most of it apparently does not understand ..

Nice point! I like your perspective. I totally agree!
devices can be of great convenience if managed correctly :)

Hahaha okay I will take a look!

I don't like the phones at all. When I'm outside or doing stuff, the last thing I want is the phone making noises all the time because someone is trying to get hold of me or getting a bunch of notifications. That would really drive me crazy. When I'm busy doing things like running or walking or working, I want to concentrate on that and do my best at it, and the phone is just a distraction. We can't think on our own, we can't look into peoples eyes anymore or even just have a nice conversation because we are constantly on the phone which is very, very sad. I believe it is really destroying our freedom, happiness, fun, joy, love and health.

I totally agree! And this is coming from someone, who not even 4 months ago was a complete phone addict!

I still think for being on Steemit, having a greatly responsive phone can come in great help.. But again, it's all about what the person uses their phone for..

Absolutely agreed. I'm trying to get my son here on steemit. He is a complete phone addict just like you were, but maybe being on this steemit community, he will not have much time to waste on his phone but use it for useful things. There is a hope.

True, I could survive without a phone for a whole day, as long as the day is fully packed. Usually, I have these moments during weekends and my vacation. However, with phone it really provides convenience as I may need to use for jotting down ideas, finding directions, searching information, making reservation, and other small tasks. Nonetheless, each of the tasks only takes up little time. Try not to spend too much on valueless tasks, that is my way of using the phone :)

Yes! Agreed. I think many people use their phones initially because they don't know what else to do with themselves..

After that, it simply becomes a bad habit.

Nice pointers there brother!

yup :) totally agreed on that! thanks for the reply!

Yeah i totally get what you mean. But right now in this time for me my it is an extension of myself. So i can't see it is a bad thing. But there are good and bad things about it obviously. And there are way bigger problems in the world that I also try to focus on. Way bigger than our first world problems and hopefully one day i will be able to make a bigger impact by using my phone

Sweet bro. Thanks for your point of view!

I definitely agree. Your phone can absolutely leverage things that can really impact many people's lives! The main discussion of this topic is more in the of the useless applications people tend to get addicted to. Wasting precious time.

Stay awesome!

Yeah but i think honestly that sometimes even some of that apps can be good in a personal level to help you to keep focus and have a break of other things. If you

Cellphone interface designers use the latest psychology research to trick you into getting little dopamine kicks every time you do something.
Colours, tiny beeps, rewards, notifications. Everything is meticulously tailored to keep you on the screen longer. The research is so extensive they track everything to tailor it better, your movements,times of day, social circles. Algorithms and researched chew up all that in a effort to get more eyes, more attention. I would urge anyone who lives in the 21 century to at least understand that, and think about what they are doing not just going on autopilot.

Whoooo-hoooo! :D That what I was saying was purely my thoughts, but at the same time, I think it was quite obvious!

I don't doubt that for a second! All these phone companies are worth multiples of billions of dollars. I am certain they spend their time trying to dominate that sector hahaha!

Nice comment :)

Really lovely post. I'm sure trying it out in the course of my day!

Thank you very much! Let me know how it goes for you :)

I tried it out for 6 hours. ... And it's a wonder the earth didn't clamp shut.... I was more relaxed and concentrated on myactivities. No supposed emergency. It made me value time and relationships more...

I see from a new perspective now

Not 100% necessary, but thank god there was some development, so maybe it will even be better, and we dont have a smart PHONE

But functionality is available :-)

Nice pictures! Quite crazy if you think about it hey :D

Don't you think that maybe you should actually throw away your phone, if you are going to tell others to do so?


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Hahaha! :D That's funny. i'm just talking figuratively.. But I am not going to tell someone not to either. It's just a phone :D

Ah well they will have to throw out their phone eventually due to 'planned obsolescence'

I love this post! I just wrote an article today about deactivating my Facebook account. It has become a nightmare. Perhaps we are all waking up. Has our plugs been removed from the Matrix? We can only hope! I will be following your posts! Glad to resteem.

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Great post and very informative. @enazwahsdarb Have learnt a lot from it.

Thanks so much!!

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Fantastic post man! Quick question, how did you make the paragraph dividers to have the red line and the red Steemit logo?

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Only asking for things :) That's funny hahaha! I'm curious to see how long you will keep that attitude up ;)

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It would've been easier for me to throw my phone away before steemit, right now, that would be so hard as I think I'm a little addicted :)

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