A compassionate experiment with our animal friends [DTube]

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Valentine day is here, but don't worry about getting a date and all that - join me for some animal connection instead!

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I do not know how you think. Be on your nature
I love meat and I need it .. At the same time I have mercy on the animal
Without extravagance ... and no torture.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us

Looking at their eyes has actually made me think of how we treat animals twice. It has made me realise how us Human beings are selfish.

follow me @arjuna96

They Are Just Kids

Coming to watch this has really made me realise that we ve been so so unfair to these innocent creatures. How it is important that we realise that these creatures also need love and care

I'm happy you got something out of the video, that is a great realization and I couldn't agree more.

Your video was well made, the ambiance of your environment and the carefulness of your speech made it easy to slow down and think deeper.

I always tell people I feel as if I never truly discovered how to cook until veganism. Making a meal out of food from your own garden is an important achievement for each person to accomplish.

I'm not alone this Valentine's Day, I'm caring for 3 dogs!

I'm very glad you liked it, cooking is best done vegan. I hope you have a lovely valentine with your dogs.

Amazing video @fruitarianism!! I really like how you give advice to others so that they try and understand that animals do suffer when they kill them. I think when you see the animals eyes yo have a unique connection with them. I love animals, being around one or finding one in the street makes me feel very positive and full of energy. I have been vegan for 8 years now, and I recommend to anyone who is starting to eat healthier, to read about interesting subjects, and too look up for the answers on the internet, because you can find many valuable information to keep on changing the eating habbits. I know one day we will look back and all this animal suffering will be in the past, because to keep evolving we need to change our old ideas and start using our mind and consciousness the proper way, by eating nature gifts and by respecting the animals. n_n

I've been a hypocrite for so many years, calling myself an animal lover and eating meat...but I'm so glad I finally woke up. I hope this video will reach many people and make them wake up too!

Valentine’s Day is here. And I wish it wasn’t about the commercialization of romance. I wish it wasn’t about romance at all but about love in general, including self-love. And I wish suicide rates would not always peak around this time of the year.

check out my valentines post and let me know

That is a very sad and important contrast you are pointing out, I think you have a very healthy outlook on how we could improve this Valentine's day - nothing wrong with romance, though - Maybe we could create a whole new day altogether being about love? Additionally, I think suicide prevention is something that we also need to give much more attention, care to in this society. I'll check out your post about it.

people will only fall in love with someone if they are alive from inside, you can save someone from committing suicide but they will need entirely new life, to start a one.

Really happy to see that you're finding success here bro!

please voteback..

It's unfortunate that we treat them this way.. Close-quarters cages, antibiotics, sleeping in feces.... THEN WE EAT THEM! Doesn't sound too healthy for anyone.

Yes, let's aspire to change in each our own little ways.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i am a self proclaimed animal lover ..love anything and evrythng abt animals ...loved watching this...at the same time makes me feel sad how badly they are treated ...breaks my heart


I was touched by your video. For a long time now I feel that the differences between humans and animals are not as great as we were led to believe. I still eat meat from time to time, but I'm quite sure that if I had to kill the animal I want to eat, I wouldn't be able to do it, looking at them begging for their lives... So we had only hens, and the deal was that they provide eggs as long as they were able to, and then they got pension until they die of a natural death. Doing this for about 15 years, I learned a lot about hens, it was really very interesting! Thank you for that video, it resonated profoundly with me...

Very happy that you connected with the video, I relate to your experience about the differences - for each year I feel that animals seem less and less different from me, and I recognize more of the intricate beings they really are. I think this has to do with more of the conditioning falling away - - realizing all that I was thought while growing up wans't really true, for me at least.

Yes, it seems that very few people have a real understanding for animals. Perhaps that is linked to the fact that when you are at ease in your human society, you don't have much time left to observe them properly and over time; it's only when you don't really fit in that you turn yourself to animals; they are often much kinder and welcoming and their love, when they give it, is always true and unwaving, they never take it back. They may not speak a language like we do, but they do communicate their needs quite clearly, I think. And they are able to learn a lot, just like we do.

nice video! I've been trying to get people see these farm animals as sentient beings instead...one day we'll succeed I'm convinced of it

Thank you, I think we all have the capacity to see it in that way and hope we all do as fast as possible.

Such a powerful message. Thanks for sharing, brother <3


Exactly..let take care of them in a well human being manner

keep spreading the love!

Powerful powerful delivery

very interesting

William Shakespeare once said that, "The eyes are the window to your soul."
I don't think it's a coincidence you've recognized how the eyes have a certain depth when it comes to connection.
It was actually the eyes of a seal in a aquarium which led me to become a vegan. Being raised in a family where hunting and farming is tradition, many people question how I was able to overcome that programming in order to see, objectively, the truth about animal welfare and agriculture. I can only say it was always easy to determine what was right and wrong. Simple gut check. It was actually 'time' which gave me the strength and gall to stand up for what I always knew to be good, loving and righteous.

A very interesting story, that must have been quite a contrast for you. Trust your gut, and time will do the rest. Happy you made a righteous decision.