When you share the same brain as Dori

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Ever since little, I have always been told that I have the worst memory and that I am clumsy. I'm not talking about "forgetting to brush your teeth" or "forget why I walked into a room". That kind of forgetfulness is just cute.

I'm talking about forgetting what I ate for breakfast, forgetting where I was going when driving, forgetting what my age is, or forgetting where I live. All these things I forget about, I end up having to stand there like an idiot and think about it for good 5 to 10 minutes. I know there will be a few people on here who will agree or maybe think this is a little too much of forgetting. But one thing we can agree is that "forgetfulness" affects your daily life either in or out of work, home, or school so we all want to have better memory and be less clumsy. So, what could we do to enhance our short-term memory span?

The first thing I worked on (and am still working on) is learning to accept me and be comfortable with myself. Yeah, I know this sounds pretty retarded but hear me out. I'm not telling you to love yourself or any of that soft, gooey, mushy, feely B.S. I'm talking about being straight up with yourself. Don't kid around telling yourself that "people will understand because this is just how I am" or "it's not as bad as people make it seem". Does it take valuable time off of your day for you to think about what you forgot to do at work? Does it take away time in your day when you stop at a grocery store and you have to go through every aisle to remember what you needed to buy? YES IT MATTERS. Accept it. Realize that it is an issue. And then solve it.
IF you think you have accepted yourself and know yourself, then you should follow these steps:
  1. Form habits. By this, I mean plan out HOW your days are going to look like for about 1 and half to 2 months. I know this is a long time but most habits take about 7 weeks to form. Then make small changes from where to place keys to where to go eat. Making your every day follow a schedule for more than a month will help you in setting your internal clock on a schedule helping your brain to rest more during the night and function better during the day.
  2. Eat nuts. Walnuts, peanuts, almonds, chestnuts, what ever nuts that you want to eat. They are rich in energy, protein, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and other minerals that are good for you... why not eat them to help you function at a more alert and energetic state during the day?
  3. Plan to move around fairly intensely for about 30 minutes to an hour a day. This could be either hitting the gym to lift weights, going swimming, playing basketball, jogging, etc. This will increase the blood flow and help to clear out your mind of other "clustering" thoughts that are less important and help to focus on other things much easier.
    At this point, I know this all sounds stupid but hear me out!
  4. Write down everything. I MEAN EVERYTHING. I keep a journal. I have hard time remembering small things (short-term) to even large things (i.e. except for factual information such as "I lived in California for a year in 2011", I have very little memory of it although it was only 5 years ago). Keep a journal to keep track of your days and what you did during the days. I also keep a small note-pad to keep track of my small thoughts. I write down things that I would like to remember in a few hours or so.
When you have started doing these four things on a daily basis, you will find yourself with a little more time through out your days. These steps may not seem to amount to much but when you follow all these 4 VERY easy steps simultaneously, you will soon find yourself less frustrated with yourself more and more.

Keep following me and you will get to read of a blog about how I function with my "clumsiness" and other random posts!

Thank you :)

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