Steem is so powerful because it shows the normal person how liberating blockchain technology is.

in life •  7 years ago 

I have tried to explain blockchain in a hundred different ways to many people. But it doesn’t matter if I explain it in a technical way or in the simplest way I can. It never really clicks.

And I do understand why. I have been in this space for almost 5 years now. Everything I know I thought myself. I never had help.

In this time, I had so much time to think about blockchain that I became absolutely sure it would change the world.

It’s my biggest Passion.

But sadly, most of the time, passion is not enough to convince anyone about blockchain.

They have to use it.


My dad’s biggest passion besides his job is steam trains. He has a whole house dedicated to it. With pictures and little toy trains as the theme for the house.

Can you imagine having the vision back in those days that steam trains would change the world. And not only that but telling people that they should get into railway stocks in a time when everyone was using horse and carriage.

They must have thought you were insane.

In 2004 my dad and I visited the US for a road trip. We also checked out his passion. This is 18 years old me, insecure and no confidence. It took me another 10 years to find it. I'm stronger, bigger and more confident than ever now. I'll never go back.

STEEM is blockchains usable train.

Most people can’t see the power of new technology until they use it.

Until you step on that train for the first time and can see and feel for yourself how powerful the new technology is most wouldn't have believed it.

Traveling on that train between two cities, many time faster than before and way more comfortable must have quickly convinced anyone that trains were going to be the future.

STEEM is blockchains usable train for anyone to ride. It’s the only blockchain technology where it is possible for a normal person to feel that it’s the future by simply using it. And it's free.

And yes, it might be a little crude here and there. But it works. It will only get better.

Step on the train.

A friend of mine recently joined Steemit and started writing (stepped on the train). It’s only been 5 days and he’s asking me to explain everything to him.

He realized already there is something magical there although he doesn't understand yet how it works exactly.

I’m sure when he gets his first payout in 2 days it will all become even more real for him.

Steemit has done more to convinced him than I ever could by talking about it.

signature Follow Me @exyle

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Blockchain will be normalised in the next 5 to 10 years. May as well learn about it now and benefit. The laggers always lag.

I agree. There not a better time to educate yourself about this space than now.

"STEEM is blockchains usable train."

Yes, STEEM is a blockchain that people can simply use by using the websites without knowing or understanding STEEM itself which I believe is part of the key to it's great success in its own way.

There is huge amount of curiosity among the people when we tell them about steem...It is little difficult to explain about blockchain technology to the people who are not coming from technical background, however steem is self explanatory once someone spends some time on the platform they will learn a lot.

You are right! Once you start using Steem you probably want to know more about it and how it works. But even if you don't. You can still use it without understanding how it works (like a car for instance) and enjoy its usefulness.

Oh mate, I can so relate to that. My wife has a birthday party coming up real soon. She has been spreading the good word about everything "bit", "block" and "steem" related to her colleagues at work and has been preparing me for a barrage of questions I've got coming my way from the small crowd.

It'll be very interesting to see how they respond to my explanations. Will let you know how that goes but should prove quite a challenge given most people's resistance to change upon hearing new concepts and ideas. I dunno, man. I'll let you know the outcome.

Fantastic post as always, bro! :)

I wish you good luck man! I hope her colleagues are genuinely interested in what blockchain is. Then it will be a blast! Luckily, I know, you know your stuff! I'm very much interested in how itwill go!

Thanks for sharing your vision! :D If the internet keeps living we will be JUICE (join us in excitement!)!

I never heard of JUICE :). I like it!

Great Post, i happy to follow you


u re welcome

Blockchain is the Engine i suppose. And i agree with you blockchain will revolutionize the world just like did and as you say the train error. Paying a closer look at cryptocurrencies in which steem is one of them, they are gaining more market value by the day.
Kindly follow back.
Thank You.

I couldn't agree more, Steemit is certainly what made Blockchain real for me. Thanks for sharing, followed for more

It's made it real for many! I believe it will only grow from here.

True ...
Thanks for sharing ... :)

Thank you!

What a great quote! Thanks.

That's what i call let the Reward do all the talking

Amen, soul brotha.

Almost a week now...enjoying the ride although I realize I'm making babysteps here. But I'll learn from you like a sponge!

Great thoughts @exyle! One of the problems is that people are lazy to find out more about blockchain, and they are still kinda suspicious. I am glad that realized blockchain and cryptocurrency from early stages, which is now paying out for you! Wish you good luck in future, and thanks for sharing these thoughts! :)