RE: End of the Week Chatter #2 | YouTube, working and Ukrainian Easter

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End of the Week Chatter #2 | YouTube, working and Ukrainian Easter

in life •  7 years ago 

Lol, its the same here.
The only people working in their field are designers.

Is it paying enough to keep you fed and warm?

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Not right now. I've been ill for the last two years and couldn't work full-time. But it'll get better.

Thats terrible, you gonna be ok?

I'm fine. I have a great doctor. I have my family who support me. I have a job that I love. I'm getting my life back together.

That is good to hear.
Do ya'll get free medical care?

Technically, it's free. But I don't want my doctor to starve on a state salary so I "thank" him for his hard work.

I see.
Do you pay for this 'free' medical care through a deduction in your paycheck or through a value added tax in the stores?

I tried asking my mom who's an accountant to explain this to me... Let's just say that it's complicated.

Lol, i bet it is.
Nothing is free, somebody is paying, and the more steps between you and the doctor the more middlemen that need to take their cut.

I am a communist, but an anarcho communist.
I think we should share freely of our labors because that is what loving caring people do.
You can imagine the looks i get.

Here is a book from 1929 that puts it into simple concepts.

This is a novel that puts it into the future that was written in 1887.

The crapitalusts have done an extrordinarily good job of brainwashing the people that they cant even think that such freedom could ever exist.
They are the perfect slaves, they falsely think themselves free.