Eating Sushi with Bianca and later coupon stackin Pizza with @eqko while playing Cuphead!

in life •  7 years ago 

Project Steemfat sort of got roundhouse kicked in the face yesterday I'm afraid.

Bianca told me yesterday morning she was going to Amsterdam with a friend to visit a second-hand market.

She asked me to bring her to the Bus station and was then I was on my own.

Also, earlier this week I was already granted permission to visit @eqko in the evening on the same day!

We did decide that if she would be home on time we would have dinner together.

And so it happened.


Sometimes it's just nice to have a day on your own without anybody around.

I'm with Bianca for about 3 years now and it's my first long-term relationship.

This feeling (of enjoying being alone) used to make feel slightly guilty. So I asked around if it was normal.

(It appears it's pretty normal.)

So I enjoyed my day, made a vlog, had lunch, played around on Steemit and called Ezzy.

Around 17:00, I called Bianca asking her where she was.

she was on the train, close to Leiden, on her way back. (about 90 minutes from our house)

I asked her what she wanted to eat and she said Japanese!

I ordered Sushi for 18:30 and then had a nap to prepare for tonight.

The moment the Sushi arrived, Bianca arrived and we had dinner together.

I love Sushi. It was great.



I made my way to @eqko's place around 19:50. It's a ten-minute walk.

It used to be a 10-second walk because, him and me, used to live on the same street together when we were kids.

Endless hours we played games on the NES, Megadrive, and the early PC era. Point and click adventure games were one of our favorites. It was so much fun.

Nowadays I have almost no time for gaming. I play SF5 with Ezzy from time to time, but to play games like I used too has become near impossible timewise.

But @eqko and I do keep a tradition going that from time to time we get together for a night of gaming. The Soda pop has been replaced by beer though.


Yesterday we played a game called Cuphead and it's a platformer with graphics from the old cartoons. It looks like this:

After 90 minutes we were starving and it was time for a snack. I also needed a break because this game is intense!

We always order pizza from Domino's (at night, but never for dinner). It's a good snack pizza.

We have this game going that's called coupon stacking.

The goal is to get as much discount from the website stacking coupons as possible.


2 Italian pizzas (50ct upgrade) + free cinnamon bread + free chocolate cookie + 25% discount + - $2.

Around $19 we paid.

We didn't do bad this time but nowhere near our record of 4 family size pizzas for $25. (more people where there though).

Later Marijke, @eqko's wife joined us. She knows about Steemit too.


I left @eqko's place around 0:30. Gaming till deep in the night, like we used too, has really become a thing of the past and that's ok.

It's still fun to keep these traditions up.

I had a great night.

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Man, looks like you guys had an awesome time, especially with that Domino's pizza too. But a big special mention to that delicious looking sushi. I know you are a man who loves eating some nice fish. As I'm I. Excellent pictures and awesome memories.

To us pizza and fish-munchers!!! Thanks for sharing, bro...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think you would have loved it too. Thanks, man!

Awesome post. You guys really deserve this relaxation. You know, I follow @eqko, and when I read you mention him here, I remembered the post @eqko made on the launch of the steemify app. He made a statement there saying:

After some very hard work from our dev @bennierex we finally got the beta apporoved by Apple and are now in official Public Beta with our app.

You guys really deserve this relaxation and rest. You've done a really good job. Creating stuffs like steemify requires a lot of dedication and hard work,and very few people know this,and am using this me to let them know so they can appreciate the app and the effort put into it more.
Am thanking you guys for helping to make this community to grow, building it up to greater and greater heights.

Am glad also that Bianca had a nice and safe trip back home. There is no better way to relax after a long trip than with a sushi. All the best.

Wonderful. I really love this post. This should be my Pic of all your posts as the best. Do you know why, from reading your posts on @ezzy visiting and you guys playing games for like 2-3 different times, I imagined you as a game master, but from the picture of you and @eqko, and from my experience as a game enthusiast, I looked at the way @eqko crossed his legs and is giving the smile a person gives when he is winning, while you are sited up on the chair, as someone trying to recover from defeat. Mehn that gave me a picture you were under some trashing.

Good one guys, glad you had a lovely time.

In this case we were actually playing co-op cuphead. No way would I be sitting this relaxed if me @ @exyle were going toe-to-toe on streetfighter or anything !

Hahahaha, o I see. I guess you would surely have been on the edge of your seat or probably standing, and @exyle would probably have no time for a selfie if it were streetfighter,until the game is over. Really nice one.

This is really Kool. You guys had a really good time. I never knew you were such close friends with @eqko, I follow his blog too, I thought he was just a developer for the steemify app and nothing more. You guys are really doing a nice job @blockbrothers. It's takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get this app to this stage. I inspired. Nice work guys. More greese to your elbow.

Everyone in @blockbrothers has known each other for a long long time.

I can see you had fun. You really needed it. You have really worked hard and what better way than to spend it other than to spend it with @eqko (the passionate designer)
I must say the app icons are great to behold. Nice sushi there i must say. You really had a great time

I must say the app icons are great to behold.


@exyle It is great to have a Friend that you have had since childhood and be able to hangout together and do the same stuff you loved when you were kids. The Sushi you had when Bianca got home looked pretty good in the pictures.

This is lovely. I love to spend time alone as well. It's gives the opportunity to do some brain storming, and come up with a lot of lovely ideas.
You know,in your post on the steemify, you said that you guys(@blockbrothers ) were not a company, but a group of friends, now I see what you mean. With all this history you have with @eqko, and all these traditions, its the best environment to work on any project,knowing fully well that those you work with are not partners, but friends.
Am glad you guys are taking time to relax, and share childhood norms. It was a pleasure reading this. Thanks

We are all friends for a long time.

This is Kool. You had such a lovely day. I don't think there is anything wanting to spend a part of your day alone.ti me it's a time of refreshing.
It's good to see one of your childhood friends @eqko.
You must really love his company to stay at his house till 00:30, that's just men for you.
You know, there is something about gaming with guys,especially when the game battle began when they were young. We see it as a competition. When I meet up with my friends too, we usually play games into the night, we battle deep into the night. I think this is just in our genes as guys, just as in the same way, girls are ready to gist deep into the night, it's their thing too.
Awesome time you had with @eqko.
Thanks for sharing

Wow. Great time to have fun. There is always that friend that would keep you up late having fun. Kudos.
Where is @bennierex, i know he is usually more busy. I respect him as much as i respect you, also @s3rg3, i was thinking they would have joined the party. Haha. But i guess the most important thing is that you guys have a bonding aside from work and it is admirable. Great work, stronger team.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

They were busy! But I'm sure we are going to have a meeting soon with the four of us talking about the future of @blockbrothers.

Excellent post my friend, it's great to hear that you guys really kept your traditions alive and it's great way to release the stress and also one gain back the lost energy too and these activities also reminds us our childhood and it gives a really nice feeling, i really like that sushi which you ordered for dinner it looks so tasty and i hope it also tastes great, well two italian pizzas along with cookies and you pay around about 19 bucks is not a bad deal at all, keep enjoying my friend and have a fantastic week ahead, thanks for sharing.

It's a great story, my friend, and it's nice to read that you are very sensitive to the attitudes and traditions that you have. So even though in the beginning you were left alone the next day you passed in active communication and it pleases! Thank you for sharing with us @exyle

Wow great post there.
The time away from Bianca was sure a fun time :)
I keep saying this and i dont know if you would agree that anyone who has played any video game for sometime can attest to the fact that you’re exposed to greater creativity when gaming
Whether it’s a realistic video game like Call of Duty or a highly imaginative run and gun game like cuphead, using your imagination to put yourself in the mindset of your character and their world is a highly stimulating, creative exercise for your brain. So ride on bro. More fun. I love reading your post because it reminds me that i need to have some fun once in a while from all this hustle and bustle. Thank you.

before games was more interesting and harder to complete, nowadays games are not enough hardcore, but its still to have some night gaming days

I don't think games with just 3 lives would do well in this day and age. I do believe I grew up in the golden age of gaming.

A Great day i must say you had there. Spending time with friends after a long time is really fun. And as for Bianca, i think its perfectly normal. Life is about balance, and time away from a loved one can give you the space you need to actually take a step back and realize the value of your partner and the relationship you have with them. Missing somebody and looking forward to seeing them can have a very positive impact on your relationship.

Wow. Blockbrothers. You guys are really doing well. I see you found a way to relax and be happy after the great feedback you have been getting :) i know how hard programming for a blockchain can get and i must say you guys deserve to have fun.

You really had a fun time. The food caught my eye. It is like you are making to love eating more.

Wow. This is nice. Great fun.
You said to play games like you used to is near impossible timewise and i agree with you. I am in your category also.
As we get older, we’re continually faced with more pressures in life. We now have student loans to pay back, jobs to succeed in and bills to pay for. I don’t know about you, I often feel like all of this adult stuff is kind of overrated.
Playing video games is a great way to de-stress from the demands of everyday life and do something that you enjoy just for the sake of enjoying it.
I think this is a good time for you guys to connect with your younger selves that has had fun together while younger. Great one once again

I often feel like all of this adult stuff is kind of overrated.

Agree, lol. I do try to stay young.

Lovely post. You know I really love the gaming experience, as you grow, you still get the feel, but this time In a Changing environment. I love and still love games a lot. When ever I get the chance too, I hang out with friends. But because we are much older now, things have changed. Not only has the soda pop been replaced by the beer, but the sega and mega drive replaced by the ps4 and Xbox, also screening and jumping and nolonger involved anymore. I guess when @eqko score a point he does not shout or jump. That's just the thing with maturing.
I follow @eqko too here on steemit, and am glad your friends are people who share your passion for steemit, and too help advance this platform.and community.
You guys are doing a really good job. We appreciate it.

Thank you!

Awesome. You spent your day really well. I and my brothers usually do that coupon stacking, but we don't call it that. Ours is coupon hunting. We go around the net, to different sites looking for free coupon codes to use when shopping. Some times we even download the mobile app just to get the free discount for app download.the record discount we've had was around $10. I never knew other people did this stuff, mehn it was fun, especially knowing that you'll get to save some money.
That sushi looks really nice, am already salivating here. I've not had the opportunity of having one before, but I'll sure get to do that soonest

Nice photos. The camera is sharp.

sometimes it is good to have some alone time. Sometimes it is good to be with friends and do something you enjoy. Sounds like it was a good day all around.

Hah, I try to use coupons for Domino's orders aswell, but it seems I'm not taking it far enough! What a challenge for next time :D

Also, that sushi looks delicious! We tend to go out for sushi. Last time, we had sushi for lunch in Zwolle, because it costs less than dinner time and still tastes great :-)

It's fun stacking coupons. you can easily search for them online. Sushi for lunch...never thought about it but I can see that working.

Can't go wrong with sushi and pizza :D

Oh no, not cuphead. I've been playing it with a few of my friends. We take turns, when you lose a life, you have to give up the controller. That game is so hard, yet so fun. How did you find the game's difficulty?

I get your plight. :)
Cuphead believes difficulty is automatically fun. But I don't really think the grinding this requires is fun. For me, a challenge has to feel smart and fair — I want to feel, when I die in a game, that it really was my fault.

This is a gorgeous game, and beautifully presented to boot, but without that no-one would be talking about it. Cuphead may have a classic style to its challenge, but it's not tough in the way that Contra or Mega Man were. This is more about difficulty of execution, and memorising a level's obstacles, than getting 'better' at the game.

The game's biggest problem for me, fundamentally, is that it is designed under the 'classic' principle of trial and error. Numerous times you'll be killed by things you had no way to avoid, bar replaying the level and knowing they're coming. The level design forces death upon you, depending on pure memorisation rather than giving players the chance to react on the fly and survive. You've got to really love learning patterns through repetition to enjoy Cuphead.

I must say @exyle is a brainy to play cuphead for long
But honestly i think the difficulty is what makes this game great!
I have made it one of my life goals to beat all the bosses on expert (And maybe get S ranks. Who knows?), and although at first I thought "WTH? This game doesn't need an EXPERT MODE! it's hard enough already!", It actually makes the game more fun for me.

The difficulty is not bad. Trial and error and sometimes you need a bit of luck from the randomness on bosses. It is a lot of fun though.

sushi is good i prefer salmon cause of the texture and taste. not smoked salmon but salmon sashimi the wild one not the farm raised one.

Sushi with salmon is delicious indeed!

cuphead is such a crazy challenging game. remember i did the same where i had a night with one of my friends (ALSO sushi!) and it really sucks up time. ended up gaming all night, havent dont that in a long time! thanks for sharing man, great day!

Gaming time is a great mental break from the normal hustle and bustle that our brains do! That being said I've been following cuphead, and it looks HARRRDD!!!

I love challenging multiplayer games like that though- reminds me of the impossible games we played as kids :)

Didnt know people in this community played cuphead.
Yeah. Spent about 4 hours total to get through regular mode, then let out a big frustrated sigh when i found out there was a hard mode to the devil and spent an hour to take him out.

Didnt know people in this community played cuphead, thought i was alone.
Yeah. Spent about 4 hours total to get through regular mode, then let out a big frustrated sigh when i found out there was a hard mode to the devil and spent an hour to take him out.

I'm really keen to get a steam controller so I can play a lot of side scrollers properly I don't think WASD really does those kind of games justice!

I like coop games like these! It's a lot of fun.

Agreed, it's hard to find a good local co-op game these days, everything is online!

I've got a migraine this morning, so read that as "eating sushi with Blanca" and thought this was going to be some cosplay mash up...

Looks like u got ur soulmate, and it's always fun to spend time with friends in your case they are eqko and Ezzy with marijke. Do all of you guys are active on steem, or some of you are yet to join?

Everyone is except Marijke (she lurks).

It's weekend, so lots of fun out there :D You like Sushi? Personally I don't like it :D Anyway, gaming with friends, yeah I also do when I got a free time :D


@exyle - Your life style is incredible... Still do kids playing.... And also I like Sushi that you showed us.... Nice post with nice experience you had last day....
To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Tradities zijn geweldig! :D
I love having these kind of evenings/days. Being alone for a while and end the day with a friend of the old days to play some games and snack till we are too fat to move.
Friendship are simply amazing!

Have a marvelous Sunday!

Yeah, those days are great indeed! You have a great sunday, too!

Your coffee cup has got an awesome design! And sushi looks yummy...

Hey It's really a great day and it seems like that you had enjoying the whole moment and the food and the game and all

wow that's great,wonderful writing,very good job,thanks for nice sharing

it's really great someone living a happy life. I pray that goes on forever. :)

Very good . . Thank's for sharing @exyle

sir you are looking awesome

i waite next part friend😃😃😃
This is happys photos

Your sushi looks great!!!
Congrats :)

Sushi is famous , but I have never tried it.

Hi,rxyle.Recently I am upvoting you.very nice food.I thinki this food are very teasty. So every one love this food.

Great fun you had. From sushi to the gaming. Its crazy. You really needed time a way a bit.
Relaxing time to yourself recharges your batteries and enables you to bring renewed vigor into your time together as a couple. This avoids the relationship drain, where some individuals seem to lose their natural buoyancy when one becomes two.

That's a great story and it's a great day you're very sensitive to attitude tradations that you have ...You are the enjoy whole day thanks a lot for your great post @exyle👍👍

This is really Kool. I love this game like crazy. My only issue with it is that it is as hard as it can ever be. The accuracy at which you must get your moves is alarming. This made me go check up some 4 brief facts about cuphead, which I'll like to share,hope you'll like them :
1 - As I said earlier it's as hard as it can be

2 - The inspiration behind the main character is from the world War 2 Japanese propaganda cartoon - 'evil mickey mouse attacks Japan.

3 - The animation is purely hand drawn. Every animation in cuphead was drawn on pencil and paper.

4 - A very nostalgic song : Cuphead features two hours of original old school type music.

For more info, you can visit

The pictures quality is really nice. Glad you made the sushi available for bianca when she arrived. Hope there was a bottle of wine too blend it with. All the best

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful moments of the day. Please friend have a look on my beautiful moments of today. Please don't forget to tell my princess to see my post. If you don't look it all my efforts will be worth less. So please have a look and share a comment too. Wish you both a very beautiful time ahead my dear friends.

comment 😂😂

Sushi and Pizza!!! Have to try this combination sometime.

I think this is just in our genes as guys, just as in the same way.

It seems the whole week goes great for you.
Lots of fun,friends,food,gaming and are doing great.
What i got in last some days is that you have a good friendly nature.
Have a nice day. it was a great reading.

good looking

The time seems pretty great and no wonder it was worth it ,some alone is sometimes good.And sushi seems pretty great,time spend with friends are really great ,you can not say where the time passes by ;)

Thanks for sharing the day's experience buddy !

that sushi looks really amazing thanks for sharing amazing pics :)

Wonderful time my friend. It was one of the greatest moments of your life.