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Beautiful delicate flowers and in the distance a volcano (super)

amazingly beautiful picture, great view

well it's natural for me to be alone without feeling lonely, I guess because I am an introvert, it's a curse and strength at the same time in my opinion

Me too, I even go travelling alone. That way I can even mess up without feeling embarrassed. Only the locals can laugh at me and chances are, they'll never see me again in their entire lives... so, who cares? Eh eh! 😛

@skytoin Curse and a strength yes haha. I've had people tell me I'm alone too much, but I like it.
And thanks for the compliment!

Welcome to the club, then! :-D

@trincowski Exactly!! If you got no one there watching ya, you get to do whatever you want. Cuz like you said, the people will most likely never see you again hahah

@trincowski Thanks! =D