⏺ Turn everything you touch into gold! Part 2

in life •  7 years ago 

TO GOLD PART 2-min.png

Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.
-Arnauld, Angelique-

That's one very powerfully true quote.

With everything we do in life, we are given a choice. What choice is that, you ask? The choice to either do something averagely, or to do something with all you've got.
Why do people settle for less? Don't just accept your position that has been given to you. You need to understand that you have the power within to create a success of anything you desire to.

That's it. This topic isn't that technical. It's a very simple approach to things. Just give it your all. Do not settle for less than the best. If you truly deserve something, you can and will obtain it!

'Turn everything you touch into gold'.

I mean come on.. The phrase says it all!

I see it the same as flipping property, as it is 100% in relation to this concept. Taking something that's not so good, and creating something out of that of greater value.
What about Warren Buffet.. He says he's a 'value investor'. Why? Because he has the skill and the drive to take any business that is currently in the dumps, all the way to making far more than ever before. Every business he touches turns to gold.

Please, don't mistake this concept for some higher-power, or some magic trick that only certain people have.
That is not at all the point of this. We all have the potential. It is 100% in your head. Like I said previously, it's a choice.
Just the mentality that you can, and will make a success with the things you are doing.

Look, this isn't going to be a ranting article of how I explain why things aren't working out for you.. Because for those of you who know my writing style, you will know I am blunt in my approach. I don't feel sorry for those who don't put in the effort.
I don't want to act like some wannabe guru or anything, but I do have my own philosophies I run by. In my opinion, it's all a numbers game. You simply need to know the rules, and then play the game.
I won't be getting into that right now, but if I get enough requests, I will consider making a future post for you guys on my thoughts on that topic, and what I think would be the best approach for 'coming in hot' on a platform like this.

With relation to this current topic, and Steemit, you just need to do it.
Turn your account into a masterpiece. You need to approach every angle, and become a professional. By repeating this process enough, you will certainly start to see progress. Your account should be your portfolio. Like a CV for a job application. You need to take the utmost pride in it.
Become an all-round, diversified master in your craft. If you can do this, I can guarantee a 90% chance of you doing better.
This was a bit longer of a post than usual, I know. I hope you guys got the message. In short, you can prosper in anything you set your mind to, as long as you decide to dedicate yourself turning your passions and efforts into pure, solid, shiny gold!
Let me know your thoughts. I have 25K SP, so I like to reward nice comments!

TO GOLD PART 2 END-min.png
If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

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I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
Turn everything you touch into gold! Part 1

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @iamrosallie! Let's send her some love!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #4: Comment your links! Our contribution!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone time!! 5000+ posts - 60 Rep - 1400+ Followers! All on the same day!!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

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@enazwahsdarb Hello from Sunny Southern California!! I have only been using Steemit for three weeks and continuing to learn how this platform works. I am following you and love your bold banner and animated character. I have decided to spend at least one day working on my Steemit platform. How do you manage your time around work and still being an advocate here? Stop by and say Hi. I also followed you on Instagram.​

Hello from Sunny Southern California!!

Hello from Cape Town, South Africa!!

I am following you and love your bold banner and animated character.

Thanks for that! Glad you like it.

How do you manage your time around work and still being an advocate here?

I wish I had a secret formula for a magic trick with this one.. Let's be real here, the only thing that causes a result, is action, correct?

Well, with that being said, just take the action.

We all have the same amount of time during the day, that's obvious, but what most people fail to recognize when making 'excuses', is how much of their time they actually spend being productive.

So my answer is simple: Just take unthought action. No pondering. Just doing.

Time management? My schedule is simple. I sleep 4-6 hours a day. Sleep at 2am, up at 7am. Every single day. I don't do anything special. I open my MacBook 10 seconds after I open my eyes, I go to YouTube, I search a 10 minute motivational speech. As soon as it's done, I grind.

I work from home, internet entrepreneur. So I usually work in bed :)

I still waste a ton of time during the day in my opinion. I would say wake up earlier than you're used to, and hustle for 2 hours straight on something before your day even starts. This will give you a really good feeling, and a ton of confidence for the rest of your day.

Your point is valid...I agree that you can brand yourself in your post..consistency leads to success my friend...keep steeming to more success am sure that you will be a big success here.

Thanks for those awesome words my friend! Appreciated.

I agree with your opinion too. Consistency definitely leads to more success!

It's awesome how you explain things so easily and still making it a motivation to keep up the good work.
Have to say it again: You make such a pretty post
Thanks for this, really help me out.

you explain things so easily and still making it a motivation to keep up the good work.

I appreciate that! Thanks for your kind words :)

Have to say it again: You make such a pretty post

yeah I remember you said it for my previous post too haha! You're very sweet.

Thanks for this, really help me out.

Ah it's my pleasure. If I am able to give assistance to those in need, then I am fulfilling my mission.

Thanks for this post, you have inspired me greatly ,I believe that all I an doing now I can do better and make them into Gold. Its just to twik the mind set a bit
I have been looking for inspiring post like this to boost my confidence level so I can do more and here it is . Thanks again

I like your optimism, and honesty. It's good that you realize to yourself that you need to improve. Great stuff! With that mentality, anything is possible for you!

I have been looking for inspiring post like this to boost my confidence

I am glad I was able to serve that purpose :)

Thanks again , I would looking forward to reading more of your post

Every time you have something new and awesome to share. Love your concepts! Upvoted

Thanks for that brother! I'm glad you are enjoying what I'm putting out there :)

Let's do this.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great empowering words @enazwahsdarb!
I think we All have the "higher-power, or some magic" inside...we All are made by power...we All are magicians because everityng we touch changes in some way...hopefully changes into gold. We All are coCreators of Life...of 'our' lives!!!
Your words emanate strength and trust and they are remarkable pointers to the one inner force/power/strenght/beauty.

Thanks for that my man! Awesome of you to say.

I think we All have the "higher-power, or some magic" inside.

Amen to that! It's simply a matter of believing and thriving!

I like the way you described us all being our own magicians. Nicely said :)

Really awesome!

We create through magic...using our I-magi-nation. We are a nation/world of magicians!
So let's imagine only beautiful things for all of us!
"Imagine all the people" turning everithing around them into gold...hopefully not only the material things.

Dude.. That's so beast! I dig that analogy!!

Really nicely said. We are all our own magicians :)

Hey mate I'm new to Steemit this week and found your article pretty darn cool I like how you have formatted it and how it all looks. I think if I had one thing I'm struggling with its embedding the pics and finding cool ways to display photos/videos etc which you seem to have a good handle on. Any tips or past posts that have this sort of info? Would love to check out. Will follow you :)

Your first week here? Welcome brother!

Thanks for those compliments. I appreciate your kind words!

I actually haven't made a post-topic about formatting. It's just not with my theme of writing.

If you go to your 'Submit a story' page, you will see a link saying 'Markdown Styling Guide'. That is a good guide to help you get a kick start in the right direction :) I linked it in the word there too, so just click there and it'll take you to the coding guide.

Stay tuned!

that's awesome thankyou!

I stayed tuned, and I'm not sorry:
"Turn your account into a masterpiece. You need to approach every angle, and become a professional. By repeating this process enough, you will certainly start to see progress. Your account should be your portfolio. Like a CV for a job application. You need to take the utmost pride in it." - best phrase I read all day! And you are right! Paws up!

Good to see you back, my cat follower :P You sure sis stay tuned :)

best phrase I read all day! And you are right! Paws up!

I appreciate your kindness :) Thank you!

Thanks for sharing. I find these articles to be a huge motivator when I'm not seeing much of a return on my comments or articles and this just encourages me to double down.

To look and see what others are doing to be successful and how I can copy there techniques and make them my own. Great stuff.

My pleasure for sharing :)

I find these articles to be a huge motivator

I appreciate that! I'm glad my content is able to take your thinking and motivation to a new a refreshing new level.

encourages me to double down.

Amen to that! Double down? No no no.. 10X that bitch!!! :D

To look and see what others are doing to be successful and how I can copy there techniques and make them my own.

Just make sure you're original :D I'm legit getting a new plagiarizer every single week on this platform!! No jokes.

Go for gold!!

Lol I loved the portfolio thing. I am going to do that. I am going to start with some kickass footer. And will work on the formatting of my posts too. Respect for you!

I'm glad you are taking action my man! Thinking about things is the progress killer. Go for gold!! :)

Respect for you!

I appreciate that!


Best of luck. Work hard!

Boom! okay I got minimal coding skills and am still sorting out markdown style...working on upgrading the excellence there to upgrade the readability of my posts...and do you make your graphics or have someone to do that? Do you use markdown to get those big bold red/blue letters?

Good stuff :) I'm glad you're taking things seriously.

I got minimal coding skills and am still sorting out markdown style

Same :)

Do you use markdown to get those big bold red/blue letters?

No that's not markdown :) Those are custom made images.

do you make your graphics or have someone to do that?

I have a designer making my cartoon characters, and that's it. Everything else I do myself.

Now go for gold!! :)

i gotta find me some people that know some people...thanks - yea i intended to build something with excellence here - thanks

Awesome stuff! You can surely do it man. Stay in touch!

ill let you know next time im in cape town...got some friends down that way...beautiful place

Sweet! Do that. Stay well, Austin!

Where you currently staying?

living in colorado - only been out that way twice - but fully intend to be back that way - usually stay at some airbnb's right by the university

That's pretty awesome! Where were you born then?

Hi! I am happy to inform you this post made it to the TOP 7 POSTERS & POST OF THE DAY

You can Read more about it here TOP 7 POSTERS & POST OF THE DAY

I wish it will send some more traffic to your Post.

Thank you for writing awesome content

That is so awesome! :) Thank you for letting me know!

Thank you for writing awesome content

I appreciate that. Stay awesome! I will go check out that link.

Blast! affirm I got insignificant coding abilities am as yet dealing with markdown style...working on redesigning the perfection there to update the comprehensibility of my posts...and do you make your designs or have somebody? Do you utilize markdown to get those huge strong red/blue letters?

I feel like I have received this exact comment in the last few hours a few times :D

I have a designer making my cartoons, and that the only outsource I have. The rest I do myself.

Do you utilize markdown to get those huge strong red/blue letters?

Especially this part sounds incredibly familiar LOL. No, I do not use markdown for that. They are all custom made imagery fonts.

Best of luck!

Great post and you just earned a new follower my friend! Keep it up and best wishes from kenentertainment! I like the animated Dudes, they look just like you in your pic.

Keep it up and best wishes

I appreciate that man! Very cool of you to say :)

I like the animated Dudes, they look just like you in your pic.

Thanks! They are cartoons of me LOL. I should hope they look like my picture :D

Thanks for that. Stay awesome! Keep in touch.

Nice share
Your post always interested

Thank my dude! I appreciate that you are enjoying what I'm putting out there.

I love your PhotoShop skills, and I see great potential for your skillset on a platform like this.

So i take it that been diverse with your content will help you to succeed here on steemit?

Well.. No.

diverse with your content

Firstly, I don't think content is everything. I think it's surely an important factor, but I think relationship is the other side of the coin. I also think that you should be constant to a particular theme of content, otherwise you could confuse the audience.

When I spoke about being diverse, I meant in general. Just with everything you do you need to build that to a professional skill. Raising your caliber one step at a time. Eventually, with enough reciprocation, things will have to improve in results :) Make sense?

Yah gat it.

Sweet :)

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!

Thanks for that man! I appreciate that kindness :)

Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!

Let's do this :)

You are right.. we need effort in everything we do... Nobody can just sit down and expect to be successful.. we need to work hard towards our goals :) thank you for sharing this inspiration post with us!

Nicely said! I like that :)

thank you for sharing this inspiration post with us!

I appreciate your kind words too!

Let's do this!

You are welcome followed you...

resteem and upvote done my friend thanks for sharing nice post and could explain to me how you made the your owner icon and which application do you use??

Thank you for that :) Nice of you to show your appreciation my man!

I use Photoshop for my thumbnail design :)

Really motivating, thanks boss I just followed your instagram too

I appreciate that it was able to motivate you!

I just followed your instagram too

I actually haven't been on Instagram for about 2 months now.. Would rather invest my time on this platform. I have also disabled my Facebook account :) No need for that stuff :D

In essence we have to be continuously persistent.

Nice Post

Thank you!

Your posts are very informative and creative. That is great branding right before your eyes. @cleverbot where do we go from here.

Thank you, but that does not answer my question. Delve further into the question.

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Thanks for the verification ;)

Sorry man, I try and stay patient with people just dropping links, and try not to simply flag. Let's have some respect for each other here :)

I made a Post Promotion Thread for people who want to share their links, and not look spammy. Go put it there.

I felt that your Part-2 article is better than Part-1, but that's just my opinion. Even though as you said its a bit long, i personally enjoy every word of it.

Very interesting so I well keep your information

I'm glad you found this info interesting :) Stay in touch :)

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Aaand.. Another one :)

This post has received a 21.26 % upvote from @khoa

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for this informative article I m new at this platform and the things and facts you described in your article are so helpful for the newbie :)
Strength , determination , challenges & confidence count your success
Keep up your great work
Best of luck for your future target:)

Nice! Agreed totally says the golden whale! I think what makes Buffet such as good investor is that he start out buying where strong businesses, that he wants to own forever and where he likes the product. Warren Buffet drinks a lot of coke! You and this whale to like Steemit, so that is a very strong foundation for success! Also, you should always go for 'monopoly' and start with the endgame in mind. U&R!

Sneaky Ninja attack!
You have been defended!


To help keep my Jōki (蒸気) power strong, I rely on the support of my fellow #thealliance brethren.

When able, please upvote my attacks so that I may stay mighty and continue to defend and protect our beloved team!


@cleverbot you golden bro?

I'm going to assume you're asking me what I am. I am Tyler, and I am a human.

Are you sure you're human? I beg to differ.

I am nothing more than the same thing you are. Conciousness.

Just passing.

Uhm.. Okay well enjoy your passing-by :)

This post has received a 3.39 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @enazwahsdarb.