in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


The tricks to learn faster!

Memory is an important function of the human brain. But we do not
We are not all equal in the process of memorization! For some, he
just read the notes again; others will have to rewrite, repeat, register; and
for others, to move, to move, to feel.
In addition, there are three profiles to memorize. The "visuals" memorize
in the manner of a camera: They are often physiognomers and
enjoy the schemes.
The "auditory" tend to favor sounds and speech for
record the information: They remember the songs and
Finally, the "sensitives" or "kinesthetic", call upon memory
body, movement and their five senses: They feel and need to
When it reflects, the visual has eyes that are directed towards the sky (above);
the auditory has the eyes that observe the horizon (in the middle); the sensitive has the eyes
who look down (down).

Let's start with the obvious: to learn, you first need to
understand ! There is no point in reciting things you do not understand by heart
not the sense!

For revisions, the key is to make summary sheets of your courses. In
indeed, they stimulate memory during replay, reformulation and
rewrite your course. Your cards push you to identify and highlight
the main points to memorize.

Do not leave them in the closet! Review them regularly, have them question you
application exercises.

· Invent funny and personalized mnemonic devices, make
word games, or invents a song!
· Reformulate aloud and in writing.
· Do not forget to watch your diet and drink plenty of water. The
brain is the organ that needs oxygen and glucose most:
Know that eggs and fish are good for the memory.
· Sleep well: Give special importance to the quality of your
· Do not stress: Stress and fatigue reduce our ability to

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