✴️Send-Back Sunday: Creating the best odds for yourself to win!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


In this post, I will discuss, in my opinion, exactly what a person should be doing to create the best chances for success here on Steemit over time.

I don't want to ramble on, so let's get straight to it. And yes, I shaved most of my hair off yesterday. I will talk about the reason and mentality behind why I did this in my next post.
So in the last post, I spoke about ignoring your audience, and how I think that is the one thing you should definitely not do if you really care about the people seeing your content. If you want to have a solid foundation, you need to show people how much you value them.

Remember, this is my opinion! It's your choice to use this or not.

So, what should you do?

Well, exactly the opposite of what I explained previously. You need to show your people how much you really care about them. Show them the appreciation they truly deserve. Remember, they don't have to come onto your blog post and leave a comment.
They are doing you the favor!

Reply to your comments

Return the favor by first of all, replying to their comments. It doesn't matter to me how long the comment is, I will respond 95% of the time.
Obviously an exception being bots.. That's just a waste of a post haha!

Upvote all your comments

If you have below 500 Steem Power, you won't be able to do this.. But I think it's a great idea to put a stronger vote on stronger comments. Since I only have about 800 SP right now, I reward decent comments anywhere from 25%-50% vote-weight.
One-word comments or anything not of value, I will give about 10%. Obviously the more Steem Power you have, the more flexibility you have for rewarding certain comments.

So now you know. I do reward decent comments as much as I can right now. It will only get bigger and better in the future.

Now, there is obviously an exception for when posts are getting hundreds of comments, then it's understandable to only upvote the best of the best comments, but to anyone looking to seriously grow their audience, I seriously recommend you start showing appreciation.

Engage on their posts

I think receiving the monetary value is nice sometimes, especially if it's from a Whale, but if you think about it, it only takes a few seconds (No effort) to give an upvote.
An awesome way to really increase engagement retention into future posts from your followers is to support them exactly the same way you expect them to do it for you.

Now, I will admit, I haven't exactly gotten to this yet myself.. But I definitely plan to take the time in the near-future to support all the people who did so for me in the past.

Many times it's the things that money cannot buy, that's the most influential!

Help-out those in need

I believe if you can afford to help others financially, you should delegate a certain amount of your wealth to helping those in need.
I've found a very rewarding way to do this is if I see someone who deserves more attention on their content, I will sometimes send them a couple dollars of RandoWhale.

The nice part about this, is it is so satisfying for them! You can buy someone a $50 pair of shoes, and they'll be like 'thanks'.. You send the same person a $2 RandoWhale and they are the happiest person in the world. LOL! I love it.

Of course, I do not do it for the reaction. It's simply so I can say that I have done my part in contributing to a better community. It's a great way to create leverage for yourself, without having too much Steem Power.

If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!


My previous motivational post:
My biggest insecurity: My blind eye.. Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @longfield98! Beast in the making!

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 My first 30 days on Steemit! Over 3000+ posts!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.4K+ Followers.

DAY 40.png

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"Reciprocity" is what your share here encompasses for me here :)

Live to Give because you got it to Give and Life Lives
Tag You're it!

Woah yes! That was beast.

Thanks for your awesome comment bro! Haha tag!

Well, first of all your all posts says great things about you. It says very much about your mindset, it says too much about your kind behavior towards others, it says your helping and supportive nature. From the moment I put my step on steemit, till now. you're the most supportive and down to earth person I have ever encountered :)
''We rise by lifting others'' -- its my favorite quote and you use it perfectly. :)
About your shout out I have many people to recommend but most of them have SP greater than 1000. So, I think, I have to find someone worthy. I myself have less than 500 SP , so I am thinking for a person who needs good support and who actually value content.
Anways, I wish good luck to your success brother. You're just awesome @enazwahsdarb

Bro, such kind words! Thank you very much my dude.

The way I see it, it's so easy and convenient to just be selfish, and live lonely lives.. But in the same breath, it's just as easy to give. Kindness can take us a long way. There's nothing as powerful as solid friendship foundations!

I don't think SP matters too much.. I would say it's more in the character of what they are doing. If you can clearly see they are putting in the effort to really make things great, then that is clear evidence that they deserve more exposure :)

Talk soon brother!

Thank you for sharing this, so true and really what this is all about 😊
Giving back what we are been given, engaging and showing appreciation.
I do a lot of this already but can always improve and need reminding every now and then so we don't step out of track.
You are amazing and inspiring and you have given so much, guided me in my journey.
Thank you. Great post ❤️
Upvoted and Resteemed. Talk soon

Sara, you are a great example of the things I spoke about in this post! So kind and loving, always looking for a fun conversation, and always willing to be there for others.

I agree, sometimes we just need a good reminder of things, to get us back on track. That's why I believe the simple act of writing your goals on a page is so important, because sometimes when we lose sight, we can always remind ourselves about where we need to be!

Thanks my friend. Talk soon.

Thanks a lot for the advice ;-)
I'm just a mannequin in a human and bot world... and I'm trying to do my best here on Steemit ;-)
Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

A talking mannequin?? :D Wow interesting stuff.

Haha... I'm the first mannequin-blogger here on Steemit... and maybe the first in the whole "social media world" :-)

I'm curious.. How did you become alive? :P I thought all mannequins were like plastic without the ability to talk?

All the mannequins are alive... our job is to stand still and wear clothes... but I've been fired :-(
If you have time you can read about my story on my profile ;-)
There are some nice mannequin-stories, haha

This is definitely a first :D

Digging the idea of send back Sunday! May have to steal my "re-branded" idea from you - Lol. Hope you are doing great brother!

Thanks brother! I think it's a very effective example of an ever-green blogging idea too. As you can always go back at a previous post that did well, and give it more exposure to newer viewers.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! I am quite ill today.. My throat is paining. But always doing fantastic brother! Talk soon.

Great points and great quality post. I also love the feedback you get from people. People are getting so inspired by your wise words and points of view. Keep up the great process. You're going to make it big. 😉

Thank you my friend :)

I agree, feedback from the viewers is so important! I am very grateful people are taking value from my content. I soon want to be getting hundreds or thousands of views.. Then things are going to be amazing!!

WE are going to make it :) Talk soon my friend.

Amazing one! Helping others is actually helping yourself! Upvoted

Thank you brother! Very true.. It doesn't feel like it at first, but even if nothing happens at first from giving so much, you will always have a great feeling in your heart that you have done the right thing!

Talk soon.


Nice to know there are those out there trying to help us little minnows. Getting noticed is difficult but I hope perseverance is the name of the game...following

Perseverance is definitely a big part of the end result! :) But I think before we even start to persevere, we need to have the belief within ourselves that what we are doing, will succeed no matter what! If a person can make that decision, then they are unstoppable!

Thanks for your comment. I gave you a follow :) Talk soon.

You hit the nails. Thanks for great advice.

I always love hitting them nails! :P

Only my pleasure. Thanks for your feedback. Talk soon.

I literally can't interpret what he's saying :D

Lately, even following these few logical steps doesn't really help much at all. Everything's down. Votes are down, views are down. The only joy left is that which you create yourself by interacting with the few nice and real people here. Luckily, I found a few of those :-)

I don't think it's our actions that are doing this.. It's the system within Steemit. I have noticed that too of course, but it is still in Beta. The notification system isn't always working properly, so majority of our followers will not know when we post.

That's why rapport is so important with your audience. If you can develop a strong rapport (desire for them to want to come back) with your viewers, you will always have engagement. I like to use Sweetsssj as an example. I never get notified that she has made a post. I just cannot wait to see her next one. She has build incredible rapport with her viewers.. That, and she's also on the 'hot' and 'trending' category, but regardless, I don't come across her content like that. I go there because I know what I will see will be incredible, every single time :)

These were just a guideline for newer people to follow to gain a competitive edge :)

Thanks for stopping by! I gave you a follow :) Talk soon.

It does seem to take more effort to make anything happen lately. Even replies are down.

Read the reply I made to @playfulfoodie :) It's above this comment.

I agree, but engagement is part of the replies. Perhaps I've tried to engage more of those that don't engage much lately

Yeah exactly! :) There's no use s trying to fool ourselves.. At the end of the day, it's the results that really matter. Well pointed out :)

This post received a 4.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cryptonet! For more information, click here!

@cryptonet.. What. A. Boss! Thanks brother.