Brazilians and time is always tough! But I learned well to deal with it!

in life •  7 years ago 

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The other day when I asked Fabio (Brazilian) how long he will need to arrive at the bar he said just 20 minutes!

20 minutes later he said that he would be there in 15 minutes! lol!

This used to annoy me so much as a punctual Dutch person when I just got to know Latin time management.

But now I can deal with it very well.

I just go about doing my own things until people show up.

It works.

Bianca used to be exactly the same btw and I probably grew a couple of weeks older just waiting for her when we just started dating.

But that changed.

She is now 86% punctual!

Tonight we had an appointment with our Brazilian friends to visit a nice place for dinner.

They serve an awesome rice and beans there with chicken.

But they all cancelled last minute for various reasons :)

Again, this used to annoy me way more than it should at the start.

But by now I also know this is normal in Brazilian culture.

I therefor already planned for this possibility in my mind and we will simply go with just the two of us instead and have fun together.

As you can tell I have gotten way more laid back about all these things!

Funnily enough, Brazilian culture taught me that :)

You see it works both ways!

Awesome rice and beans with chicken here we come!

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It looks like it is a problem of people who speak portuguese, here in Portugal people are so used to getting late everywhere that they don't schedule things to the right time, they schedule it to 10-20 min earlier, so that people can get there on time. I´m very punctual and I hate waiting for others, so you can see how much I suffer around here :D

Haha! I know the feeling but now I have just adjusted and it works.

Yeah, I guess I'm still in that process to figure out what works for me.

Yeah, I guess I'm still
In that process to figure
Out what works for me.

                 - diogosantos

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Actually it is common all over the place.
It is pure cultural.
In America, it is 90% punctual.
Some people to get folks at their party they push the attendance two hours early cause nobody will show up on time.
Glad you get over it.
Quick story:: " I attend a weekly meeting where 50% of attendees
will come 15 minutes late. Announcement was made that the door will be locked.
Since then 5% come late. It looks bad to knock for someone to open for you"
I do not think they do not value time management
it is encrypted that time planning always come last minute.
I am working and fighting it in my DNA.
Thanks for mentioning it.
Keep on postin'

She is now 86% punctual!

Lol, please what equipment did you used in measuring this, I need to get one for my friends.

Not only in Brazil, heard of African time?

You are right, my friend, every people has their own attitude to the times and what is obligatory for you is considered forgivable for the Brazilian, so our world is arranged, haha. The main thing is that you have your own system to cope with this phenomenon and it's great! Thanks Mark

Dear friend, I tell you something very curious, just that I am exaggeratedly punctual, I always say that it is better for me to wait than to wait for someone, and like you before, that bothered me a lot of unpunctual people, but one learns from all those things, I have I was so responsible in all my work, they always used to give me the main key, I was the one who opened the business, but since I stopped working, that time I enjoyed it, because I spoke very well of me, then, my dear friend, I understand you perfectly , but even those things that one begins to overcome with the passage of time. The best thing is to have a good time with those people who value every minute sharing with others. A hug dear friend and a greeting to Bianca.

Hahaha. It is so common in india. The indian people always do like this. Hahaha. When you asked from a taxy driver . How much time you need to reach their. He will say for 5 minutes. But he will drop you after 30 minutes

Ooof I'm not sure how well I like it when it's something you pay for.

She is now 86% punctual!

lol I wonder how did you come up with that number

I’m very punctual as well. it used to annoyed me, when someone was repeatedly late. But I’ve changed with time passing. Not that I’m late, it’s just that I’m more tolerable or intolerable? 🤔


I got to go, or I’m going to be late. This would be against my ethics, right?

I say it is funny how some fellows spend their time unwisely. I once heard a speaker said that time is a currency, He said that different between a poor man and a wealthy man is in the way or manner they spend their time. I thought this is only common here in Nigeria, cos here in Nigeria people hardly keep to time and when that happen they excuse their lateness by calling it African time (meaning that it is africa culture to always appear for a meeting or an occasion late).

By sharing this post, I now understand that this problem of not keeping to time is universal but I believe it is predominant in some countries more than others.

Thanks @exile for sharing

This is very common in this area of the world dear friend @exyle, in my country Argentina also happens, be cared for by the staff in a company can be terrible, if you wish to start in time you have to quote them an hour before. I know a lot of what you're talking about
I wish you a happy Sunday

86% is as good as 100% in anyone's book ;0)

We have the same issues and we call it Indian time.
Now i live in UK and had to change forcefully 😄😄

Going with the flow is really important and it seems like Brazilian culture helped you to understand that and practice it all the time! It is a great way to remain stress free and make the most out of all situations! :)

Yes I have to agree!

Being a very punctual Canadian, it used to drive me crazy when I first moved to Central America. We had a taxi driver we used to call Mister Cinqo Minutes, because when we'd call he'd say, five minutes. You never knew how long it would be. It could be the 5 but generally, anywhere from an hour to two! Now, after 18 years, I just go with the flow...

Sometimes it's better to adjust then to fight it :)

Absolutely. No point in getting upset about something you can't change.

hi @exyle,
It seems very funny what it says, I understand it very well, because that is the habit of Latinos, sometimes we schedule a meeting for one hour and we always advance the time for everyone to arrive on time. Greetings from Venezuela.

Hello there @exyle, nice to meet you.
As a brazilian I cannot agree more! We are always running to do stuff and trying not to be late, but it's inevitable. The time is stronger than us hahahaha

Here in Brazil you'll learn to wait in line, wait for delayed buses, wait for friends - It's an ethernal waiting. But man, what a wonderful country/people.

Btw, thanks for reminding me, I do have a lot to do and I'm late - Of course! Hah

I have gotten way more laid back about all these things

This is sooooo good to read @exyle. I hope other people read his and get that so much of the crap we get upset about is really not necessary.

There are so many things like this in our lives that we never question and just assume should be a certain way.

That's so great that you've seen through this one! 😁

Hahaha! 🤣 This is awesome! The stories of how we learn our life lessons. #choosehappy Love your style @exyle Happy Steeming 😉 i am craving, rice beans, chicken & salad! 😂

In Russia you always have to be 5 minutes late - if you show up right on time it's considered bad manners lol

no way! It's seems to be different everywhere.

Yes, it's so interesting how differently various cultures act in the same situations! :))

People being late just gives you more time on Steemit hehe. But sure it definitely can be annoying sometimes

hahahhahha! Well Bengali (Bengal is a part of India) is even worse. Once I waited for 2 hours for a friend who kept on saying he will be there in 2 mins. After this incedent repeated a couple of times I make sure I ask him to meeet an hour before I reach. :)

Haha that's also a solution!

Mark @exyle when it comes to TIME People can let you Down. What Really Matters is that you don't let Yourself Down...........................

I think it is not only the Brazilian culture, here in Venezuela I have acquaintances who do the same, in fact even to me happens! Sometimes it is inevitable to be late to some place because of all the contingencies that can occur along the way, but it's good that you've already gotten used to those little drawbacks haha

"20 minutes later he said that he would be there in 15 minutes! lol!"

Haha. My Dutch cousin is exactly the same. So no Brazilian.

This is my formula for my Dutch cousin:
Estimated Time of Arrival x 2 = Time of Arrival

No more stress!

When I was in college I was 15 minutes early to everything. After I had children I was at least 15 minutes late to everything, no matter how hard I tried to be on time. Now I don't even own a watch. The kids are grown and my time is (mostly) my own. I have the clock on my computer monitor to let me know what day it is. LOL I guess I'm living in Brazilian time. :oP

Hey @exyle,
As a Brazilian, I need to say that is pretty comon for ever latin. For us, when we say, 20 minutes, wait at least 40 minutes, and if we say that will be start at 8PM stay in there 10PM, because we say that thinking that you will apear 2 hours later.
All brazilians in the platform could agree with me, like @casagrande, hahaha..


Living in Africa, I too have become tolerant with this phenomenon they call African time. If someone agrees to meet you at 9, he/she can show up 15 minutes-30 minutes late and still feel that they are on time. It can be annoying but we just cope with it. Bon appétit as you enjoy your dinner :)

Hahaha %86 punctual!! clearly @exyle as done the maths here, there are Brazilians but also those who just chill I guess its knowing that persons version of time lol, yea the Portuguese are also like that alot more chill and I prefer it that way to be honest, trust us this way its better for your health lol.

Time is precious.people of every community should aware of it.sad to know about the incident you faced.I too have faced many times this kind of problems.specifically from taxi drivers.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahaha ... I remember the same with My thai gf in Thailand lol challenging adaptation for both parties though lol

Glad that you adjusted... That is what we call marriage....

And why 86%???it can be 80 or 90:)

We have the same issues and we call it Africa time. Nothing works according to GMT. You can't get upset with it as most people don't work to a specific time. Enjoy your supper out.

hahaha then you really wont like African time :P Just saying

hahah epic timing lol seems like you need to wear two wrist watch and add up time hahah :D

I havent had any prior exposure with Brazilians and their punctuality but it sounds very bad from your description, credibility down the drain..

very good content. I followed and up votes you. please followback @huanmv

great writing

Very awesome that you are able to just go with the flow! That is an important trait to have and something that I wish I was better at. I am with you though about the punctuality thing. For me being on time is usually equal to being five minutes early. That's just the way I was raised.