in life •  7 years ago 

Hebrew 10:37-39; 11 Cor. 2:14 Going through life can at times, be tough. There are days the challenges just keep pouring in. We feel overwhelmed and helpless. The pressure could be so much we feel like quitting. The sad commentary of many lives is that they quit on the eve of their miracle. To them, God did not come on time.Beloved, God can be trusted. He will give you the victory if you do not walk away in discouragement.
Remember, it is not over just because your back is flat on the ground, or because the devil and his agents are laughing at you. It is God's verdict that counts and God will not declare it over until you triumph. God has programmed success into your future. Therefore, go past the setbacks, go past the losses, go past the heart breaks and hang on until your God comes through.A good lesson we can learn from a bad woman (Delilah) in the Bible proves that persistence wears down opposition. She kept coming again and again until Samson yielded to her. Perseverance, not perfection, is the key to your victory. After the storm is over, your hands will be raised high in victory.
Stand your ground. Be strong!

Father I refuse to accept Satan's stop signs. I choose to believe Your word.


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I ageeed....because preservance is the symbol of success..

you are on point bro!

This is a really true post.....we should never quit on anything

thank you!

I love this!

thanks. for reading!