You may be his world (mungkin kamu dunianya)

in life •  7 years ago 

Be sure of what you feel, do not back down as long as the road is still open. Man is created for man, the weather is created for Adam, as long as you are still human, you can still get a human being.


The wise man said *** "Do not despise you, for the world may be you only one, but for someone, you may be his world" ***

In indonesia

Yakinlah terhadap apa yang kamu rasakan, jangan mundur selama jalan masih terbuka. Manusia itu tercipta untuk manusia, hawa tercipta untuk adam, selama kamu masih manusia, kamu masih bisa mendapatkan seorang manusia.

Orang bijak berkata "Jangan memandang rendah dirimu, bagi dunia mungkin kamu hanya seorang, tapi bagi seseorang, kamu mungkin dunianya"

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