in life •  7 years ago 

flat earth turtle.jpg

I think that the truther movement was becoming astonishingly strong a couple of years ago and so undercover operators infiltrated our key figures and somehow they became holy rollers and flat earthers in a very short space of time.
I watched, helpless, as one particularly valued friend succumbed after another and was shocked by the change in them.
I think that the reason that this psy-ops was pulled on us was multi-faceted.
First, to split the movement.
2nd, to distract the most avid and intelligent from researching things that really matter.
3rdly, and most importantly, to provide the sneering establishment with a fine example of the gullibility of those who considered themselves at the forefront of truthing.
It certainly was revealing and, unfortunately, all the effects I have noticed, are continuing unchallenged.
The propensity to believe in the Bible is being hysterically ramped up as the normal channels of control are closing.
We are less inclined now to believe in any religion at all.
We are less inclined to even trust our education.
We are switching off our Tell-Lie-Visions by the million.
If I were one of the predators I would be looking to control the internet and to revert to filling peoples heads with lies.
Hence the increase in cyber security and the closing down of many sites. Hence the horrid effects of monetisation of YouTube. Hence the increase in Fake News stories and Fake media being promoted as the only media we should be trusting.
It is a very dirty world and the prize is to control what people like you and me think.
Let's not give them their prize.

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The Greeks believed in a flat world, not Christians.

Many flat-earthers are convinced that the Bible supports their theory.
They seem to have found a greater faith in Christianity and therefore Judaism via their determination to believe that the world is flat.

That's funny :-)

If the Earth were truly a globe, there wouldn't be a flat Earth movement gaining momentum everyday. If the Earth were a ball, people wouldn't have to make images like the one in your post to make flat Earth look ridiculous. If flat Earth is a psyop then it shows how easily people are convinced of a lie, yet mostly critical thinkers who look into flat Earth theory, to debunk it, become true flat Earthers. There is no evidence to bring them back to the globe deception. Like you said, you watched helplessly as your friends awakened but if you could prove to them its a globe, you would have.

Erm. A course in navigation during which one uses a sextant proves that we live on a globe.

Try this get a cannon and point it straight up make sure u r perfectly pointed up, and the ground is level now add cannon ball. Shoot the fucking ball and see where it lands count the rise and fall till it lands + count the distance from where the ball lands and if the supposed earth is spinning at 1000 mph. Do this and you will c that the earth is not spinning. And as for flat that is simple to figure. Because water always finds level. So you find a eight mile or so long canal have someone at both ends take a powerful laser and level it just above the water and aim it at the other person who is on the other side with a plum stick and at dark it should work easy. And it should hit on the stick at the hight u r out of the water on the other side. The earth is flat. U look at a ship in the ocean as it gets 6,7,8 miles away. You cant see it. Not because the earth is round but because your eye can only see so far get a telescope bet u still see it at twenty miles. The earth is flat and we are in a force field in a time machine anf the exit is North inside the mountain the used to be the tree of life. And that is where all the astro light comes from and the sun and stars are just reflections off the force field bubble its a fact

Oh dear.