The Marists, as they are commonly known to the little brothers of Mary, is a worldwide institution of brothers that seeks to bring the word of God to the world, through the Christian faith. This large community was founded by Saint Marcellin Champagnat in Valla France in 1817 with the aim of promoting an education among the youngest with values and essence to Catholicism and as a main motto to form people with humility, simplicity and modesty with the aim of life to act among the poor.

The Brothers of Mary are present in the 5 continents in more than 80 countries, educating with love as their founder wanted more than 700,000 young people annually and another endless number of people that today we proudly call ourselves alumni of this great institution. Saint Marcellin Champagnat sought to reach the most needy of society, that the education given in a large city could also reach the most remote provinces of the world, which is why today Marists are known for their educational excellence.

The Marists in Venezuela were founded 92 years ago in Maracaibo, is the cradle of the history of the Marist Brothers in Venezuela. On September 16, 1925, the Ildefonso brothers, Carlos Florentino, Félix Anselmo, Emeterio Ignacio and Sebastián José arrived in Maracaibo from Spain to found the first Catholic school for boys in Maracaibo.
Since then the Marist work has spread throughout the Venezuelan territory with the founding of the colleges: Champagnat School in Caracas, Capital District; San José in Maracay, Aragua State; H. Ildefonso Gutiérrez, Manuel Puchi Fonseca and Misael Vílchez, in Maracaibo; Saint Paul in Machiques; Juan XXIII in Cardón; the Santa Catalina Farm School in the Delta Amacuro State; the Campesino Settlement Marcellin Champagnat School in La Cañada de Urdaneta; the San Vicente Workshop School in Maracay, Aragua State; and the La Morenera Community Center in San Fernando de Apure, Apure State

Being a bicentenary institution, some will think that the work is finished, but on the contrary, it is only when everything begins that is why the motto a new beginning in 2017 has refounded the worldwide mission to help the humble and to educate with love as Saint Marcellin Champagnat wanted it, to promote and expand his legacy in the world, to make his life known through his biography I am Marcelino.