Steemfat: Progress pictures week 9 - Something interesting is happening to my belly.

in life •  7 years ago 

Steemfat is the name for my journey to get in shape for steemfest 2.

I went to the gym 5 times this week and maybe 6 if I feel like it tomorrow. Just like blogging it has become part of my daily routine.

I only have been on this Steemfat journey for 9 weeks but when I see how much one can achieve in that timespan when you just put your mind and body to it it's pretty incredible.

And I'm doing all this while still doing nice things. (like having a beer and eat nice food. My blog don't lie, lol.)

No doubt I could have achieved even better results with a more stricter diet. But doing it like this is something I can keep up and that's what is most important.


Progress pictures week 9

Something interesting is happening to my belly. I used to be more 'solid' but it's getting softer. Like when I jump it jiggles for a while before coming to a stop. Bianca thinks it's funny and she says it's because of the fat that is becoming 'loose'.

Soft fat is better than hard fat. I don't know if that's true but I do like the idea of it.




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The pictures really show the difference. For some reason the difference seems much more drastic this week. Your shoulders seem much broader and on the back view pic, you can really see that "V" shape and where you've lost the fat around your lower back. The side view you looked pumped brother. You can really see it in the shoulders. Great job!!

I don't know about the belly fat, but it makes sense.

You keep this up and pretty soon you'll need to adopt fyrstikken's voice and start doing Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes. I can see it right now, "Hello, this is Exyle from Steemit, and I'm here to "Pump, you up!". :) Sorry, I couldn't help myself!! :)

Really proud of you man. You're a great inspiration to many and living proof, when you put your mind to something, you can do it! You and Bianca have a great weekend man!

LOL! That voice is epic, isn't it. and Thanks, man!

Doing exercise your way is fun.
You need to eat to fill your muscles with proteins.
Keep on getting fit and steemit !

Ahhh😥 @exyle you r succeeding in taking away all my cute steemit ladies with this your V shaped muscle man body... Nice work out..i think i have to start my own and show some nice shape to challenge this great steemian ...🙌 No time to waste ...running to start my own workout 🏃...nice one...keep it up...worthy of my upvote and support at all times...glad am following to keep up

There is a lifestyle change you might be interested in called "intermittent fasting." I have been doing it for a couple months now (I also eat keto) and I have been converting fat to muscle without working out, and I still have my beer at night. Check out Dr. Eric Berg on youtube. I was pretty healthy already, but I am delighted with the changes I have made. I feel better, look better, and smell better. Oh, that would be because I gave up cigarettes lol!

To get in shape you need to Power Up your muscles, 50 post per day and 100 coments. ;-)

lol :)

I dont know much about fats. But your shoulders and upper back muscles are monstrous. A lot of progress I see.

Are you ready for the festival? You are looking healthy and feeling better. Who could ask for more? Well... you also seem happy! you have everything important in life... That is except a child.
Just sayin...

I'm looking forward to it a lot!

As his mother, I agree wholeheartedly with you. But how knows what the future will bring!!

I know how much my children blessed my life. He has become my friend, so I want the best for him. I'm sure you agree. He seems to enjoy lil Sam.

Yes, the same for me. I have three children, @exyle is the youngest, and happily enough we have a very good relationship with each other. @exyle really enjoys little Sam, so I suspect that he and Bianca will have children in the future!

Your Health is Worth a Very Positive UP Vote. I know others that see your Blog today will agree. Keep doing what your doing @exyle and inspire others to be healthy and positive in their own lives. STEEM ON !

Thank you, man!

Impressive dedication. That's hard to muster for a lot of people, keep it up!

Your body simply lives as nature requires. It's always great @exyle that you visit the sport hall and maintain your form, but probably your body needs a little fat for normal functioning :)

It's good that you haven't completely changed your eating habits to something unrealistic. To many people yoyo with their weight because they starve themselves of everything they love to loose weight. Building muscle by working out which burns more calories each day is the way to go. Keep up the good work!

At the start, I tried low carb. That was hell. Now I just try to find balance.

Low carb is the many foods I love get removed from the diet and then it never can last. Balance is key for sure. Better to eat a little less of the foods we know aren't great for us then to try and remove them altogether.

Maybe the jiggling belly is caused by some 'loose' skin. Since you burned a lot of fat there's too much skin to cover your body. In your case it's not extreme but it could be an explanation.

Soft fat is better than hard. Because for you to burn and get rid of the fat you need to have is soft then almost liquid (that's why when we workout our body's temperature is rising) so the body can start using the fat as resources for energy!

fantastic progress @exyle, i really like the way your belly disappears that's awesome achievement in such a short time, it's great that you almost going 5 to 6 times a week to the gym to do your workout's and no doubt hard work always pays off we definitely see a huge improvement in your images the things which i noticed is that your shoulders looks a lot stronger and beautiful then before and your back also looks alot straighter and your belly fat disappears, well done my dear friend and best of luck in steemfest 2, stay confident and thanks for sharing.

Impressive dedication. That's hard to muster for a lot of people, keep it up!

Oh yes you are almost there big change keep on doing the best :D

@exyle - Your body is now very near to be "V" Sir :) Great progress while having beer and foods with lots of oils Sir!

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I'm really impressed by the change in your body mate, very nice progression!
I have to start too, i'm becoming really very fat!

Keep up the gyming, it is looking good so far. Eating a lot of vegetable would help too. Hapi weekend.

It's really amazing how you look in the latest pictures. I know how you hated having a belly. But now your belly has almost gone! That's great, I'm happy for you.

I always like to see when people work on their health. You might have all the money in the world but when your body is not keeping up, then what does it really buy you?
True wealth is in your health.

Keep it up and have an amazing Steemfest!

You might be developing some loose skin, usually happens when you lose fat.I have some stretch marks from when I lost quite a lot of weight in 2-3 months. So soft fat isn't a bad thing. Keep up the good work!

I saw your current progress! So, I think you can have a great body shape in Steemfest time period!


As long as you still enjoy yourself while doing so you can at least keep the motivation. 5-6 days a week exercising would be a nightmare for me, lol.

While the physical transformation is good,I think the mental transformation that exercise brings about is also very good. Since I started exercising, I just feel more confident in almost every area of life.

I know the belly thing!! I think it's when you lose fat and the area it was in has a bit less so it feels loose'r before tightening up again.

Look at that, is nothing but science from me ;0)

You must be losing tons of fat now that you stopped drinking being on baby watch and all :)

I totally was up until this week where I have started to stress eat. I am allowing myself a pass this week before getting back on the wagon after the baby slides out!

Your body looks in a good shape @exyle, don't know much about the soft and hard part but looks pretty solid!

Nice job getting ready for steemfest. You look great, healthy and fit. Keep up the good fight and hopefully, you will be able to continue this healthy lifestyle...

Nice Update Thanks I will Try it Also

hardworks always pays off ! :) thats what i believe so does you i think :) and intresting change man @exyle <3 Amazing :)

The result on the body is in great shape.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

great post sir @exyle you awensom.
thank you for sharing

Woow......thats a great transformation......keep it up .....

We are with you @exyle
:-) :-) :-)

You seem to be doing well bro. Keep up the good work👍👍

Hello, @exyle

Great Words to live by!!!!

highly appreciate your gym work, after few more weeks you could be in particular shape.

Really soft fat is better than the hard fat. If that is true, people with loose skin are much healthier than the tight skin or I am taking it all wrong. What do you think about it? You look geeky in the specs.

Nice control your body ,its really good

i can see the difference keep working and take care of your self too :)

Nice control your body ,its really good.

thanks for share us soft fat is better than hard fat

oh so it gets looser i see :) anyway it is a huge difference then some weeks ago! great job!

Keep rocking it man! Very inspiring to see your journey.

Hey, you are going to be at Steemfest!?

If you want to try AcroYoga , @karensuestudios and I will be there and we want to teach AcroYoga to all the Steemit friends!

I am looking forward to meet you !!

Hello man

Just catching up on things after a holiday and noticed this post. Good progress shown by this water retention/loose fat coming - this is the sign you are getting $hit done big time!

I'd have a google on it, I think there are a few option to decide what it is and what to tweak to continue this progress.