RE: Why Voting Is Pointless (Written by Michael Harrison)

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Why Voting Is Pointless (Written by Michael Harrison)

in life •  8 years ago 

I've been thinking much the same.
Excellent observations.
I'm trending to not voting in any race in which I can make no impact. The presidential race is a farce. The choice is between this liberal democrat, that liberal democrat , a third liberal democrat or a VERY liberal democrat...oh...and some other guys who are only on the ballots of half a dozen states.

In other words it doesn't matter who get's elected president. They the same essentially. Pepsi/coke.

As far as down ballot? The further down the more it matters. Senator for example. It's impossible to gerrymander the senate races. House? not so much. That needs to be changed and changed soon. It's blatantly unconstitutional on a number of fronts.

but hey...who cares about the's a living document...right?

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