Vlog 212: Long term investment advice.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I realised that my current investment strategy is based on my own personal situation.

I have crypto but I also have fiat on the sideline because I sold on the way up.

It's a very good position to be in because it makes me very flexible.

If crypto goes up it's ok. If it goes down I can buy more. Pretty simple.

After BTC came down from $20000 to $6000 it's now showing a small sign of a recovery. (currently $8000).

But to be honest +$2000 is nothing compared to how much was lost.

I need to see a much stronger signal then that before I believe any of it.

I would be very careful going all in at this point. (going all-in is something I would never do, ever).

But buying a little bit can't hurt. Especially if you were thinking about investing in to crypto for the first time.

I invest for the for the long term (years) and buy slow. I don't like too much risk.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

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Don't forget some precious metals like Gold and Silver. After all, they have been money for over 6000 years. Many cryptos haven't been in existence for 6 years.

I don't know your present person life situation, BUT I hate people in crypto who also have fiat and never use crypto in their daily life.

My belief is...
If you treat crypto well and it'll treat you back really really well. Don't do things half heartedly.

BUT I hate people in crypto who also have fiat and never use crypto in their daily life.

This was probably your typical newbie bitcoin buyer until Steem came along. Now they buy bitvoin to get into fiat and probably all off chain.

Good to see you in your garden. I am sad that winter is going to an end.
Yeah, you have a point there. You can not take this first up as positive sign to bet all your money on bitcoin but yeah sometimes going all in or putting all your eggs in a bucket could be fun and risky too :p

I will give you my vote every time I see them on my screen, but also give me your vote, I will love them forever.

It's why you do cost averaging and buy over a few week. Should always keep some fiat in reserve and never buy on margin or credit, personally I believe this to be a good time to buy and have called the bottom on my page as evidence!


More steemians are more educated now about crypto.
Don't invest all, just the amount you are okay to risk.
Keep on steemin'

If you don't have a long term perspective investing in crypto then it will only harm your investment and you'll likely lose money.

You need to be in for the long-term, only invest what you're willing to lose, and research strong projects and hold. Don't try to trade often because you only incur more fees.

Diversify (within reason of course).

Dollar cost average all of your investments as much as you can. Never invest ALL of your funds into one project and all right at once. Hold some cash aside for when the prices go down. You can buy in lower and bring down the average price of your investments increasing your odds of seeing a return once it rebounds and goes back up.

Buying low and selling high is easier said than done but if something is hitting all time highs then you likely should not invest in it. Wait for the prices to drop because it's a near certainty that they do. These are the trends of trading anything in an open market.

If you want to make a few speculative moves then find some new projects that are coming out but do your homework first only but into things that feel like they have a bright future and a strong team around them. Focus on major industries where the technology or projects could really make a difference in the world or that could catch on. With new coins you must have a long term perspective though because you will not get rich over night and with new coins you will almost certainly have to weather a few downturns before you start to see them tick upwards.

Sorry I wrote a book here but I hope this helps as many people as possible!

I am very interested in this paper. by @ismuel

That's crazy of bitcoin going down as much as maybe 5000


Its not possible the https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@newmarket65/the-bit-coin-floor-is-around-about-usd6000
Here is new buyers every day for Bit Coin the floor always goes up for Bit Coin over time so it will never hit $5000 again i can bet my life on that

If during a month bitcoin could lose over 50%, then another 40% drop is also possible. Note that the 24 hour change has been around 20%.


oooooo....yes. you are right.

@exyle :- you are a great heart. I follow your post

i follow you. i hope you follow me.and plz vote my posts

i doubt it

great advice on crypto when to buy n when not to thanks for share.😊

great advice on crypto when to buy n when not to thanks for share.😊

I never go all in, as that’s typically a sign of desperation and always ill advised. Diversification is the name of the game with investing.

I feel that we are still going lower, perhaps with $5000 BTC bottom. Then again we may have already hit the bottom. Only time will tell.

I’m a big fan of ETH here, and it is my biggest holding currently. Feel like it will hit $2k by August.

GL to all and thanks for sharing.

ETH hitting 2k would be nice. Ambitious. Do you think BTC rises proportionately?

Hard to say, but my opinion is BTC was way overbought due to the fact that if there’s is 1 crypto that the masses know about and is easiest to buy, it’s BTC. If that trend continues year it will rise proportionally. If the crypto newbies have been scared out of this after the crash, they may never return which would eliminate the pump of BTC from “beginner money”.

At least we will see less of "when moon?" posts.

A wonderful strategy, my friend and you reason quite reasonably in the sense that if the price is high, then the profit will be greater, and if the price is low, then you can invest more assets. I agree with you, Bitcoin now played a part of the loss, but I think after the Asian New Year, Bitcoin will start a gradual growth, thereby pulling all the currencies behind him, which will favorably affect the Steem. Thanks Mark

Will steemit rise?

Fantastic advice sir!

And I'm trying to follow your example by dollar cost averaging all this stuff....Every few days, 5 to 10 Steem and then powering up.

I would loss my mind if I invested like you described....100k into Steem. Crazy! But good job on the people that took the risk.

Way out of my league lol

And like you said, this way to invest...We take all the guessing out of it.

Slow and steady wins the race :)

That was way out of my league to. It would make me extremely nervous. I'm glad that the downtrend lasted for a long time so I could buy in slowly.

i follow you. i hope you follow me.and plz vote my posts

Excellent video friend and i totally agree with your thoughts, no doubt it's a perfect buying opportunity for all and we all need to capitalize on it and i also have huge trust of steem blockchain and it surely worth buying steem right now, my plan is to buy steem around 2.50$ to 3$ mark because it looks like very strong support at that point and i am sure with the potential steem blockchain has we see atleast 10$ steem soon, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts with us and wish you a fantastic week ahead my friend.

Yep, a small nibble while markets are still recovering from the drop is wise. There's still a chance that we could see a retest of support at $6k and markets remain somewhat fragile. That said, there have been some encouraging signs in alts early today that indicate risk appetite is returning. This could help push the entire market higher.

I'm not convinced yet this is the bottom. But current prices are above my baseline atm so I can now just wait and see. It's pretty relaxing when you have a plan.

A plan is an immense help, especially if you're investing for the long-term. It helps with day trading to have a plan too, but I still find day trading to be nerve wracking.

Great strategy, similar to mine. If you invest for the long term, you should buy when their is blood on the street. Like Warren Buffet said, be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful:).

This might sound strange, but I don't consider this blood on the street yet.


Life is risky enough: Health issues, paying bills, relationships. Only he fool hardy would place all of one's proverbial 'eggs in one single basket' at this point.

True words.. i bought some eth coins the other day and today it is growing in value!

i follow you. i hope you follow me.and plz vote my posts

How wonderful that you tell us about your initiative because of the abrupt fall of bitcoin. I am new and as I am concerned about the situation, I will take into account all your advice from now on. I would like you to go through my profile and vote for me. I am also new Venezuelan and seek through this platform an economic escape to the situation that brings my country.

It certainly is quite the drop and it's not looking certain is this isn't a little stop on the way further down. Although I really hope not. A little buy here and there is good... Slow and steady wins the race!!

Just watched ur vlog 212 on DTube..! 🌞

i liked the idea for a starter lke me.
The strategy u suggested as investing 10$ first on steem nd the transfer it to steempower then wait a little to let the market regain the steem price seems pretty fair and safe for a new person who is willing to invest on crypto.🌟

And a big thanks to u, fr sharing ur valuable suggestion...! 🙌

this suggestions are like a guideline for new potential investors... 😇
~Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

@exyle motivated you @christinaa❕. Thats good for starter like us to invest money and later transfer it to steempower. You both have good strategic plan. Good luck with that👍👍......

yeah..! thanks for the wish...! 🤗🤗

Good advice. It is really important to start slowly if you have little experience in crypto trading or you can get burned easily.

For some people cryptocurrency is their first investment experience. For myself I've traded stocks, funds, and commodities and have witnessed large corrections. Any non-tangible asset value (not based on real in-your-hands-stuff) is going to experience greater fluctuations when the value is based on confidence. That is why currencies not back by gold can fluctuate wildly.

Slow and steady it grows and it will grow eventually but if you want quick profit that is not possible time to hodl

Being patient, careful and considerate is a must if you don't want to get a mental breakdown. Greedily trying to buy as fast as you can never ends well.

the bounce of coming back has it will come back up soon good day you enjoying there in the good weather thanks for the advice will hold on to it for long steem is really good

I am in for the long term, so I am patiently waiting to see what happens before I make a move. I hate losing, so I won't set myself up for disappointment.

smart choice, but it will be a while before you make up your mind.....the storms here are hardly ever calm

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't go all-in either. Can't put all your eggs in one basket! Also, since Steemit.chat is now gone (I know it supposed to come back) I just wanted to remind you that I haven't forgotten about your beer. One way or another, I'm sending you beer. Because I said I would. :) Will need some time though! I'll let you know soon.

Take your time man, no rush. And let me know about any costs.

Sounds advice. This could very easily be a temporary blip and the continued downtrend can start right back up with a drop of 20% in a day. That is the crazy part of crypto.

What I have been doing is buying large dips which tend to then be followed by a small rally. Sell the rally and then rebuy the next large dip. Was in at 6400 and back out at 7800. Missed some profits, but have done this 8 times on the way down and each time it's added to my cash position for larger purchases the next time.

Always need cash on hand to capitalize on market corrections!

Hi exyle,

Bedankt voor je advies ik ben nu pas 5 maanden bezig en heb op 6 Februari mijn 2de buy in gedaan. Ik doe ook niet veel alleen wat ik missen en ik heb meer dan de helft van mijn portfolio vast staan voor het lange termijn. Ik heb tegen mijzelf gezegd minimaal 1 jaar HODL maar dat kan ook langer worden. Ik probeer met de rest van mijn portfolio kleine beetjes te verkopen zodat ik ook nog fiat kan opbouwen voor de volgende diepe dip. Ik weet niet of we er al echt uit zijn ik ben voorzichtig maar crypto is altijd een risico..

Fijne avond verder!

too much dip and finally a big profit but too much loss for those who bought at that top for sure that's why taking out regular profit is a must and compounding if one want to it gives more flexibility

Our bodies receive energy much like the plants do. The more we get sun the better we tend to feel versus the winter time, less sun more inside time.

I am so glad to see someone with some influence saying the right things instead of throwing emotionally exaggerated hype around. Glad your posts are flourishing, you've got a good bearing.

Thank you.

These are some serious and valueale tips i found through your blog Man ;)

But buying a little bit can't hurt. Especially if you were thinking about investing in to crypto for the first time.

I invest for the for the long term (years) and buy slow. I don't like too much risk.

Thanks a lot for the previous advice through your life experiences @exyle :)

It's better to buy small amounts periodically to reduce the emotional attachment to the price.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great strategie..Congrats man! Very good example of what patience and hodling can do for you.

Sounds like a helpfull info! Thanks :)

According to the firm Autonomous Next, the number of hedge funds investing in digital assets like Bitcoin has grown rapidly to more than 100. Since the launch of Bitcoin Futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in December 2017, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone why the price of Bitcoin is down 50% from the high.


Only Retail Investors chase price and buy high and sell low, while the Professionals buy low and sell high. The Hedge Funds have purposely sold Bitcoin futures to get in a better price.

At the moment, there is a war taking place between the buyers (Hedge Funds) and the sellers (Retail Investors) called capitulation. That line in the sand was at $9000. Capitulation is when investors give up any previous gains, by selling, in an effort to get out of the market. Capitulations are outcomes that result from the maximum psychological and financial pain that can be endured by a group before throwing in the towel. The Retail Investors are throwing in the towel after seeing a more than 50% correction in the Bitcoin price to the buyers, the Hedge Funds. With 100s of millions of dollars to invest, we are witnessing an accumulation phase by the Hedge Funds between $6000 and $9000.

The Hedge Funds are loading up and buying from the Retail Investors. But to fill all their buy orders, as the sell orders dry up, price must go down to the next stack of sell orders. We are approaching what I believe will be the bottom of bitcoin at $6000. My first target is $12,000 and my second target is $17,000 over the next 3 - 9 months.

The easy money has been made over the last 12-18 months. With the big boys in the game now, the rules have changes. The question is, are you ready to play to win with a new play book?

This post is my personal opinion. I’m not a financial advisor. Do your own research before making investment decisions. By reading this post, you acknowledge and accept full responsibility of any gains or losses.

Spot on

Great advice, my recent gains have cancelled out some of my losses. I guess thats how to play it.

You only make losses if you sell for fiat it you hold on to your crypto your fine i will follow you for more of this great post if you would follow me that would be great thanks

  1. buy BTC
  2. HODL until it's at least +1000$
  3. sell BTC
  4. wait until it crushes
  5. repeat (1)

giphy (6).gif
Great advise its useful for me

this is very informative blog .thanks to you for sharing..i praise
Carry on

great advice on crypto when to buy n when not to thanks for share.😊

very cool my friend. your job is absolutely perfect. and you have a unique talent. develop your brother's talent, because you have everything.

From hatred to love, the road is often quite close. If the market was predictable, almost everyone would behave the same way.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Well done great work
Upvote and resteem

i follow you. i hope you follow me.and plz vote my posts

Damn no shame on the shilling.

I really agree with you on this.
Its really a good idea to take small risks than to go all in since we dont have control of which way the market goes.
Around late December i went all in hoping that the rise will continue but to my greatest surprise the market crashed from 18k down to 6k and now it has only been able to recover just 2k.

buying at low with fiats is a good option and even if one don't have holding for long and taking deep breath is good enough too and a grill session on top of it would be great ;)

Nice video man and I agree with how beautiful it is when the weather is good. Im happy to be your 11000thttthhtt follower. Groeten uit Den Haag!

It was thanks to this Video that I found Dtube so I have subed to say ty

I agree with you that this is a time of long-term investment. but many people are worried about this condition. I also want long-term investment

i follow you. i hope you follow me.and plz vote my posts

Yeah it's a good idea to diversify. Also I think bitcoin only got to those heights because it was first and got the most mainstream coverage. Quite a few of the other cryptos have more to offer to the world than bitcoinshutterstock_539449912-1.png

i follow you. i hope you follow me.and plz vote my posts

thanks for your advice

Bitcoin does the same thing at the same time almost each year :)

But buying a little bit can't hurt. Especially if you were thinking about investing in to crypto for the first time.
Thanks for that precious advice. I was actually thinking about it

Hmm, don't panic. I think it will rise again. Thanks for your advice.

Nice post thanks for sharing..

Nice advice okey i follow you let's se and market is down day by day becouse btc go down and can you tell me that when btc is stable what is your advice for btc

amazing writing,,,,, really nice story.thank for shareing.....

Nice advice okey i follow you let's se and market is down day by day becouse btc go down and can you tell me that when btc is stable what is your advice for btc

Very invormative. Thank you.

good and useful information

Do you hold any certificate to be allow to recommend ?

Let me gues...

Thank you for sharing

Yes wise advice...

Yes wise advice...

go ahead sir

Great advice, my recent gains have cancelled out some of my losses. I guess thats how to play it.

212 is the best for muslim in indonesia.

Thanks Sir For your important information post.
I glad to you.
great man great info.
upvote done

I think BTC Not Down now its zig zag 1-2 Month than again jump higher.
(Website Designer, Marketing Expert , Crypto Guru)

Smart strategy, invest what you can, while you can, sell when you believe it will be good for you, never go all in, on anything.

this madness, I'm going to eat the head every day for the last 2 months

Risk is all subjective you say you dont like risk but everyone in the world says Crypto currency is riskier as hell. I think its the safest assets in the world Bit Coin. Nothing safer when central banks print money. great post i will follow you for more of this great post if you would follow me that would be great thanks

Risk is all subjective you say you dont like risk but everyone in the world says Crypto currency is riskier as hell. I think its the safest assets in the world Bit Coin. Nothing safer when central banks print money. great post i will follow you for more of this great post if you would follow me that would be great thanks

I never go all in, as that’s typically a sign of desperation and always ill advised. Diversification is the name of the game with investing.

I feel that we are still going lower, perhaps with $5000 BTC bottom. Then again we may have already hit the bottom. Only time will tell.

I’m a big fan of ETH here, and it is my biggest holding currently. Feel like it will hit $2k by August.

GL to all and thanks for sharing.

Hay @exyle how do you buy Steem and turn it into Steem power please? this sounds like something i would like to do, could you put out a detailed video on how do do this it would help knowing how to complete this kind of investment. Thanks in advance..

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

nice post as always. going to upvote and resteem @exyle

Thanks for sharing great post

good approach. I think taking a part of your monthly salary for investing is the best option for risk-averse investors

not that much it had recovered but quite good as we have seen some growth if someone had fiat and they bought bitcoin at that time they must be happy :)

The good thing about the current dip is that it will allow people to buy in, people who hesitated to invest when it was +19000$ and to get their first taste of crypto.

 Thanks @exyle for sharing the post with all of us.

Seems like a perfect day to enjoy in Netherlands very nice clear blue skies and sunshine to enjoy and thanks for sharing your plan and strategy for new people who are new in the cryptocurriences it was very helpful for me to understand the patience is really a key here.

Market will always go up and down so its great to take out profit everytime at the top so that one can move in and out at the perfect time but the greed of thinking that it will always up could make us doomed so i will try to avoid that and will follow the simple rule sell at the High and buy at the dip

Finally it seems like the market is correcting slowly and steadily .....which is really good and i too love to take only small risks not too much :) 

Thanks a lot again for sharing 

Have a great day ahead.


l am afraid bitcoin will go as low as $4000..thanks for all these beautiful strategies there @exyle

Hi exyle. I agree with you that we must be vigilant in this cryptocurrency market and not allowing ourselves to be swaying with emotions in the light of recent scams like Bitconnect and DavorCoin. Upvoted!

Before next bull rull Bitcoin will touch 1000$ mark

great.. your information is giving us a great strategies

A nice post

Its best to do same for my own good.


Great advice. No one should put all their​ eggs in one basket. The illusion of getting rich quick is appealing, but you should use caution and try to build wealth slowly.
Another great article,

Good video sir
I like it
Thank you to share experiences

Thank you, good advice in a fluctuating environment right now :)

Stay positive Cuz, the Crypto revolution has just started. My gut is BTC will be at $40,000 this year, it's a vacuum is getting stronger for the upside.

That is a nice write up, even the risk you stand still never to shake long term goal is encouraging, indeed you are a steemian, please i want to learn more from you, will you mentor me??
I have followed up. Upvote/ follower please.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Going 'all in' on anything is risky thats sure, however thats how you make the most profit, works for some people but playing safe is a good way if you can't afford to watch your investments melt in a night.

we pray that BTC will rise. If don't no long time investment will helpful.

can't wait for the spring to arrive that's the weather i love to be in too but good things you shared today in the video and your strategy seems to be working really well

Slowly and steadily it'll grow..we just have to be patient and hope it grows faster