Rainbow Baby

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

In March 2015 I gave birth to a still baby named Sebastian Noah. Many ask how he died. I also wanted to know. After examination of me and Sebastian the answer was he was a healthy baby boy. Hmm so how does a healthy 40 week gestation baby boy die?

So i will give you my theory first...Friday March 20th 2015 i went to the doctor for an excessivly itchy rash; later i found out it was Puppps. At the doctor appointment I was given an oral steroid. I took one the same afternoon and one more each day over the weekend.

Monday March 23rd at 830 i went in for a followup appointment about the rash and to talk to the doctor about being induced. About 5 minutes into the appointment the doc tried to find his heartbeat with the doppler but couldnt. So i went in for an ultrasound.

I was shown my baby boy with no heartbeat. That evening at 1123 i gave birth to my stillborn angel.

January 15 2017 I gave birth to my rainbow baby. This time around i refused all medications. Even the orange drink. In lieu, i poked my finger with a needle for a week. Gabriel Malachi is a healthy happy baby boy with smiles for days. He is the light at the end of my dark tunnel.

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