Visiting an amazing small Spanish restaurant with Bianca on Sunday. A perfect way to end the weekend.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Every time I meet my friends that have kids of their own they say I need to enjoy simple thing now that I still can.

And with simple things they actually mean simple things. Things like leaving your house and locking it without thinking about anything else.

Leaving your house is an enormous endeavour once kids become involved. Whether they stay or come with.

It's just never simple and easy.

I can see that with my own sister. Just visiting me requires filling the booth of the car to the brim with stuff for Sam every single time or she has to make arrangement with a babysitter.

Bianca likes to like find and visit simple restaurants with me to have dinner on Sunday. This time she found a small Spanish restaurant in Rotterdam.

We left the house 5 minutes later without thinking about anything else. It truly is something to enjoy while it's still possible :)

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On our way to the restaurant we came across this tower. It's called the Euromast. It's very famous in Rotterdam. When Bianca and I were still dating I once took her to the top. The view on top is magnificent.

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The restaurant was really small. The weather was great so we could sit outside.

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We both ordered a beer and we also got free tap water in a bottle. Very rare in the Netherlands. Usually you have to pay for it.

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We ordered the menu of the chef for 2. Basically a surprise menu. I always like it because then I don't have to think about what to order. I just assume the chef knows what he or she is doing. The food was awesome. These are picture of the starter, lol, starter! could have been the whole meal. The soup is cold and had vodka in it. Bianca didn't like it. Poor me now I had to drink two.

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The main course. Fish, meat, mussels, a beautiful salad and fries. Everything perfectly cooked and seasoned! What a place!

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And desert. Bianca had a Crème brûlée Spanish style while I had white chocolate cake with Mango.

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We had such a fantastic and relaxing evening tonight. A perfect end to a great weekend.

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It is always best to take advantage of what you have now. We have already witnessed this as we grow up but as we do mature and increase in age it seems like the hardships keep building up but it all ends with the serenity of bringing another being into this world despite how bothersome or tiring they may be haha

I don't know what my stand is at the moment as I would be happy to have one but with it comes all the endeavours of taking care and looking after them. I don't think I would be up for the job (at the moment) as I can't get my own life sorted, let alone one of a young child.

I have no idea how my parents were able to cope with me as I child. Maybe because I was apparently a human vacuum cleaner and I would suck up anything from the floor. Now thinking of it that is pretty morbid and disturbing but I never got that sick when I was younger (somehow)

I guess it is good to have these days out and have a little fun before it all comes to an abrupt end. The restaurant does look tiny. Was there any room on the inside since it doesn't look like it could house a lot of people haha

All the food looks absolutely delicious as you would expect from a Spanish restaurant with their beautiful cuisine. However, despite how tasty everything looks the main thing that gets my tummy rumbling is the Creme Brulee. It looks ridiculously soft, creamy and delicious, I want to have it now haha

I'm glad that you had a great weekend @exyle and hopefully the weekday can be better! :)

The food from the chef's menu looks really good and delicious. I definitely agree with enjoying time while there's still no kids yet. I don't have any of my own yet but my sister and my brother in law always have to think about their kids first even when it's something as simple as going to a grocery store.

Excellent trip @Exyle, I'm glad that you had a good rest and ate, the excellent menu of this restaurant is impressive, mussels, meat, fish and and cake with mango. Your weekend was a success :)

A fantastic success. Steemfat start up again though next week.

do you like the San Mig? It's a beer from my country - the Philippines
ik wil nu naar bed en zag dit

Wow, although this restaurant looks small but I see the food here is really good, amazing. Simple life can also be happy.

Lol now this is one of my favorite post of yours. You will ask why ?

  1. table and amount of meal looks gorgeous
  2. Vodka in soup, was it planned like that lol ? or did the spill some vodka in it accidentally?
  3. desert looks njami njami :)

Vodka was planned by the chef!

It looks like you really had fun. The food looks delicious. How can i get some?😁😁

seems this weekend was nice, first birthday of friend and some party , then restaurant with bianca, i like your weight loss programm :) its good to relax at weekends.

Someone told me it's called finding balance :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's all about the balance!!! (There's no point to dieting if you don't get to live a little.)

Seeing the smile on Bianca's face while you both ate excellent food likely helped you lose an additional 500 calories. :-)

Looks like a great way to end the week! And totally right-- enjoy the simple things while you can; it's not that life stops being enjoyable with kids (we raised 3), it's just that a trip around the corner is like preparing for a South Pole expedition!

it's just that a trip around the corner is like preparing for a South Pole expedition!

LOL! That made me smile.

That was a nice evening! I understand what your friends say about leaving the house with no worries. But, remember, having children is also an adventure and a lifelong adventure. It'a new world you enter, tiring sometimes, but also satisfying.

I have only one question , why san miguel , why ? So much tasty beer in netherlands :)

Dunno. I ordered beer. This arrived :)

San miguel is a spanish beer

Makes me want to go out for dinner straight a way. I've noticed we haven't been doing as much anymore lately. Going out van bring so much value to your day.

It's very nice to have some time together outside the house and enjoy life.

What camera do you use for these photos?

I use an iPhone 7.

wow! I thought it was a professional camera @exyle

That white chocolate cake looks delightful. Almost looks like a cheesecake consistency.

It was very comparable to cheesecake.

i also love spanish and yes it is the perfect way to end the week, any moment or time spent with family or friends is no doubt a real joy, the shots of served food is simply awesome.

Too bad you didn't get any "Jamón", real Spanish smoked ham... but It looked delicious. Enjoy my friends, we only live once

Very nice post @exyle, yes no doubt by going outside and spent time with family in outing is real stress releaser and also real entertainment in this way we really feels great and it also makes us really happy, i think we all have to go outside for a dinner or lunch with friends or family at least once in a month this really a great way of entertainment and the restaurant you visit looks so small but the food looks so delicious and yummy. i hope you have a great time with bianca in this outing, thanks for sharing

I love spanish food.

Luxury is not necessarily our happiness, it is life. Enjoy the delicious food from the restaurant of your choice. @exyle

The food looks amazing. I like the idea that the restaurant is small and intimate. Perfect for a couple's night out. You can do this when you have kids too. They just take a little planning. We used to call them "date nights" lol

The food from the chef's menu looks really good and delicious . Simple life can also be happy. . Great time

wow you really enjoyed your weekend..good start like the way it ended...lovely weekend..hun

Yes, he did.

That place looks amazing!
Nothing better than fat juicy mussels and a cold beer.
Nice work 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

The spanish food its the best!!

Nom nom nom.

Que buena comida, se Piqué!! Saludos :)

Looks like a good end to the weekend. Food looks delicious!

Both dezerts look amazing! I like your posts, they are so real! And so truth - the issue with leaving and kids, no metter whether they stay or go:-)) Great. Thank you!

wow, you really had a wonderful time and the good weather makes it even more happy and joyous. You two look very happy and love each other too much.

Waoo eso se ve riquisimo... q bien por ti
.. saliendo entre familia.. disfrutar.

Niice post @exyle good luck 💪

Wow you had a nice day out and yeah that foods seems delicious! Hope you enjoyed it well!
Thanks for sharing such great experience with us!


The food looks delicious and i think it was too much for two people ??

amigo #resteemia at your service

'delicious food, delicious food, delicious food is there' :) nice weekend @exyle

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

@exyle - Yes, this is a perfect way to end the week. Love your style & delicious foods too Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Nice photography!!......////////////
its cool!!...............//////////////////

What a wonderful meal to end the weekend. Everything looked delicious especially the cake. Have a great week ahead :)

wow great you've enjoyed the friends are the best thing in life I like to do a trip with my friends it's really wonderful thing thank's for your post I ve followed you !

nice post @exyle.. thanks so much for sharing, i like it..

overall the restaurant and the food looks delicious and worth the time

Pretty cool day you had and yeah life is all about enjoying simple things :) and looks like you really enjoyed the time out yesterday with cool food !!

Seems like you are having lot of fun....

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