I Fucked Up

in life •  6 years ago 

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I had been really good with my sleep schedule in the past month, naturally going to sleep a little after midnight and waking up at the latest at 9am without the alarm. I fucked that all up last weekend, and I've been so out of it this whole week. Yesterday and the day before that were the worst and I'm so damn grumpy, I have a headache and I can't get anything done.

I used to like being awake at all hours and doing random stuff, now I'm just irritated and I can't focus on creating anything. In theory it should be just as easy (or as hard) to write at night but for example yesterday, after I woke up from a four hour nap(!!!) at 1am, I couldn't concentrate on anything. I think I watched youtube videos until 5am and knitted, the latter part being productive, but not what I was supposed to be doing. I've been lacking on the posting front this week because I just haven't gotten the right brain for it. You haven't probably even noticed that I haven't been that active, but for my own standards, I need to do more!

This morning I hit the snooze button for probably two hours, which is just bad and the sleep you get in between snoozes, is not relaxing at all. Either get up, or move the alarm an hour straight up. I'm finally up, having a cup of green tea and trying to keep my eyes open.

On a more positive note; today both my sister and @escapist are coming over, which is so nice because I haven't seen either of them in a long while, and they haven't seen my new crib. I think it's going to be a lot of talking, laughing and ranting all evening, sorry neighbours. We might also heat up the sauna and have a really nice and relaxing evening with Esc, while my sis will probably go out with some friends, she is still young and able.

I need to pull myself together, tidy up the house a little bit and go get some drinks and snacks before I go meet my sister at the bus station.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Long walk in a crispy, fresh air helps sometimes! Outdoor activity, any activity on fresh air, works for me almost every time!

We call it here the fresh air poisoning, and yeah, it does work! But when you already sleep all day and feel all shitty, you don't wanna go out to the cold and dark in the evening.

Just eat tons of carbs and pass out 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol, I used to do that a lot, I love pasta!

Yeah, my sleeping's messed up too: when I was cycling I went sleeping around 9-11 pm. and waking 6-8 am. But now that I'm home I'm getting at bed past midnight and sleeping past 10 am. I blame the Internet for this, and my computer especially.

I blame the blockchain. It's so much better to blame outside elements than that it might just be that we have to be more strict with ourselves and get that sleep schedule back on track!

Yea, easy to blame somebody/something else than ourselves.

You know green tea makes skin problems ?

You must be kidding.

And you said you do research about it. Just follow the arrow I shot my dear.